THRA.3 Flashcards
Give the main constituent bones of the topic: “Bones of the Nasal Cavity”
- Os palatinum
- Os frontale
- Os incisivum
- Os nasale
- Os pterygoideum
- Os lacrimalis
- Vomer
- Os zygomaticum
- Os ethmoidale
- Maxilla
In the topic: Bones of the Nasal Cavity: Give the main constituent(s) of Os palatinum
- Sinus palatinus
- Margo liber
Sinus palatinus
- Small in lamina horizontalis in most species
- Large in lamina perpendicularis in Eq
Margo liber
Attachment of soft palate
Foramen palatinum majus:
- Rostral to margo liber in most species
- Caudomedially in Ru
Which structure(s) pass through foramen palatinum majus?
- Canalis palatinus*:
- A./v./n. palatina major* (ex CN-V2) (To the palatine plexus)
Give the main constituent(s) of os incisivum
- Foramen interincisiva (Ca)
- Canalis interincisiva (Eq)
- Fissura interincisiva (Ru/Su)
Foramen/canalis/fissura interincisiva
Ca / Eq / Ru+Su respectively
Conducts a. palatina major
Ru: No Incisors, lamina dentalis present instead
In the topic: Bones of the Nasal Cavity: Give the main constituent(s) of os nasale
Incisura nasoincisiva
In the topic: Bones of the Nasal Cavity: Give the main component(s) of os pterygoideum
Hamulus pterygoideus
Hamulus pterygoideus
Beyond the margin of the choanae
Well developed in Eq
In the topic: Bones of the Nasal Cavity: Give the main component(s) of os lacrimalis
- Facies nasalis
Facies nasalis
Forms the border of sinus frontalis and sinus maxillaris
Crossed by the ductus nasolacrimalis from the orbit
From meatus nasopharyngeus to crista nasalis
Two lateral plates form sulcus septalis, where septum nasi is found
In the topic: Bones of the Nasal Cavity: Give the main component(s) of os zygomaticum
Crista facialis (Eq, ØCa)
Crista facialis
Eq, ØCa
From os zygomatica to maxilla
Barely visible in Ru, tuber faciale is instead seen
In the topic: Bones of the Nasal Cavity: Give the main component(s) of os ethmoidale
- Labyrinthus ethmoidalis
Labyrinthus ethmoidalis
From the caudal part of cavum nasi to lamina cribrosa
Highly vascularised and innervated structure
Ethmoturbinate warm, clean and humidify the incoming air
Give the component(s) of labyrinthus ethmoidalis
- Meatus nasi dorsalis (Olfaction)
- Meatus nasi medius (Connects paranasal sinuses)
- Meatus nasi ventralis (Runs to nasopharynx)
- Meatus nasi communis (Connection between the meati)
In the topic: Bones of the Nasal Cavity: Give the main component(s) of maxilla
- Foramen infraorbitalis
- Rugae palatini
Foramen infraorbitalis
Termination of canalis infraorbitalis
A./v./n. infraorbitalis (ex CN-V2)
Rugae palatini
Form oral mucosal surface of the palatum durum
In the topic: Bones of the Nasal Cavity: Give the key boney structures
- Cavum nasi
- Palatum durum
- Diastema
- Ethmoturbinalia
Cavum nasi
Seperated by septum nasi on the vomer and caudally by the lamina perpendicularis
Ventral border: palatum durum
Lateral border: os incisivum, maxilla, os pterygoideum, os zygomaticum
Caudally bordered by lamina orbitalis of os ethmoidalis
Palatum durum
Formed by:
- Lamina horizontalis of os palatinum
- Processus palatinus of os incisivum and maxilla
Seperates nasal and oral cavities
Supports the palatine plexus
Fissura palatina cross between maxilla and os incisivum
‘margo interalveolaris’
Between premolar region and the incisors
Teeth are seperated by septa interalveolaria
Septa intraalveolaria present within the alveoli
Each possess both a lamina basalis and a lamina spiralis and are split into two rows (3 in Eq)
Ethmoturbinalia are subdivided into long and short ectoturbinalia
Endoturbinate I forms the concha nasalis dorsalis
Endoturbinate II forms concha nasalis media
Concha nasalis ventralis are also called maxiloturbinates
Give the numbers of Ethmoturbinalia accross the species
Ectoturbinalia: 6 in Ca; 18 in Ru; 20 in Su; 25 in Eq
Endoturbinalia: 4 in Ca; 4 in Ru; 7 in Su; 6 in Eq