THY UNIT 1 Flashcards
In Spirituality, we find?
an image of the Spirit in search for connection.
Mission without an accompanying spirituality is like?
Mission without an accompanying spirituality is like a body without its soul.
_____ is usually contrasted with body or matter
What is an attribute of the children of God?
The Spirit of God is what kind of Spirit?
Spirituality is ______.
all of life
______ is considered to be the opposite of physical or material.
T or F: While SPIRIT and SPIRITUAL maybe opposite in common parlance of matter and material, body and physical, IT IS NOT SO ACCORDING TO BIBLICAL USAGE.
T or F: In the Bible, the body is not considered a “SPIRITUAL BODY” (1Cor. 15: 42-44)
Just like life, spirituality is a ____.
Just as there are different ways or styles of living, _______
we speak not only of spirituality BUT of spiritualities.
T or F: SPIRITUALITIES are not that different according to the SPIRIT.
F; SPIRITUALITIES are different styles of living according to the SPIRIT.
Each SPIRITUALITY is a ______, a way to becoming proficient in living the life of the _____.
What is spirituality?
It is the awareness of the transcendent (‘the beyond in our midst’)
awareness of something beyond intellectual knowledge or normal sensory experience.
Where did the word spirituality come from?
Latin word spiritus meaning breath of life
Spirit is the unseen force that _____.
breathes life into us, enlivens us gives us energy.
Where did the word religion come from?
religion meaning reliance or connection
T or F: Spirit helps to define the true, real unique self that is us and confirms our individuality.
Religion or Spirituality: Collective
Religion or Spirituality: personal and individual
Religion or Spirituality: does not require a distinct format or traditional organization
Religion or Spirituality: brings people together of similar beliefs
What did St. Thomas of Aquinas describe in the Summa Theologae
(“to read again”, “to consider carefully)
RE LIGARE (“to bind again”)
(“to choose again”)
How did St. Thomas describe religion?
Not a theological virtue but a moral virtue.
Religion is the virtue by which we pay due worship to God.
Spirituality can be understood as ?
that aspect of human existence which relates to structures of significance that gives meaning and direction to a person’s life and helps them deal with the vicissitudes of existence.
Spirituality is associated with?
the human quest for meaning, purpose, self- transcending knowledge, meaningful relationships, love and a sense of the holy.
T or F: Our morality is based on our spirituality.
The rightness or wrongness of how we understand our actions is based on ?
what we value and how we find meaning.
to become fully human united w the divine
How to achieve the aims of spirituality?
What was Origen’s goal in life?
intimate and continual communion with God.
How did Origen see the path to intimacy with God?
as the soul’s journey from earth to heaven.
finding God through the five senses
finding God through perpetual communion with God
finding God through enlightened knowledge
After entering union with God through contemplation, what happens?
The result is a life of pure love and active charity.
St. Augustine of Hippo explained what?
spirituality is an inquiry into the supreme good, or the Summum Bonum which gives the happiness that all human beings seek.
Where can the happiness described by St. Augustine be found?
in the enjoyment of God and his presence.
Man has a _____ which is the outcome of original sin.
wounded nature
What are the 3 classifications of desire in man accord. to St. Augustine?
Desire of the Flesh
Desire for Wealth and Possessions
Desire for Power or Authority
T or F: According to Origen, if we continue to rely on what God wants us to do, our lives will not perish, but it will become joyous instead.
F, St. Augustine
What does St. Augustine teach in the practice of the Evangelical Counsels?
“Love the Lord your God with all your heart and
with all your soul and (Chastity)
with all your strength and (Poverty)
with all your mind (Obedience)
Through the cultivation and practice of the ______, man is able to combat the desires present in him.
Evangelical Counsels
Desire for Power or Authority
Desire of the Flesh
Desire for Wealth or Possessions Obedience
What was St. Benedict interested in?
the question: “Do you truly seek God?”
T or F: Benedict was insensitive to the human condition as it really is. He understood that real people are all alike so you will find that all are treated alike.
F; Benedict was sensitive to the human condition as it really is. He understood that real people are not all alike so you will find that all are not treated alike.
What are the rules of St. Benedict?
