THY 4 UNIT 2 Flashcards
The Internet facilitated the expansion of the movement toward a ______ through the creation of cheaper, faster and easier means of ______, the provision of a vast pool of information, and the expansion of e-commerce.
global village
Globalization is a term used to describe how _____ and _______ have made the world into a more connected and interdependent place.
trade and technology
Globalization contributes to the exchange of _____ of different countries, the _____.
cultural values
convergence of traditions.
when one’s culture is seen as the center of the world, the norm for all cultures.
Person’s beliefs and activities should be understood and make sense in terms of his or her own culture: not from the outsider’s view.
Cultural Relativism
_____ may lead us in building connectivity and relationship with people of different religions, culture and socio-economic status.
Who said that: Dialogue is understood as conversation between two persons with different ways of life.
Fr. Edgar Javier
For Fr. Edgar Javier, the primary purpose of dialogue is?
for each participant to Learn from the other so that each can Change and Grow.
Who said that:
“The dialogue of salvation was opened spontaneously on the initiative of God: “He (God) loved us first;” it will be up to us to take the initiative in extending to men this same dialogue, without waiting to be summoned to it.”
Pope John Paul II
Ecclesiam Suam
The Catholic Church’s document ______ defines what dialogue is all about.
“Dialogue and Proclamation”
Firstly, at the purely human level, dialogue means ______, leading to a common goal or, at a deeper level, to ______.
reciprocal communication,
interpersonal communion.
Dialogue can be taken as an attitude of ______ and ______ , which permeates or should permeate all those activities constituting the evangelizing mission of the Church.
This can appropriately be called ______.
respect and friendship
“the spirit of dialogue”.
_____ is recognized as part of the comprehensive evangelizing mission of the Church. It is characterized by _____ and _____ between dialogue partners who are different from each other.
reciprocity and mutuality
In the praxis of mission in the contemporary times, ______ and ______ are the desired dispositions.
openness and respect
Dialogue may lead us towards achieving?
What is triple dialogue?
dialogue with culture, religion and the poor.
Who said that culture came from the Latin verb colere such as inhabit, cultivate, protect, honor with worship?
Fr. Samuel Agcaracar
Culture came from the Latin verb _____ such as ______
inhabit, cultivate, protect, honor with worship.
“Culture is conceived as the way of life of a social group, not of an individual as such. It is the way a society copes with its physical, social, and ideational environment. In other words, culture is a society’s regularized or standardized design for living.
Fr. Louis Luzbetak
Beliefs, experiences, principles, values and memories are shared as a result of?
common enculturation.
The process by which culture is passed on and is learned is called enculturation which is “a very long process of growing into the culture to which he or she belongs”.
Nicolas Standaert
_____ is “a partially conscious and partially unconscious learning experience whereby the older generation invited, induces, and compels the younger generation to adopt traditional ways of thinking and behaving.
_______ is primarily based on the control that the older generation exercises over the means of rewarding and punishing children.
Culture can be discerned in various levels according to Standaert, which are?
Always changing
“Ritual behaviors, religious institutions, and sacred texts all find their wherewithal in the bailiwick of culture.”
Stanley Skreslet
“the deposit of Faith or the truths are one thing and the manner in which they are enunciated, in the same meaning and understanding, is another.”
Lumen Gentium, 62
The Gospel must be ________ in the people and that Christ must find a home in the culture of the people.
If culture is a way of life one has to be slow in one’s judgment because?
culture mirrors the behaviour and belief system of a group of peoples or community.
In this process of inculturation people receives the Word, makes it the principle of their life, values, attitudes and aspirations. In this way they become the Body of Christ in this particular time and place—a local church?
The community discovers a new identity
Inculturation is a creative embodiment of the Word in the local church.
discovery of the seeds of the Word which lie hidden in the given cultures and living traditions.
“In order that they may be able to bear more fruitful witness to Christ, let them be joined to those men by esteem and love; let them acknowledge themselves to be members of the group of men among whom they live; let them share in cultural and social life by the various undertakings and enterprises of human living; let them be familiar with their national and religious traditions; let them gladly and reverently lay bare the seeds of the Word which lie hidden among their fellows.”
Ad Gentes, 11
There must be a _____ between the Gospel and culture between faith and culture
mutual enrichment
____ and ____ flourishing is the goal of cultures.
Human and world
T or F: “Culture also includes religion as one of its elements.”
____ is the animating principle of culture. ____ is like a body, with religion as its soul.
The work of evangelization carried out by the church is a _______
continuation of the incarnation
“The spirit sows the _________ present in various customs and cultures, preparing them for full maturity in Christ.”
