TLO 2.5 Renal/Urinary Child Flashcards
Anatomy of urinary system of child
Stress: reduced kidney function in infants Shorter urethras Complete bladder control by age 4-5 Most regain normal function following acute renal failure Output: Infants: 2mL/kg/hr Children: .5-1mL/kg/hr Adolescents: 40-60 mL/hr
Urinary diagnostic tests for children
Urinalysis, Culture and sensitivity often included
Serum studies: BUN (5-18 child), creatinine (0.3-0.7 child), osmolality
KUB (kidney, ureters, bladder)
Imaging: CT, VCUG (voiding crystal urethrogram), Renal US
UTI in children
Presence of bacteria in urine caused from outside the urethra getting into bladder and UT
- fecal bacteria causes most UTI’s
- bacteria in blood (seeds in kidney) can cause UTI in infants
Predisposed r/t
Urinary tract obstructions Urinary stasis r/t voiding dysfunction Anatomic differences Susceptibility to infection Reflux Toilet training females Sexually active adolescent girls
UTI manifestations INFANTS
vague/nonspecific fever irritability crying when voiding odorous urine feeding difficulties
UTI manifestation CHILDREN
ab pain frequency/urgency dysuria fever enuresis (involuntary urination, especially by children at night.)
What is pyelonephritis?
Inflammation of the pelvis (acute infection of kidney): high fever, chills back pain costovertebral angle tenderness N/V
UTI therapeutic management
oral antibiotics with non complicated UTI
identifying contributing factors to prevent recurrence
prevent system spread of infection
preserve renal function
educate on reason for procedures
keep infant/child’s routine
encourage parents/child be part of care
monitor hydration: encourage fluids, monitor signs of dehydration, I/O, skin turgor
ensure completion of antibiotic promote comfort good hydration keep following up appointments and diagnostic studies monitor for return of symptoms
what is it?
Absence of at least one testicle descent from scrotum:
occurs when one or both testes fails to descent
affects about 1-5% of healthy boys at birth
most infants have spontaneous descent by age 6 months
Cryptorchidism manifestations
Testes no palpable
Testes not easily guided into the scrotum
Previously descended testis that ascends into extrascrotal position
**Children with undescended testes are at increased risk for malignancy and infertility
Cryptorchidism therapeutic management
Observation of infant up to 6 months
Assess for testicular presence at each well child exam
Persists >6 mo = orchidopexy (done before 12 mo of age reduces risk of adverse consequences
Cryptorchidism interventions
Educate parents
provide parents with information/resources
Provide post-op care
what is it?
Opening of urethral meatus is below the normal placement on the glans of the penis
Different degrees: some slightly ventral to glans or as far back as penoscrotal junction
One of the most common congenital anomaly