Thoracic Wall and Respiration DLA Flashcards
What are the inferior thoracic aperture boundaries?
12th thoracic vertebra, 11th and 12th pair of ribs, costal cartilages of ribs 7th-10th, xiphisternal joint, Closed by diaphragm
What are the accessory muscles of inspiration?
sternocleidomastoid( elevates the sternum) Scalenes ( elevate and fix upper ribs)
What are the principal muscles of inspiration?
external intercostals ( elevate ribs and increase the width of the thoracic cavity)
Interchondral part of internal intercostals( elevate ribs)
Diaphragm ( domes descend, increase vertical dimension of thoracic cavity; also elevates lower ribs)
What are the muscles of quiet breathing/ expiration?
passive recoil of lungs and rib cage
what are the muscles of expiration/active breathing?
internal intercostals ( except interchondral)
Abdominals ( depress lower ribs, compress abdominal contents, thus pushing up diaghragm) Rectus abdominis external oblique internal oblique transversus abdominiis
What does the rib movement “pump handle” do?
increases anterior-posterior dimension
what does the rib movement “bucket handle” do?
increase lateral dimension
what does movement of contraction of the diaphragm do?
increase vertical dimension
Where does the nuerovascular bundle travel through?
in coastal groove on inferior aspect of rib.
for this reason all incisions/ tubes are placed above rib to avoid VAN
ex thoracocentesis= pleural tap; to sample fluid from pleural space
thoracostomy= chest tube inserted to drain fluid or air from pleural cavity
costocervical trunk supplies:
first 2 posterior intercostal spaces
Subclavian artery supplies:
internal thoracic artery, vertebral artery, and costocervical trunk
The descending thoracic aorta supplies:
posterior intercostal arteries
the posterior intercostal artery:
runs in coastal groove
Internal thoracic artery:
gives anterior intercostal arteries and terminates into musculophrenic and superior epigastric
anterior intercostal artery:
follows the inferior border of the rib and anastomoses with the posterior intercostal arteries
Musculophrenic artery:
continues along the coastal margin supplies the diaphragm, anterior and lateral walls
superior epigastric artery
continues onto the anterior abdominal wall and anastomoses with inferior epigastric artery.
parietal pleura:
supplied segmentally by the vessels associated with adjacent wall:
diaphragmatic: supplied by superior phrenic arteries
mediastinal: supplied by pericardiophrenic artery
Where do the veins from the upper 2 intercostal spaces drain?
they join and drain together into the azygous and accessory hemiazygous or into the brachiocephalic vein
Lymphatic drainage of thoracic wall is anteriorly to where?
parasternal nodes
Lymphatic drainage of thoracic wall is posteriorly to where?
intercostal nodes
Lymphatic drainage of thoracic wall is inferiorly to where?
diaphragmatic nodes
most lymph nodes from thorax drain where?
thoracic duct
The upper part of right thorax drains into where?
right bronchomediastinal trunk