‘seeds of the word’
_______ tells us that God is not afraid of using cultures to communicate with us.
“Evangelization loses much of its force and effectiveness if it does not take into consideration the actual people to whom it is addressed, if it does not use their language, their signs and symbols, if it does not answer the questions they ask, and if it does not have an impact on their concrete life.”
Evangelii Nunciandi, 63
_________ demands from those involved in the process mature freedom in the Spirit which is characterized by docility and trust in His guidance
Successful inculturation
The Christian doctrine of creation maintains two truths which are?
creation originates from God and that creation is nevertheless other than God
______ in themselves bear the ray of truth.
Cultures, other than Christian culture
The multiculturality of the world because of migration can be an avenue for greater space for evangelization also known as ______
“a privileged locus of the new evangelization.”
Globalization leads to?
Technological Development
Culture leads to?
Latin religio originally meant ______
obligation, bond
It was derived from the verb ______ ’to tie back, to tie tight’.
“Religion is the recognition of all our duties as divine commands.”
Immanuel Kant
“Religion is the belief in an ever-living God, that is, in a Divine Mind and Will ruling the Universe and holding moral relations with mankind.”
Harriet Martineau
“Religion is that which grows out of, and gives expression to, experience of the holy in its various aspects.”
Rudolph Otto
“a unified system of beliefs and practices relative to sacred things, that is to say, things set apart and forbidden – beliefs and practices which unite into one single moral community called a Church all those who adhere to them.”
Emile Durkheim
“Religion is comparable to childhood neurosis.”
Sigmund Freud
“Religion is the sigh of the oppressed creature… a protest against real suffering… it is the opium of the people… the illusory sun which revolves around man for as long as he does not evolve around himself.”
Karl Marx
“Religion is the state of being grasped by an ultimate concern, a concern which qualifies all other concerns as preliminary and which itself contains the answer to the question of the meaning of life.”
Paul Tillich
“The essence of religion consists in the feeling of absolute dependence.”
Friedrich Schleiermacher
“Religion is a system of beliefs and practices by means of which a group of people struggle with the ultimate problem of human life.”
John Milton Yinger
Religion is the ____ of a culture.
One of religion’s functions is to address issues of ______.
“The ________ causes people to want an explanation; the world should make sense, it should have some ultimate meaning.”
arbitrariness of suffering
_______ move people from one place to another that results to plurality of beliefs, religions and worldviews.
General function of religion?
- Explanation of the natural and social world.
Moral function of religion?
- Normative rules on how people should behave which enhance solidarity and social order through belief in a shared set of values.
Psychological function of religion?
- Gives believers a sense of security and control thus reducing anxiety about current and future events.
Ecological function of religion?
- Helps individuals become better adapted to the environment.
Who said that: “Dialogue is the norm and necessary manner of every form of Christian mission, because Christian mission is participation in the mission of God.”
Fr. Edgar Javier
Dialogue can become for us an experience of _____.
God’s Kingdom.
Refers to efforts of different Christian Churches to develop closer relationships and develop better understandings of their shared faith.
Had as its aim the establishment or restoration of full communion of faith and sacramental life between Christians of different Communions.
Ecumenical dialogue
Refers to the means of co-operation with those people of Non-Christian religions specifically with the members of the “Abrahamic faiths”
Jewish and Muslim traditions
Refers to the means of co-operation with those people of Non-Christian religions
Hinduism and Buddhism etc.
Both authentic elements of the Church’s evangelizing mission.
Interreligious dialogue and proclamation
Interreligious dialogue and proclamation are ____ and ____; and _____ but not _____.
legitimate and necessary.
They are intimately related, but not
Where is the birthplace of the major religions such as Christianity, Islam, Hinduism and Buddhism?
“In today’s world, the religious others are in our midst, studying, living and working among ____ and ____ .”
us and with us
“a philosophical perspective in the world that emphasizes diversity rather than homogeneity, multiplicity rather than unity, difference rather than sameness.”
Religious pluralism
Religious pluralism or Religious Relativism: there is no one religion or no one way of attaining salvation.
Religious Pluralism
Religious pluralism or Religious Relativism: everyone has their own way of salvation.
Religious Relativism
Jesus admired the faith of the ____ and commended the faith of ________
Canaanite woman
A _______ returned and gave thanks from the ten lepers who were healed
________ act differs from that of the priest and the levite
The Good Samaritan’s
_____ are to witness for Christ from Jerusalem, Samaria until the ends of the earth
The Apostles
________ is therefore present not only in Asia but all over the world.
Religious plurality
“all positive and constructive interreligious relations with individuals and communities of other faiths which are directed at mutual understanding and enrichment”
Dialogue and Proclamation, 9.
Dialogue and Proclamation includes both ______ of respective religious convictions.
witness and the exploration
What form of dialogue: People strive to live their life in harmony and peace with their neighbors of other faith sharing with each other as friends their joys and sorrows, hopes and dreams.