Seeking God
The Common Good
Mutual Sharing
Care of the Earth
What is society accord. to St. Benedict
Seeking Material Things
AUTHENTIC CATHOLIC SPIRITUALITY sees Religion and Spirituality as?
intimately linked rather than opposed to each other.
For authentic Catholic Spirituality, ___ and _____ go together. One without the other parameter leads to _____ and ______
RULES and RELATIONSHIP; contempt and abuse
In authentic Catholic spirituality, it acknowledges that ______.
there are REVEALED WAYS by which we connect with GOD (e.g. Sacraments)
Authentic Catholic spirituality believes that _____ is not formed by human experience alone but by _______
SPIRITUALITY; conforming to a MANUAL – The Word of God.
What is one of the tenets of postmodernism?
One of the most basic tenets of postmodernism is the assumption that there is no absolute truth; it puts an end to all truth claims.
What does the postmodernism tenet mean?
any form of spirituality is valid and that anybody is free to devise his or her own spirituality, which cannot be imposed on another.
What kind of spiritualities are in postmodern tenets?
can be termed secular and have a high tolerance for ambiguity
Who claimed that a subjective-life spirituality is growing and will probably surpass religion?
Heelas and Woodhead (2005:12)
What did Heelas and Woodhead claim?
a subjective-life spirituality is growing and will probably surpass religion
We now live in what kind of world?
governed by the DICTATORSHIP OF RELATIVISM and submerged in a CRISIS OF TRUTH
What is truth?
Truth is what works, or serves our purposes
Truth is what corresponds to facts
Truth is what coheres with the rest of our knowledge
Spirituality is a search for?
the “real thing”
True spirituality is anchored on what truth?
What is the Crisis of Relativism?
there are no standards, no permanent moral values.
TRUTH is as fluid as the changing of an individual’s mind or preferences.
What is relativism?
belief that there are no such things as permanent or universal truths.
All truths, whether in matters of doctrine or morality, are dependent on the individual, on popular opinion, on society, on culture, etc. but never on an objective basis
All opinions are true and valid, even if they contradict each other.
One who is not a relativist is labelled as ?
Types of Relativism?
Relativism in Faith
Relativism in Morals
Practical Relativism
What kind of Relativism: There is no absolute truth in faith or religion.
Relativism in Faith
What kind of Relativism: If all beliefs are true, then all actions are good
Relativism in Morals
What kind of Relativism:
Practical Atheism: Indifference towards faith and the question of God.
Relativism in Morals
What kind of Relativism:
Utilitarianism & Hedonism: What is useful is good. What is pleasurable is good.
Relativism in Morals
What is Utilitarianism & Hedonism?
What is useful is good. What is pleasurable is good.
What is Practical Atheism?
Indifference towards faith and the question of God.
What kind of relativism: Religious Indifferentism
Relativism in Faith
What is religious indifferentism?
One religion is just as good as another. Christ is just among many.
What is Cafeteria Catholicism?
We are free to choose which Church teachings are we going to accept true and follow while abandoning those that does not suit our taste or preference.
What is in relativism in faith?
Religious Indifferentism
Cafeteria Catholicism
What is in Relativism in Morals?
Practical Atheism
Utilitarianism & Hedonism
While the Church insists on the existence of _____which are VALID FOR EVERYONE… there are those in our culture who portray this teaching as UNJUST, that is, _________.
objective moral norms
as opposed to basic human rights
What is Practical relativism?
form of moral relativism that is self-centered, self-indulgent, & grounded on convenience & material security
What are the characteristics of the Spirituality of Truth?
the same at all places and at all times
discovered and not made, not what I think or believe
It is the same for all people
What is the Truth according to St. Thomas?
Truth is the equation of mind and thing.
If his words/actions conform to what is in his mind
Moral Truthfulness
insofar persons correspond to how the Creator imagined them even before they were made.
If his mind conforms to reality
What is Spirituality in Truth?
Verifying the truth (Logical)
Living out the truth (Moral)
Actualizing the truth of who am, whose I am, for whom I am (Ontological)
What is the Ontological Truth?
Became incarnate in the person of Jesus Christ
In fact, it is only in the mystery of the Word incarnate that light is shed on the mystery of man.
