Spinal Cord Flashcards
What are the main functions of the spinal cord?
Neural integration
______- is a function of the spinal cord that sends sensory signals from the body to the brain and also motor signals from the brain to the muscles.
________- Is a function that has pools of neurons integrate signals from various source
Neural integration
_______- Is a function is to control movement
_______- Is a function that controls posture, motor, coordination, and protection from injury
How many pairs of mixes spinal nerves are there?
31 pairs
What are the two areas of the spinal cord that are thicker then others and why?
Cervical controls the nerves to the upper limbs
Lumbar controls the nerves to the pelvic region and lower limbs
Where is the medullary cone and how would you identify it?
It is where the cord tappers to a point inferior to the lumbar enlargement
Where is the caude equina and what is it?
It is a bundle of nerve roots that are found in the vertebral canal from L2-S5
What are the three fibrous membranes that enclose the brain and spinal cord?
Dura mater
Pia Mater
________ is a sheath that surrounds the spinal cord and separates from the peritoneum of the vertebra. It is also used for stability
Dura mater
_____ is a membrane that adheres to dura and is separated from the pia by fibers. It is filled with fluid and this is where they shoot for when getting a spinal tap.
________ is a delicate membrane that is transparent and follows the contour of the CNS
Pia mater
What is the difference between grey and white matter?
Grey matter is neuron cell bodies with little or non myelin. It is a site for information processing and synaptic integration
White matter is myelinated axons and carries signal from one part of the CNS to another
What are the parts to the central core of the spinal cord and what is it made of?
Posterior horn Lateral horn Anterior horn Gray commissure It is all made of grey matter
What does the posterior horn do?
It receives information only from sensory and is made of the cell bodies of interneurons
What does the anterior horn do?
It is found on the ventral side and holds the somas for motor neurons and that is it.
What is grey commissure for?
It connects the right and left sides of the spinal cord
What is the lateral horn for?
It is visible from T2 through L1 and the neurons are a part of the sympathetic nervous system.
What is white matter made of and what is the function?
It is made of bundles of axons that go up and down the white matter starting in the brain or parts of the grey matter. It is used for communication between levels in the CNS
What are the three faniculi (parts) of white matter?
What are two distinct tracks that are found in faniculi and what do they do?
Ascending - sensory info to higher levels of the cord and brain
Descending - Motor signals from brain to meet motor neurons that control the muscles or glands
What is decussation?
The crossing over to the other side of the brain or spinal cord