C-Spine Positioning Flashcards
What SID is used for most C-spine views?
What IR is sued for C-spine views?
What SID is used for the left lateral c-spine?
What are the structures seen for the left lateral c-spine?
- Open intervertebral disk spaces and zygapophyseal joints
- All 7 cervical vertebrae and at least 1/3 of T1
- No rotation or tilt of the c-spine
- Spinous processes in profile
How is the patient positioned for the left lateral c-spine?
- Have patient depress shoulders
- Patient in left lateral position on upright bucky
- Top of IR 1” above EAM
- MSP parallel with plane of IR
- Elevate chin slightly
Where is the CR for the left lateral c-spine?
Perpendicular to C4 and 1” posterior to EAM
What breathing technique is used for the left lateral c-spine?
Exposure taken at end of full expiration
What view would need to be done if your unable to get C7 on a lateral?
Swimmers view of C7 - T1
What are the structures seen for an AP axial c-spine?
- Open intervertebral disk spaces (C3 to T2)
- C3 thru C7 and upper two to three thoracic vertebrae seen
- Superimposed transverse, spinous, and articular processes
- By slightly extending the head you remove the mandible from area of interest
What breathing technique is used for an AP axial c-spine?
Suspended respiration (no swallowing)
How is the patient positioned for an AP axial c-spine?
- Patient in AP position at upright bucky or supine on table
- Occlusal plane and mastoid tips in same plane and perpendicular to IR
- Center MSP to IR
Where is the CR for an AP axial c-spine?
Enters at level of C4 (the most prominent part of the thyroid cartilage)
What angle is the CR for an AP axial c-spine?
15-20 degrees cephalic
What are the structures seen for an AP axial oblique c-spine?
- Intervertebral foramina and pedicles farthest from the IR
- C1-7 & T1 are seen
- Open intervertebral disk spaces
- Elevated chin overlaps C1-2
What breathing technique is used for an AP axial oblique c-spine?
Suspended respiration
How is the patient positioned for an AP axial oblique c-spine?
- Begin w/ patient in AP at vertical bucky
- Rotate patient head & body into a 45 degree RPO/LPO position w/ shoulder against bucky
- Slightly elevate the chin
- Top of IR 1” above EAM
Where is the CR for an AP axial oblique c-spine?
Enters at the level of C4
What angle is the CR for an AP axial oblique c-spine?
15-20 degrees cephalic
What are the structures seen for an AP open-mouth c-spine?
- Dens, atlas, axis, and C1-2 articulations seen
- Entire articular surfaces of C1 and C2 seen
- Superimposed occlusal plane of the upper central incisors and the base of the skull
- Shadow of tongue not projected over the atlas and axis
How is the patient positioned for an AP open-mouth c-spine?
- Patient supine on table or upright on vertical bucky w/ mouth open
- Line from tip of upper incisors to tip of mastoid process (or base of skull) to equal perpendicular to plane of IR
- Phonate “AHHHH” during exposure to place tongue on the mouth floor
Where is the CR for an AP open-mouth c-spine?
Perpendicular to MSP and C1 at level of mastoid tip (just inferior to upper incisors)
What are the structures seen for an AP/AP Axial Dens view (Fuchs method)?
- Entire dens within the foramen magnum
- Symmetry of mandible, cranium, and vertebrae. indicating no rotation of head or neck
What collimation is used for an AP/AP Axial Dens view (Fuchs method)?
What breathing technique is used for an AP/AP Axial Dens view (Fuchs method)?
Suspended respiration
How is the patient positioned for an AP/AP Axial Dens view (Fuchs method)?
- Patient is either supine or upright
- Extend patients chin until the tip of the chin and the tip of the mastoid process are vertical
- MSP is perpendicular with plane of the IR
Where is the CR for an AP/AP Axial Dens view (Fuchs method)?
Enters at the neck at MSP just distal to the tip of the chin
What is the angle of the CR for a Modified AP/AP Axial Dens view (Modified Fuchs method)?
up to 30-degrees cephalic