Tissue types Flashcards
What are the four primary tissue types?
What makes something an organ?
A discrete boundary with two or more tissue types.
What makes up a tissue?
A cell and matrix
True or false -
Matrix is made of fibers and ground substance
___________ is nonliving matter secreted by cells.
What tissue type lines and protects?
Epithelial tissue
True or false -
Epithelial tissue is very vascular with lots of blood vessels.
False - Epithelial tissue is avascular that have little blood flow and relies on connective tissue for nutrients.
Explain why epithelial tissue has a high mitotic rate.
It is high because that need to replace cells often. Think about skin cells coming off or needing to replace cells in the stomach. They need new cells because they use cells.
What is the arrangement of epithelial tissue?
Explain each section.
Basement membrane - between the epithelial tissue and the CT. It is used to anchor the tissue together and is used to regulate materials and growth factors
Base surface - facing the basement membrane
Apical surface - facing away.
What are the 6 functions of epithelial tissue?
Protect - injury and infection (epidermis and stomach)
Produce and release - Secretion of chemicals (sweat, and mucus)
Excretes waste - CO2 and bile
Absorbs chemicals - Small intestines
Filters - kidneys
Sense stimuli - nerve endings
How are epithelial tissue classified?
By the numbers of layers and the shape of cells
True or false -
Stratified epithelium tissue has every cell touching the basement membrane.
False - stratified cells rest on top of each other and can be 2-20 cells thick.
What type of epithelial tissue is only one layer?
Simple epithelium has every cell touching the basement membrane.
What type of tissue has a greater amount of matrix then cells?
Connective tissue, the cells are not in direct contact
________ is a CT that does not have much blood flow.
True or false -
CT is the second most abundant type of tissue after muscular tissue.
False - CT is the most abundant tissue type and have the most variety
What are the 8 functions of connective tissue?
Binding structures - tendons and fat
Support - bones and cartilage
Protection - Fat around kidneys and eyes
Immune response - White blood cells
Movement - joints, vocal cords, and bone levers
Storage - Fat reserve, bone for calcium
Heat protection - brown fat is what produced heat
Transport - Blood, gases, nutrients and waste
What are the four categories of CT?
Fibrous - Loose and dense
Adipose - Fat
Supportive - Cartilage and bone
Fluid - Blood
True or false -
There are four types of matrix found in CT
(Name them)
False - there are three types of matrix
Collogenous fibers - Collagen (25% protein) for flexibility and strength
Elastic fiber - elastin, great flexibly and allows for stretching an recoil
Reticuler fibers - thin and branching fibers that are not strong.
What are the four main CT cells?
Fibroblasts - produce fibers/ground substance
Macrophages - immune response
Leukocytes - White blood cells
Adipocytes - Not adipose tissue
Empty space = _____________
Ground substance
Explain loose CT
Found between tissues and organs as a way to bind. They are widely spaced and have no arrangement like a web. Lot of ground substance
Explain dense CT
found between organs and tissues and is bound tightly. Very minimal ground substance due to the tight spacing.
What type of CT cell has a constant turn over of cells?
Adipose tissue.
What are the two types of adipose tissue and what are they good for?
White adipose - is most abundant in adults and is used for insulation and anchoring and cushioning
Brown adipose - is in children. It has lots of blood vessels and is heat generating because it is the breaking down of fat.
Which of the CT has the least amount of blood flow?
Supportive connective tissue, slow healing
True or false -
The three types of supportive CT are hyaline, elastic, and fibroblasts.
False - the three kinds are hyaline, elastic, and fibrocatilage.
What are the two types of osseous tissue?
Compact and spongy
True or false -
Plasma is a ground substance
True - it is the ground substance for blood
Why is blood considered a CT?
Fibers are needed to be classified and clotting is fibers for the blood
What cell type is found in the brain?
Nervous tissue
What are the two cells types for nervous tissue?
Neurons - detect stimuli
Neuroglia - protect and assist the neurons
How do you differentiate muscle cells from other cells?
They are elongated cells that are specialized to contract and exert force.
What are the three types of muscle cells?
Smooth - Lining of organs
Cardiac - heart muscles
Skeletal - normal muscle