DLA 72 Clinical anatomy of the renal system Flashcards
What is located at the superior pole of the Left kidney? anterior view
adrenal gland/suprarenal gland, peritoneum covering of stomach and spleen
what is at the medial pole of the left kidney? anterior view
tail of pancreases, left coiled/splenic flexure ( union point of transverse and descending colon
what is located inferiorly of the left kidney? anterior view
peritoneum covering the small intestine, especially the jejunum
What is located superior to left kidney? posterior view
lies on 11th and 12 rib ( with subcostal nerve and vessels, iliohypogastric and illioinguinal nerves running posterior and diagonal to it
- the diaphragm separates it from the thorax
what is inferior to left kidney? posterior view
related to the muscles of the posterior abdomen ( from medial to lateral) psoas major, quadrates laborum, and transverses abdominis
where is the diaphragm?
poster to the superior poles of the kidneys
where is the bladder found?
at the pelvis
what is the renal hilum?
a concavity located on the medial border of each kidney where structures enter and leave.
contains 3 main structures:
- Renal vein ( most anterior)
- Renal artery ( branches)
- Pelvis of the Ureter
what are the coverings of kidney?
the capsule on the kidney is covered by the perirenal/pernephric fat and that is covered by the renal fascia that is then covered by the pararenal/ paraneprhic fat
What is the purpose of the renal capsule?
it is fibrous so it is a very tough covering, it is a tough fibrous capsule surrsouding the kidney. It directly covers the renal cortex.
it protects the kidney from trauma and damage. it also penetrates the renal parenchyma to form trabeculae that lobulate the kidneys
where is the renal cortex located?
beneath the renal capsule, extends inwards as the renal column between the renal pyramids of the medulla and contains nephrons.
What makes up the renal medulla?
- darker in color with striated appearance, composed of 8-16 renal pyramids.
- apex of pyramids is directed into the sinus as renal papilla.
- surface of papilla is perforated by the ducts of Bellini
what is a hepatorenal recess?
- pouch of Morrison
- it is located superior to the right kidney
- posterior to the liver.
- Fluid in the abdomen will accumulate in this space when the body is supine
If the fluid accumulates there, you can investigate this with a FAST focused assessment with sonography for trauma exam
normally no fluid here unless trauma
The sympathetic innervation to the kidneys, ureters and bladder are derived from what?
the lesser and least thoracic splanchnic and lumbar splanchnic nerves.
ureters receive their innervation segmentally.
The renal plexus is formed from
sympathetics from T11-L2 found in
- celiac ganglion and plexus
- aorticorenal ganglion
- the lower ( least) thoracic splanchnic nerves
- 1st lumbar splanchnic nerves
( nerves can come form any of these areas)