What is the origin of the word truth?
Latin word Veritas
What is stated in Evangelii Gaudium, 35?
For truth to be conveyed effectively, requires a genuine love for the audience, learn their language, be immersed in their realities.
Not to saturate with doctrines but to concentrate in the proclamation of what their situation necessitates, simple enough to be understood by all without losing its depth and richness.
The ultimate purpose behind the transmission of truth is ______.
According to _____,
“Hence, communicating the truth today should not be by way of ______.”
Pope Francis; imposition but by attraction
According to _____,
“In the words, it is through the via _____ – the way of beauty the others are brought more effectively to the truth of Christ.”
Pope Benedict XVI; pulchritudinis
What are the expressions of what originally was just an idea in the Great Mind that brought it forth to existence – God?
Moral Truths and Logical truths
What is describes as, “life is nothing more than the quest for pleasure and satisfaction of human passions”
Where is this passage from?
“There is… a spirit of hedonism aboard today which beguiles men into thinking that life is nothing more than the quest for pleasure and satisfaction of human passions.”
Mater et Magistra, 235.
Where is the word hedonism from?
Greek hēdonē ‘pleasure’
What is hedonism?
pleasure (sensual pleasure) is the ultimate
goal of life, man’s highest good & greatest happiness.
pleasure and self-gratification as a way of life
promoted through advertisements
What is the purpose of a hedonist?
to get as much out of life as I can. Pain and suffering are evils that must be avoided at all costs. The main thing in life is to always feel good
A hedonist wants to have a pleasurable life.
ideology that emphasizes the acquisition and consumption of goods and services as a primary way of life
T or F: Reducing nature merely to a collection of contingent data ends up doing violence to the environment and even encouraging activity that fails to respect human nature itself.
ruthlessly consumes, exploits, and discards human life and our natural resources as one of the root causes
Throw-Away Culture
Signs of Throwaway Culture?
overflowing landfills
broken relationships
forgotten people
abandoned beliefs
dilapidated dreams
T or F: Hedonism is everything is seen as disposable, replaceable or temporary
F; Throwaway Culture
T or F: Human beings are themselves considered consumer goods to be used and then discarded.
Where is this passage from?
Exclusion ultimately has to do with what it means…. those excluded are no longer society’s underside or its fringes or its disenfranchised – they are no longer even a part of it.
Evangelii Gaudium 53
What are “the excluded” described as?
not the “exploited” but the outcast, the “leftovers”.
no longer society’s underside or its fringes or its disenfranchised – they are no longer even a part of it.
“To hear both the cry of the earth and the cry of the poor”
Where is this passage from?
Laudato Si, 49
Laudatory Si, 49 states that?
a true ecological approach always becomes a social approach;
it must integrate questions of justice in debates on the environment, so as to hear both the cry of the earth and the cry of the poor.
We can truly hear the cry of the earth and the poor if we have?
A spirituality of mercy is a Spirit- filled movement of the heart to be?
“to be merciful just as God our Heavenly Father is merciful” (Lk 6:36)
T or F: This spirituality arises from our own experience of God’s mercy.
The spirituality of mercy lives both the ________ and ___________ actions of mercy.
corporal and spiritual
It becomes a deep spiritual experience when _____ and _______ are offered toward our enemies
forgiveness and reconciliation
As followers of Christ, what is mercy to us?
a vocation
T or F: We need to be merciful to the environment and non-humans
This spirituality is _______, _________, and ________ for it recognizes what?
integral, holistic and harmonious,
its kinship with the rest of God’s creatures, the rest of God’s creation.
Living our vocation to be protectors of God’s handiwork is essential to a life of _____
Who said that the Church must use the medicine mercy? and when?
Pope John XXIII, at the opening of the Second Vatican Council
What must the Church do to use the medicine of mercy?
proclaim the mercy of God, provide people with God’s mercy and must allow God’s mercy to appear and be realized in its entire life.
What is mercy?
“the compassion in our hearts for another person’s misery, a compassion which drives us to do what we can to help him.”
What are the aspects of mercy?
“affective” mercy
“effective” mercy.
