Theology Vocab Quiz 1 Flashcards
a radical reorientation of one’s whole life away from sin and evil and toward God
the act of reclaiming someone or something in exchange for payment of a debt
one who approaches the Lord with contrition for sins in the Sacrament of Reconciliation
a prayer, good work, or other act assigned by the priest in the Sacrament of Reconciliation in order to make satisfaction for sins and turn the penitent back to the habits of discipleship
forgiveness of a person’s sins by a priest acting in the Person of Christ
the repair or restoration of what has been broken
prayer in which we express sorrow for our sins out of love for God, as well as our commitment not to sign again
Act of Contrition
sorrow of the soul and detestation of sin together with the resolution not to sign again
an attraction, either from outside oneself or from within, to act contrary to right reason and the commandments of God
the Latin phrase describing how bishops and priests are ordained to act “in the person of Christ the head” when they perform their priestly functions
In Person Christi
the sacred obligation binding the priest never to reveal what he has heard in the Sacrament of Penance and Reconciliation
Seal of Confession
the restoration of friendship; the bringing back together of what has been wrongly separated
sin resulting from a failure to act when we should have
sin of omission
daily exercise of reflecting on the morality of one’s conduct
contrition arising out of love for God
perfect contrition
contrition arising out of disgust with sin and/or with the fear of punishment
imperfect contrition
the sin of voluntarily giving up hope in our salvation from God, in help attaining it, or in the forgiveness of sins
deserving of blame