Theology Semester 1 Final Exam Flashcards
How does God prepare the world for His promise?
Covenant with Noah, Abraham, Moses
Covenant with Noah:
God planned the flood but told Noah to build a boat because he was a righteous man. Genesis 8:21 is where God promises to never again destroy the world by flooding it. The sign of this covenant is the rainbow. This covenant foreshadows Baptism. The water washing away the sins of the world is like how the waters of Baptism wash away our Original Sin.
Covenant with Abraham:
God calls Abram to leave his land and offer his son. Abraham has faith in God. In Genesis 12, God promises Abraham land and nation, kingship and great name, and a universal blessing. The sign of this covenant is circumcision. The way that God called Abraham to sacrifice Isaac foreshadows the coming of His Son. Isaac carried the wood for the sacrifice up the hill, as Jesus did. And of course most obviously, God called Abraham to sacrifice his son, as God sacrificed His Son for the world. The difference is Jesus actually died on the cross and God did not end up having Abraham sacrifice Isaac.
Covenant with Moses:
God spoke to Moses through the burning bush. He gave him the 10 commandments. The sign of this covenant is the Ark of the Covenant. God delivered His Chosen People from slavery in Egypt. He told them about the Promised Land, which He would lead them to. The Passover foreshadows Jesus is several ways. The lamb was to be sacrificed, however no bone of it was to be broken, as the sacrifice was unblemished. In this same way, Jesus, the Lamb of God, was sacrificed for us and our sins, but no bone was broken - He is the unblemished lamb.
What is the Paschal Mystery and why do we need it?
Jesus’ saving act. Passion and Death, Resurrection, and Ascension
Explain the aspects of Christ’s redemption for us
Christianity - our faith has no meaning without the Paschal Mystery. Universal - Jesus came to redeem the entire world, not just some of us. This is His objective redemption. However, we make the choice whether or not to give our lives to Him. Subjective redemption is our free response to Jesus’s act of redemption. God’s love is shown throughout the Paschal Mystery. The highest form of love is sacrifice. Jesus pays the ultimate sacrifice by dying on the cross for our sins.
Go into detail about Heaven after the Ascension.
Humanity in Heaven - Christ opens heaven for us with the Paschal Mystery, particularly after the Ascension. Upon entering Heaven, He sends the Holy Spirit to us. The Holy Spirit transforms us with sanctifying grace, which we receive through the sacraments. We hope to follow this! We hope to one day be fully united in Heaven, just as Christ is now in a glorified body. Due to the Paschal Mystery, we are given the opportunity to live a life good enough to attain Heaven for ourselves one day.