Lecture 30 Flashcards
what occurs to the diaphragm during inspiration?
the diaphragm contracts, shortens and pulls flat pushing the abdominal contents downward, rib cage goes outward
shorter time than expiration
bucket handle: as ribs lift upward they swing out increasing the volume
what occurs during expiration? what shape does the diaphragm take?
passive process when relaxed. diaphragm relaxes ( during tidal breathing/ normal only this muscle)
diaphragm dome shape & rib cage is lowered
what muscles are associated with inspiration during ?
external intercostals, scalene, sternomatoid ( strenuous activity)
deep breathing muscles; they also contract and pull the rib cage upward and outward
what muscles are associated with expiration?
internal intercostals, Rectus abdominis, obliques, transversus abdominis
internal intercostals contract and pull the rib cage downward and inward abdominal muscles also contract and help pull the rib case downward, compressing thoracic volume
what is the difference between the internal and external intercostals?
the internal: compresses thoracic cage
external: lifts thoracic cage
what is the purpose of the visceral pleural membrane?
it is attached to the lung surface so that the lungs cannot deflate without pulling on the pleural membrane
what is the purpose of parietal pleura?
attached to the wall of the thorax and diaphragm, therefore the chest wall or diaphragm cannot move without pulling on the pleural membrane
what does the chest wall pulling out and the elastic recoil of the lung pulling inward mean about the pressure associated with it?
the pleural space naturally has a negative pressure
pulling out of chest wall and pulling In go lung= intrapleural space is negative
area between parietal pleural and visceral is called what?
intrapleural space
what is the intrapleural pressure at rest?
-5cm H20
when inspiring intrapleural pressure is what?
-8 cm H20
what airway is most affected in asthma?
upper airway
what is the equation for pressure ?
Pressure= Force/ Area
increasing surface area decreases pressure
applying the combined gas laws what occurs to the volume when the temperature is increased?
it increase
P1V1/T1= P1V2/T2
Increasing the volume in a closed system causes what in pressure?
pressure drops
what is Boyles law?
what part of the lung can relate to a closed system using Boyles law ?
pleural space because they aren’t open to the atmosphere
an expansion of pleural space= drop in pressure
what part of the lung can relate to a open system using Boyles law ?
alveoli is related to open atmosphere. a drop in pressure would cause airflow into lungs/ pressure gradient
what is transpulmonary pressure equation?
pressure inside minus pressure outside
PTP= trans pulmonary pressure PA= pressure in alveoli
PIP= pleural pressure
PIP= pleural pressure is -5
what is alveolar pressure when not breathing?
0, because no pressure gradient
what is transpulmonary pressure when thoracic cavity starts to expand?
0- (-8)= 8
transpulmonary pressure is positive when pleural is -
Describe what occurs in regard to pressure change in the lung
look at slide 17 of the lecture
why do we take longer to expire?
more airway resistance, more pressure gradients