What is effective mercy?
something that we do, a positive action for the good of another, taking steps to relieve the miseries or meet the needs of others.
St. Thomas described mercy as?
the Latin word “misericordia” literally means “having a miserable heart”-both affectively and effectively-for another person’s misery.
What type of mercy: our affective sympathy for others arises from our capacity for empathy.
What is affective mercy?
emotion that we feel pity for those who suffer because we too are subject to such miseries.
What are the characteristics of mercy?
rooted in “right reason”
(truth about the sufferings of others, and what is in fact the objective “good” for the other whom we seek to help.)
proven in effective action for the good of others,
T or F: Mercy is seen in only sympathizing and sharing the pain of others
F, must use the best of our opportunity to help them
Mercy indicates in the direction of_________
gratitude for an unmerited gift and unmerited grace
What Hebrew word can be used for what in English means mercy?
The Latin _____ has a deeper emotional meaning than a feeling of compassion.
What is the origin of misericordia?
It says: to have a heart (in Latin cor) for the miseri, for those who are in misery and therefore are miserable.
The heart (cor) is the center of the human person and the seat not only of the emotions, but of ______,_________ and ________
conscience, determination and responsibility.
What is considered as antidote to the double degradation brought about by the throw-away culture?
Culture of care
What is the key to authentic development?
“civilization of love”- Social love
Laudato Si mentioned the word “care” ___ times, while “stewardship” only ___ times
35; 2
From “_____” we notice a shift to “____”
stewardship; care
Laudato Si has a shift from what kind of ethics?
duty-based to virtue-based of “care”
Problems of society are connected with today’s self-centered culture of __________.
instant gratification
What is individualism?
The interests of the individual are or ought to be ethically supreme.
all values, rights, and duties originate in individuals
single person is more important than the group and that people should work and own things for their own advantage.
Effects and consequences of individualism?
Isolates the human person from one’s true fulfillment;
The World is Torn Apart
Extreme individualism often leads to the idea that?
one’s personality is shaped by his or her desires, which are considered absolute.
It has led to a loss of a sense of ?
solidarity with and responsibility for others.
________ opts for authenticity as opposed to mere conformity. While this can favor spontaneity and a better use of people’s talents, if misdirected it can foster attitudes of constant suspicion, fear of commitment, self- centeredness and arrogance.
What is the antidote to individualism?
Spirituality of communion: communion which heals, promotes and reinforces interpersonal bonds
A spirituality of communion indicates above all the heart’s contemplation of the mystery of ________, and whose light we must also be able to see shining on the face of the brothers and sisters around us.
the Trinity dwelling in us
It also means an ability to think of our brothers and sisters in faith within the profound unity of the _______, and therefore as _______. This makes us able to share their joys and sufferings, to sense their desires and attend to their needs, to offer them deep and genuine friendship.
Mystical Body; “those who are a part of me”
A spirituality of communion implies also the ______________________________: not only as a gift for the brother or sister who has received it directly, but also as a “gift for me.”
ability to see what is positive in others, to welcome it and prize it as a gift from God
A spirituality of communion means, finally, to _________________ and ___________ which constantly beset us and provoke competition, careerism, distrust and jealousy.
know how to “make room” for our brothers and sisters, bearing “each other’s burdens”
resisting the selfish temptations
What is the challenge of spirituality in communion?
To make the Church the home and the school of communion
To promote a spirituality of communion
In the crisis of INDIVIDUALISM, the Church teaches the SPIRITUALITY OF COMMUNION through the Gospel values of?
The Dignity of the Human Person
Common Good
complete development of all the people of the world
Common Good
T or F: Common good is “greatest good for the greatest number”
F; It is NOT the “greatest good for the greatest number” (Utilitarianism) but the care for greatest good of ALL persons
The principle of common good balances individual rights with ?
one’s responsibilities for the welfare of society – which promotes and protects the rights and dignity of others
sense of responsibility on the part of everyone with regard to everyone.
T or F: Solidarity of a feeling of vague compassion or shallow distress at the misfortunes of so many people
F; Not a a feeling of vague compassion or shallow distress at the misfortunes of so many people
firm and persevering determination to commit oneself to the common good