Theology III Fall Exam Flashcards
In the “Our Father,” we say, “give us this day our daily bread,” in the greek word for bread is Epiousios, what is the meaning of Epiousios?
Daily Bread
To make an offering of penance as an expression of sorrow for an offense.
What is the word to describe making a past event be made present again?
essential nature of something
3 events that prefigure Baptism
-generation of life in Genesis
-Noah and the Great Flood,
-deliverance of the Israelites from slavery
3 sacraments of initiation
Arises out of disgust with sin and with the fear of punishment.
imperfect contrition
Who instituted the Sacrament of Reconciliation?
How was the Sacrament of Reconciliation instituted?
When he breathed the Spirit on the Apostles after his Resurrection.
Prayer, good work, or other act assigned by the priest in the sacrament of penance and reconciliation in order to make satisfaction for sins and turn the penitent back to the habits of discipleship
Sorrow of the soul and detestation of sin together with resolution not to sin again.
Attraction, either from outside oneself or from within, to act contrary to the right reason and commandments of God.
contrition arising out of love for God
perfect contrition
Are there some sins that are so grave that they fall outside the reach of God’s mercy?
Is sin private even if it’s done in secret?
Can the Priest disclose the sins of a penitent, if he has a very good reason to do so?
no, the seal of confession
In what category of Sacraments are the Sacraments of Penance and Reconciliation and Anointing of the Sick? (Initiation, Healing, or Service)
What are the three conditions that need to be met for a sin to be a mortal
- 1 of the 10 Commandments Ex. Examination of Conscience 2. Freedom Ex. Addiction 3. Full knowledgeEx. Doesn’t know the Catholic Faith
In terms of substance and accidents, what changes when the bread becomes the body?
how does God experience time?
God fills all time
What is scapegoating?
Offering the life of an animal in exchange for the life of a sinner.
What does the Passover meal commemorate
The passing of the Angel of Death over the homes of Israelite’s.
The change of the bread and wine into the Body and Blood of Christ.
The mysterious bread god fed the Israelites in the desert.
The Priest calls down the Holy Spirit on the gifts of Bread and Wine.