Theories: Attachment Flashcards
What is attachment?
An emotional bond that is formed between infants and young children and their main caregiver.
What did Bowlby believe about attachment?
Infants are biologically pre-programmed to form attachments.
According to Bowlby, how many primary attachments does an infant form?
According to Bowlby, what has a negative impact on development?
According to Bowlby, why is primary attachment important?
To help to form attachments later in life.
What did Rutter do?
Add to Bowlby and distinguish between privation and deprivation.
According to Rutter, what did Bowlby do?
Oversimplify attachments.
According to Rutter, what is privation?
If a child fails to develop an attachment.
According to Rutter, what is deprivation?
Loss or damage to attachment.
What did Schaffer and Emerson add to attachment?
According to Schaffer and Emerson, what was the first stages age range?
birth to 3 months
According to Schaffer and Emerson, what was the second stages age range?
4-7 months
According to Schaffer and Emerson, what was the third stages age range?
7-9 months
According to Schaffer and Emerson, what was the fourth stages age range?
10 months
According to Schaffer and Emerson, what happens from Birth to 3 months?
Respond to any caregiver
According to Schaffer and Emerson, what happens from 4-7 months?
Shows preference for primary caregiver but accepts care from others
According to Schaffer and Emerson, what happens from 7-9 months?
Refers primary caregivers and seeks comfort from them; unhappy when separated and shows fear of strangers
According to Schaffer and Emerson, what happens at 10 months?
Begins to develop attachments with others who respond to them. By 18 months most infants multiple attachments.
What did Mary Ainsworth do?
Classify attachment in to three main types bases on a study of children’s reaction when parted form a parent.
What was these three main types?
Secure, insecure/avoidant and insecure/resistant