Theme 1 Topic 4 - Approaches to Staffing Flashcards
What three things do businesses that see their staff as assets do?
Pay good pensions, Invest in staff training, Avoid redundancies
What three things do businesses that see their staff as costs do?
Use zero hour contracts, Use financial incentives, Pay low wages
Define Multiskilling
Workers are given the scope and ability to carry out a variety of tasks, rather than just specialising in one area
Define Part-Time Worker
An employee who works for less than 30 hours a week
Define Full-Time Worker
An employee who works for more than 30 hours a week
Define Permanent Worker
An employee who has no specific end date in their contract - they are employed until they leave or retire
Define Temporary Worker
An employee who has a specific end date to their job contract
What are three four examples of methods to create flexibility?
Part-time work, Home working, Job sharing, Flexitime
Define Outsourcing
Finding another external business to carry out part of the production process, in order to cut costs or achieve a better level of quality
What are three advantages of flexible working for the employer?
More relaxed and focused workers, Save money (e.g. large office not needed if staff working from home), More motivated staff
What are three disadvantages of flexible working for the employer?
Hard to keep control, Part time workers increases costs (more recruitment and training), Don’t know what staff are doing while working at home
What are three advantages of flexible working for the employee?
Commuting is cut if working at home, More family time, Flexible hours
What are three disadvantaged of flexible working for the employee?
Lonely/isolated at home, Fewer hours worked if part time so paid less, Zero hour contract means no stable income
Define Dismissal
Gross (or repeated minor) misconduct leads to an individual being picked out for dismissal
Define Redundancy
Changes in circumstances or technology can make a job irrelevant
Define Voluntary Redundancy
Where workers volunteer to leave their job position
Define Trade Union
An organisation of workers that promotes and protects the interests of its members in issues (e.g. wages and working conditions), especially through negotiations with employers
What are trade unions part of?
Collective bargaining
Why has trade union membership and power been declining recently?
Tougher laws making it harder for strikes to take place or succeed
Why do most employers want to move towards individual rather than collective bargaining?
The manager has more bargaining power, It enables individual efforts to be recognised (e.g. through Performance Related Pay)