MT6316 LESSON 6 Flashcards
A system that incorporates all the processes needed for effectively managing data
Information Management
Information Management may be entirely ______
may be entirely paper-based, computer-based, or a combination of both
Elements to consider when planning and developing an information management system?
- patient identifiers
- standardized test request forms (requisitions)
- logs and worksheets
- checking processes to assure accuracy of data recording and transmission
- protection against loss of data
- patient confidentiality and privacy
- effective reporting systems
- effective and timely communication
process in human relations of passing information and understanding
frequently conducted by written or spoken word but may be conveyed by gesture, lack of gesture, manner of dressing, personal appearance and general behavior
Data generated by the laboratory has been called ________ and is not actual information until it has been utilized in patient care
potential information
Transmission of information between or among departments
Transmission of information within the department.
Why is communication better within the department?
because of proximity , similar education related duties and common goals among co-workers.
- Speak to people
- Smile at People
- Call people by Name
- Be friendly and helpful
- Be cordial
- Be genuinely Interested in people
- Be generous with praise
- Be considerate with the feelings of others
- Be alert to give service
- Be thoughtful of the opinions of others
- Have a good sense of humor
- Informal talks
- Planned appointments
- Telephone calls
- Interoffice memos
- Letters
- Reports
- Informal staff meetings
- Planned conferences
- Mass meetings
- Bulletin Board Notices
- Posters
- Exhibits and Displays
- Visual aids (films, filmstrips)
Most fundamental form of communication, suitable for day to day liaison, direction and exchange of information
Informal talks
Appropriate for regular review or liaison recurring joint work sessions
Planned Appointment
Good for frequent check up for empathy of receiving information, instruction, etc.
Telephone calls
Effective for recording informal inquiries or replies, use should not be overdone or they will be ignored
Interoffice memos
Useful for official notices, formally recorded statements or lengthy communications even when the addressee is physically available
Used to convey information associated with evaluation, analysis, recommendations, etc to supervisors or colleagues
Most effective when based on conferences, visits, inspections, surveys, research study
Provides opportunity for development of strong group cohesiveness and response
Informal staff meeting
Supervisor should hold these each morning, at the end of the day, or lunch
Informal staff meeting
Relatively normal affair, where participants are given enough time to prepare needed data, information, reports, etc.
Planned conference
Conducted by management with large number of employees
Mass meeting
Valuable means of celebrating occasions, building morale, introducing new policies, making special announcements
Mass meeting
Effective for lengthy/ formal announcements
Bulletin Board Notices
Categories of communication?
Vertical - downward, upward
When subordinate communicates directly to his supervisor or superiors
What is UPWARD COMMUNICATION usually for?
providing suggestions, complaints and the like to superiors. it is not directive in nature.
When a superior or supervisor communicates directly to his subordinates.
What level management uses downward communication in informing employees about their decisions, policies, procedures, and sending of memo?
Flow of information between colleagues and peers.
HORIZONTAL COMMUNICATION is needed to coordinate within and among?
within a department, among team members and among different departments
Flow of information between positions that are on different lateral planes and activities of the organizational structure
Diagonal communication occurs between?
laboratory personnel and the human resources department; or
between laboratory management and non-managerial members of other departments
Brings accuracy and accessibility to the flow of samples and data in the clinical laboratory
Computerized laboratory information systems
Computerized laboratory information systems may be?
in-house computer network or locally developed systems based on commercially available database software