Toe, Foot, Ankle, & Heel Info Flashcards
How many bones are there in the foot?
How many phalanges does the foot consist of?
How many metatarsals does the foot consist of?
How many tarsals does the foot consist of?
What are phalanges when pertaining to the foot?
Toe bones
What are metatarsals?
Bones of the instep
What are tarsals?
Ankle bones
How many divisions are there of the foot?
What are the three divisions of the foot?
- Forefoot
- Midfoot
- Hindfoot
What does the forefoot consist of?
- Metatarsals
- Phalanges (Toes)
What does the midfoot consist of?
- 5 Tarsals
- 3 Cuneiforms
- Navicular
- Cuboid
How many tarsals are there in the midfoot?
How many cuneiforms are there in the midfoot?
What does the hindfoot consist of?
- Talus
- Calcaneus
How many surfaces does the foot have?
What are the surfaces of the foot?
- Dorsum (Dorsal)
- Plantar
What is the dorsum/dorsal surface of the foot?
The superior surface of the foot
What is the plantar surface of the foot?
The inferior surface of the foot
What division of the foot consists of the talus & calcaneus?
What division of the foot consists of the tarsals, cuneiforms, navicular, & cuboid?
What division of the foot consists of the metatarsals & phalanges (toes)?
What is the superior surface of the foot called?
Dorsum (Dorsal) surface
What is the inferior surface of the foot called?
Plantar surface
How many arches does the foot have?
What are the arches of the foot?
- Longitudinal (medial & lateral)
- Transverse
What are the attributes of the longitudinal arch?
- Shock absorber
- Weight-bearing
- Permits smooth walking
- Medial more pronounced
What are the attributes for the transverse arch?
- Runs side-to-side
- Supports longitudinal arch
- Contains cuneiforms & cuboids
What does the medial view of the longitudinal arch show?
- 1st Metatarsal
- 1st Cuneiform
- Navicular
- Talus
- Calcaneous
What does the lateral view of the longitudinal arch show?
- Calcaneus
- Talus
- Cuboid
What does the transverse arch show?
- Cuboid
- 1st cuneiform
- 2nd cuneiform
- 3rd cuneiform
The longitudinal arch absorbs _____
Which arch is a weight-bearing arch?
What arch is shock absorbing?
The longitudinal arch permits _______
Smooth walking
What arch permits smooth walking?
What side is more pronounced in a longitudinal arch?
Which arch has a more pronounced medial?
Which arch permits side-to-side running?
The transverse arch runs _______
What does the transverse arch support?
Longitudinal arch
Which arch contains the cuneiforms and cuboid?
Transverse arch
How many movements does the foot and ankle have?
What are the 4 movements of the foot & ankle?
- Dorsiflexion
- Plantar flexion
- Inversion (Vargus)
- Eversion (Valgus)
Whats another word for vargus?
Whats another word for inversion?
Whats another word for eversion?
Whats another word for valgus?
What is dorsiflexion?
- Flex ankle joint
- Pointing foot upward
What is plantar flexion?
- Extend ankle joint
- Pointing foot downward
What is inversion (vargus)?
Turning inward
What is eversion (valgus)?
Turning outward
What is the movement called when flexing the ankle joint or pointing the foot upward?
What is the movement called when extending the ankle joint or pointing the foot downward?
Plantar flexion
What is the movement called when turning the foot inward?
Inversion (vargus)
What is the movement called when turning the foot outward?
How many phalanges does the great (big) toe have?
2 (distal & proximal)
How many phalanges does the 2nd-5th toe have?
3 (distal, middle, & proximal)
What is each phalanx composed of?
- Body
- Base
- Head
What part of the phalanx is proximal?
What part of the phalanx is distal?
The base of the phalanx is ______ and the head is ______
- Proximal
- Distal
How are the phalanges of the foot different from the phalanges of the hand?
The phalanges of the foot are smaller & have limited movement
How are the metatarsals numbered?
1-5 starting from the medial side of the foot
What do the metatarsals consist of?
- Body
- Base
- Head
What forms the ball of the foot?
5 metatarsal heads
What do the 5 metatarsal heads form in the foot?
The ball of the foot
Which metatarsal is the shortest & thickest?
1st metatarsal
Which metatarsal is the longest?
2nd metatarsal
Which metatarsal contains a prominent tuberosity prone to fracture?
5th metatarsal
The 5th metatarsal contains a prominent ______ prone to ______
- Tuberosity
- Fracture
The 2nd metatarsal is the ______
1st metatarsal is the ______
Shortest & thickest
What is an avulsion fracture?
Fracture of the fifth metatarsal tuberosity
What is a fracture of the fifth metatarsal tuberosity called?
Avulsion fracture
Whats a jones fracture?
A fracture near the base of the metatarsal
What is a fracture near the base of the metatarsal called?
Jones fracture
Whats a mid-shaft fracture?
A fracture on the mid-shaft of the metatarsal
Whats a fracture on the mid-shaft of the metatarsal called?
Mid-shaft fracture
What are the joints of the metatarsals?
- Metatarsophalangeal (MTP) joint
- Tarsometatarsal (TMT) joint
How many joints does the metatarsals have?
How many joints does the phalanges have?
What are the joints of the phalanges?