The dialogue of life
What form of dialogue: Those who are specialists deepen each other’s religious heritages, and appreciate each other’s religious values
The dialogue of theological exchange
What form of dialogue: When people of different faiths work together to act and collaborate for integral development and liberation of people.
The dialogue of action
What form of dialogue: Persons rooted in their own religious traditions, share their spiritual riches such as prayer and contemplation, faith and ways of searching for God.
The dialogue of religious experience
______ remains the crucial challenge facing the region.
Poverty includes the growing number of urban poor brought about by?
globalization, urbanization, materialism and secularism
Refers to charitable work like of giving them fish
Refers to teaching them how to fish
T or F: Helping the poor does only focuses on charitable work like of giving them fish (Pre-evangelization).
F; does not only focus on charitable work like of giving them fish (Pre-evangelization) but, rather than teaching them how to fish (evangelization) geared on justice.
Action on behalf of _____ and _______ fully appear to us as a constitutive dimension of preaching the Gospel.”
justice and participation in the transformation of the world
The Poor as Object of Evangelization to being Subject of Evangelization led to a shift from _____ to ______
passive object to active subject
The Poor as Object of Evangelization to being Subject of Evangelization Man became an agent of ________.
The joys and hopes, the grief and anguish of the people of our time, especially of those who are poor or afflicted, are the joys and hopes, the grief and anguish of the followers of Christ as well
Gaudium et Spes, 1
considered God’s children and are the apple of His eye
widows, orphans, poor, and sick
God wants freedom from _____ and ______
oppression and poverty
tasked to accomplish this mission of liberation.
prophets and patriarchs
Caring for the Poor in the Scriptures in the Old Testament?
- Exodus 16 Manna from heaven
- Exodus 22 Protection of property & Social responsibility
- Leviticus 19 and 25 The land and laws
- Amos 4 God’s mercy for the unfaithful people
- Isaiah 10 Justice of God
Defense of human life, healthcare, education, peace making, cancellation of debts, and protection of environment
Preferential Option for the Poor
Preferential Option for the Poor includes?
Concrete ways to love the poor
Essential for mission and evangelization
The moral test of a society is?
how it treats its most vulnerable members.
Who have the most urgent moral claim on the conscience of the nation?
The poor
What states that the deprivation and powerlessness of the poor wounds the whole community?
“option for the poor”
What is an essential part of society’s effort to achieve the common good?
option for the poor
A healthy community can be achieved only if?
give special attention to those with special needs
freedom from both physical & spiritual suffering
Integral evangelization
______ redemption to be an option, both historically and collectively and in the personal lives of individuals
Who said that: the modern paradigm of mission understands salvation to include, beside forgiveness of sin and reconciliation with God, liberation from all forms of socio-political oppression and promotion of economic well-being
Peter Phan
Who said that: Mission must show redemption to be an option, both historically and collectively and in the personal lives of individuals.
Paulo Suess
We say NO to an economy of _____ and _____
exclusion & inequality.
ACCORDING TO Evangelii Gaudium #53, Human beings are themselves considered _____ to be used and then discarded.
consumer goods
What is to referred to as: It is no longer simply about exploitation and oppression, but something new
T or F: Exclusion ultimately has to do with what it means to be a part of the society in which we live; those excluded are no longer society’s underside or its fringes or its disenfranchised – they are no longer even a part of it.
The excluded are not the “exploited” but the ______
outcast, the “leftovers”.
______ is the very foundation of a moral vision for society.
The dignity of the human person
What document says that: “For the Church, evangelizing means bringing the Good News into all the strata of humanity, and through its influence transforming humanity from within and making it new:
“Now I am making the whole of creation new.”
Evangelii Nunciandi #18
According to Evangelii Nunciandi #18, evangelization is _____
integral liberation
Who said and what scripture: Integral development is giving emphasis on man’s task being the principal agent of development, not money and technology.
Pope John Paul II
Redemptoris Missio, 58-59
Who said that: Dialogue – “The Poor is the “other face of God”
Antonio Pernia
In dialogue, we build ______ between the divides.
ecclesial bridges
“Neighborhoods function when people are neither too close nor too far, not overly involved in each other’s lives but not ______”.
indifferent from each other.
His neighborliness, involves what kind of relationships?
face-to-face relationships
Who said and what scripture: “a church bruised, hurting and dirty
Pope Francis, Evangelii Gaudium, no. 49
Why does the Church have to be bruised and dirty?
it has been out on the streets, rather than a church which is unhealthy from being confined and from clinging to its own security.”
T or F: The poor are not only recipients of the Good News, but they are also bearers of the Gospel