TLO 2.2 Cardiovascular Child Flashcards
Fetal Circulation
Ductus Venosis
- smaller of the 2 branches of the umbilical vein as it empties into the inferior vena cava
- allows blood to bypass the liver
Foramen Ovale
- opening between the atria and the fetal heart that closes after birth
- shunt between R and L atria
Ductus Arteriosus
- connection between main pulmonary artery and the aorta in the fetus
- allows blood to bypass lungs
Fetal circulation: placenta?
Gas exchange takes place in the placenta
Fetal Circulation
Oxygenated blood travels?
Umbilical Vein:
brings oxygenated blood to fetus
small amount is routed directly to liver
Ductus Venosus bypasses liver
Inferior Vena Cava
R Atrium:
Foramen Ovale (closes shortly after birth)
small opening in septum that shunts blood from right atrium to left atrium
Left atrium
Left ventricle
Aorta: circulates to brain and coronary arteries
Diagnostic test: BLOOD TESTS?
- Hgb (measures O2 carrying capacity of RBC)
- Hct (% of blood volume that’s RBC’s)
- ESR (helpful in diagnosing inflammatory conditions)
Blood Culture
Arterial Blood Gasses (ABG’s): analyze oxygenation, ventilation and acid base balance
Fetal circulation
Blood returning from upper body:
Right atrium- tricuspid valve
Right ventricle
Pulmonary arteries- small amount (8%) travels to lungs (not functioning). Most goes thru the Ductus Arteriosus (bypasses the lungs)
descending Aorta (perfuses organs and tissues of lower body)
2 umbilical arteries
Diagnostic Tests
Records electrical conduction of the heart
Diagnostic Tests
Looks at lungs, heart, chest, diaphragm, ribs.
Posterior, anterior, lateral
Diagnostic Tests
Sonogram or echocardiogram
Noninvasive procedure that visualizes and records information concerning cardiac structures including the position, size and movement of valves
Diagnostic Tests
Invasive test that detects abnormalities in the heart chambers, valves, and blood vessels
Types: diagnostic, interventional, electrophysiology
Measures pressures, oxygen levels in heart chambers
Visualizes heart structures and blood flow patterns
Radiopaque catheter is the visualizing aide used
Diagnostic Tests
Noninvasive, computer based procedure that provides information r/t anatomy, congenital defects, blood clots and infections, looks at soft tissues
Congenital Heart Defects
Contributing factors:
maternal infections, alcoholism, drug use, dietary deficiencies, IDDM (insulin dependent diabetes mellites) and >40 years old
dysrhythmias, cyanosis, pallor, heart murmurs, decreased BP, frequent respiratory infections and fatigue
Congenital Heart Defects
Anatomic abnormality
Hemodynamic abnormality
Tissue oxygenation abnormality
- acyanotic (normal oxygenation)
- cyanotic
Congenital Heart Defects
Right to left shunting lesions that INCREASE pulmonary blood flow
- patent ductus arteriosus***
- arterial septal defect
- ventricular septal defect
- atrioventricular septal defect
Obstructive or stenotic or lesions that DECREASE cardiac outflow
- pulmonary stenosis
- aortic stenosis
- coarctation of aorta (narrowing of aorta)***
***main ones on exam
Post cardiac catheterization complications?
Acute hemorrhage at entry site Low grade fever Vomiting Loss of pulse in catheterized extremity Transient dysrhythmias Rare: stroke, seizures, tamponade, death
Congenital Heart Defects
DECREASED pulmonary blood flow
- tetralogy of fallot***
- tricuspid atresia
- pulmonary atresia
INCREASED pulmonary blood flow
-truncus arteriosus
MIXED lesions
-transposition of great vessels with VSD
***main one on exam
Congenital Heart Defect symptom?
Increased pulse Increased respirations Retarded growth Fatigue URI
Acyanotic congenital heart defects examples (left to right shunt)
Right to left shunt:
Patent ductus arteriosus**
Arterial septal defect
Ventricular septal defect
Acyanotic congenital heart defects
Increase fatigue Heart murmurs Increase risk of endocarditis CHF Growth retardation
Patent Ductus Arteriosus (acyanotic)
What is it?
Ductus arteriosus fails to close at birth causing oxygenated blood to be shunted into pulmonary circulation.
Results in increased pulmonary blood flow
Patent Ductus arteriosus (acyanotic)
Continued loud murmur Pallor Widened pulse pressure Feeding problems Resp infections Cardiomegaly CHF Pulmonary edema
Patent Ductus Arteriosus (acyanotic)
Treat CHF (right, left, complete) Right: edema, enlarged liver Left: pulmonary edema Complete: polycythemia (blood cancer, thickening of cell, slowing flow) -CVA (heart attack)
Mediations: Digoxin Diuretics O2 Pain meds Rest
Surgical repair usually done by 1 yr
Coarctation of the Aorta (acyanotic)
what is it?
Narrowed aorta obstructs the outflow from left ventricle causing increased left ventricular pressure.
Pulmonary blood flow is normal
Coarctation of the Aorta (acyanotic)
Decreased circulation to lower extremities (low B/P in lower extremities) Growth retardation Fatigues HA Epistaxis (nose bleed) Leg cramps Cardiomegaly CHF Metabolic acidosis
Coarctation of the Aorta (acyanotic)
Prostaglandin E: dilates narrowed vessels
Balloon dilation
Surgical repair usually done at 2-4 years old
Cardiovascular disorders
Two major Groups
Congenital heart disease
Acquired heart disorders
Congenital Heart Disease defined with examples
Anatomic abnormalities present at birth that result in abnormal cardiac function
Clinical consequences: 2 broad categories
- congestive heart failure
- hypoxemia
- genetic-trisomy 21 (Down Syndrome) incidence= 50%
Acquired Heart Disorders define with examples
Disease processes or abnormalities that occur after birth
- infection (Rheumatic fever)
- autoimmune responses (Kawasaki disease)
- environmental factors
- familial tendencies
Tetralogy of Fallot (cyanotic)
what is it?
Right to Left shunting of blood causes decreased pulmonary blood flow and decreased oxygen in systemic circulation
Tetralogy of Fallot
4 defects?
Ventricular Septal Defect
Pulmonary Stenosis
Overriding of the Aorta
Right ventricular Hypertrophy
Assessment of Child (family history)
Parent of sibling has heart defect
Frequent fetal loss
Sudden death in adults
Hereditary conditions
- Marfan syndrome: pectus excavatum, arachnodactyly, dilation of aorta
- Cardiomyopathy: hypertrophic cardiomyopathy
Physical assessment of child: General appearance
General appearance Weight (gain or loss) Activity level Skin color Effort of breathing Audible breath sounds
Physical assessment: suspected cardiac disease inspection
Nutritional state: failure to thrive, poor weight gain
Color: cyanosis (common with CHD), pallor, poor perfusion
Chest deformities: enlarged heart can cause deformity
Pulsations: visible pulsations of the neck veins
Respiratory excursion: ease or difficulty of resp (brady, tachy, dyspnea)
Clubbing of fingers: associated with cyanosis and chronic hypoxia
Heart Murmurs: causes?
S.P.A.M.S. Stenosis of a valve Partial obstruction Aneurysms Mitral regurgitation Septal defect
Heart Murmurs: types?
- crescendo (increased during systole)
- decrescendo (decreased during systole)
-indicates pathologic disease