Appendicular Skeleton Flashcards
How many bones does the average adult have?
How many bones does the average baby at birth have?
Adult - 206
Baby - 270 this number decreases due to fusion
What is a fissure?
A slit through the bone
What is a facet?
A smooth joint surface that is flat or only slightly curved
True or false -
A fossa is a hole though a bone, and usually round
False - a fossa is a shallow, broad, or elongated basin
A hole through a bone that is usually round is called a foramen
What are the four regions of the upper limb and what bones are found in these regions?
Brachium - upper arm which goes to the shoulder to the elbow. Only bone is the humerus
Antibrachium - elbow to wrist. 2 bones, radius and ulna
Carpus - carpal region with 8 small bones
Manus - 19 bones in two groups, 5 metacarpals in the palm, and 14 phalanges in the fingers
What two bones make up the pectoral girdle?
The clavicle and the scapula
How many carpal bones are there?
Two rows of four = eight
True or false -
Your metacarpal bone and phalanges are names the same in your hands and feet.
If you were trying to identify the sex of a skeleton what would you look for.
Be specific.
Female pelvis - wider, shallower, larger and rounder inlet and outlet.
Male pelvis - Less “bowl” like, narrow pubic arch, heavier and thicker bone, narrow greater sciatic notch.
_______ is the largest bone in the pelvic girdle.
What is apart of the femoral region?
Hip to knee including the patella.
What region contains the knee to the ankle?
Crural region
What is the strongest bone in the body?
The femur which also happens to be the longest.
Bone to bone = _________
What is the base of the patella?
Flat superior portion of the patella.
What is the weight bearing bone in the crural regions?
The tibia