- Interphalangeal (IP) joint
- Distal Interphalangeal (DIP) joint
- Proximal Interphalangeal (PIP) joint
Where are the metatarsophalangeal (MTP) joints located?
Heads of the metatarsals
Where are the tarsometatarsal (TMT) joints located?
Bases of metatarsals
What joint is located at the bases of the metatarsals?
Tarsometatarsal (TMT) joint
What joint is located at the heads of the metatarsals?
Metatarsophalangeal (MTP) joint
What digit is the interphalangeal (IP) joint located?
1st digit only
What joint is located on the 1st digit?
Interphalangeal (IP) Joint
What joints are located on the 2nd to 5th digits?
- Distal interphalangeal (DIP) joint
- Proximal interphalangeal (PIP) joint
Where is the proximal interphalangeal (PIP) joint located on the 2nd to 5th digits?
Between the proximal and middle phalanges
Where is the distal interphalangeal (DIP) joint located on the 2nd to 5th digits?
Between the middle and distal phalnges
Where is the interphalangeal (IP) joint located on the 1st digit?
Between the proximal and distal phalanges
What are the joints of the foot classified as?
Synovial joints
How many tarsals are in the foot?
What are the tarsals in the foot?
- Calcaneus (Os calcis or heel)
- Talus (Astragalus)
- Navicular (Scaphoid)
- Cuboid
- Medial cuneiform (1st cuneiform)
- Intermediate cuneiform (2nd cuneiform)
- Lateral cuneiform (3rd cuneiform)
Whats another word for calcaneus?
Os calcis or heel
Whats another word for Os calcis/heel?
Whats another word for talus?
Whats another word for astragalus?
Whats another word for navicular?
Whats another word for scaphoid?
Which tarsal bone does not have an alternate name?
Does the cuboid have an alternate name?
Whats another word for medial cuneiform?
1st cuneiform
Whats another word for 1st cuneiform?
Medial cuneiform
Whats another word for the intermediate cuneiform?
2nd cuneiform
Whats another word for the 2nd cuneiform?
Intermediate cuneiform
Whats another word for the lateral cuneiform?
3rd cuneiform
Whats another word for the 3rd cuneiform?
Lateral cuneiform
What bone is the largest, strongest one in the foot?
The calcaneus is the ____, _______ bone in the foot
- Largest
- Strongest
What bone contains 3 articular facets/surfaces that join with the talus?
How many articular facets/ surfaces does the calcaneus have?
What do the 3 articular facets/surfaces of the calcaneus join with?
What part of the calcaneus joins with the talus?
The 3 articular facets/surfaces
What does cuneiform mean?
Which bone literally means wedge-shaped?
Which cuneiform is the smallest?
Intermediate (2nd) cuneiform
The intermediate cuneiform is the ______
Which cuneiform is the largest?
Medial (2nd) cuneiform
The medial (2nd) cuneiform is the _____
Where does the cuboid lie on the foot?
- Lateral side of the foot
- Distal to calcaneus
- Proximal to the 4th & 5th metatarsals
What tarsal lies on the lateral side of the foot, distal to the calcaneus and proximal to the 4th & 5th metatarsals?
What tarsal is the cuboid distal to?
What metatarsals is the cuboid proximal to?
4th & 5th metatarsals
Where does the navicular (scaphoid) lie?
- Medial side of foot
- Between talus & the 3 cuneiforms
What tarsal lies on the medial side of the foot between the talus & 3 cuneiforms?
Navicular (scaphoid)
Which tarsals do the navicular (scaphoid) lie between?
Talus & 3 cuneiforms
Where is the talus (astragalus) located?
Between the lower leg and calcaneus
Which tarsal is located between the lower leg and calcaneus?
Talus (astragalus)
Which tarsal is the 2nd largest and most superior?
Talus (astragalus)
The talus (astragalus) is the _______ tarsal & the most ______ tarsal
- 2nd largest
- Most superior
Which bones in the foot are a common fracture site?
Sesamoid bones
The sesamoid bones are a _________
Common fracture site
Where are the sesamoid bones located?
The plantar surface by the head of the 1st metatarsal
Which bones are located by the plantar surface by the head of the 1st metatarsal?
Sesamoid bones
How many sesamoid bones are there?
What surface are the sesamoid bones located on?
Plantar surface
Which metatarsal head are the sesamoid bones located?
1st metatarsal head
Are sesamoid bones mostly seen in children or adults?
What is detached from the foot and embedded within two tendons?
Sesamoid bones
The sesamoid bones are _________ the foot and ______ within _______
- Detached from
- Embedded
- Two tendons
Where are the sesamoid bones embedded in the foot
Two tendons
What forms the ankle joint?
- Tibia
- Fibula
- Talus
What do the tibia, fibula, & talus form?
Ankle joint
What is the ankle joint classified as?
Synovial, hinge joint
Where is the lateral malleolus located?
On the fibula
Where is the medial malleolus located?
On the tibia
What is located on the fibula?
Lateral malleolus
What is located on the tibia?
Medial malleolus
What is an ankle mortise?
Deep socket formed by the tibia & fibula into which the talus fits
What is the deep socket formed by the tibia & fibula into which the talus fits called?
Ankle mortise