The Town Flashcards
verb :to remove the testicles of a male horse or similar animal

erkek atı hadım etmek
- geld
verb : WORK TOGETHER : When two or more people collaborate, they work together to create or achieve the same thing.
birlikte çalışmak, iş birliği yapmak, ortak çalışmak
Didn’t you ———— with him on one of your books?
He was accused of ————-ing with the enemy.
—————or : noun : işbirliğinde bulunan

- collaborate
noun [C] disapproving
a stupid person

- half-wit
adjective : very surprising or difficult to believe
mucizevî, hayret verici
John’s made a ————— recovery from his illness.
—————ly : adverb : inanılması zor

- miraculous
verb : HOLD TIGHT : to hold someone or something tightly, especially because you are frightened
korkudan birine/birşeye sıkı sıkıya yapışmak, tutunmak
She was found ———-ing to the ledge.
I ———- on to his hand in the dark.
STICK : to stick to something
tutunmak, yapışmak
His damp hair ——— to his forehead.

- cling
verb : to make something slower:

geciktirmek, yavaşlatmak
A rise in interest rates would severely ———- economic growth.
- retard
noun : proof that someone was not in the place where a crime happened and so cannot be guilty

Mazeret, gerekçe, suçun meydana geldiği zaman başka bir yerde olduğunu gösteren kanıt
- alibi
past tense of blow

esmek, üflemek’ fiilinin 2. hali
- blew
noun : a long piece of cloth, often stretched between poles, with words or a sign written on it

pankart, bayrak, sancak, başlık, tepe yazısı
- banner
noun : a shop that provides a particular type of goods or services

tek tip ürün satan veya bir alanda hizmet sunan dükkan/işyeri
a beauty/pizza ———-
- parlour
noun : the time when you are not working
boş vakit
———— activities
Try to spend your ———- time doing activities you really enjoy.
at your ——— : If you do something at your ———, you do it when you have the time.
boş vakitte, uygun zamanda, fırsat olduğunda
Take it home and read it at your ———-.

- leisure
verb : to deal with and control a problem or feeling
üstesinden gelmek, alt etmek, halletmek, çözmek, kurtulmak
He’s trying to ——— his drug addiction and find a job.
be ———- by excitement/fear/sadness, etc : to suddenly have too much of a feeling
etkilenmek, etkisinde kalmak, kapılmak, birden kapılmak
She was ————- by emotion.

- overcome
noun : SITUATION : a situation that was caused by something from an earlier time
geçmişin kalıtı, arta kalan şey
The war has left a ——— of hatred.
MONEY : money or buildings, etc that you receive after someone dies
miras, kalıt, geçmişten kalan

- legacy
noun [plural] : women’s shoes that have no back

şıpıdık/arkalıksız bayan ayakkabısı/terlik
- mules
noun : PERSON : someone who sells and arranges flowers in a shop
çiçekçi, çiçek satıcısı
SHOP : a shop that sells flowers
çiçekçi dükkânı

- florist
noun : the crime of killing someone without intending to kill them

adam öldürme
- manslaughter
noun : a meal that you eat in the evening

akşam yemeği
What are we having for ———-?
- supper
noun : a legal document ordering someone to go to court

mahkeme celbi, çağrı pusulası
- subpoena
verb : to attack or destroy something in a fast and powerful way

öldürmek, vurmak
- zap
adverb : used to say someone’s eyes are covered to stop them from seeing:

gözleri bağlı
The researchers tested 10 sighted, ———— volunteers.
I’ve been there so often I could probably drive there ————.
- blindfolded
adjective : remaining

kalan, artan, artık
———- value
- residual
verb : to suffer something difficult, unpleasant, or painful

tahammül etmek, dayanmak
She’s already had to ———- three painful operations on her leg.
- endure
verb : to take someone away illegally
zorla kaçırmak
He was ————-ed by a terrorist group.
————ion : noun :
tahttan vazgeçme

- abduct
verb : to destroy something by burning it

yakmak, ateşe vermek
A number of houses were ——-ed.
- torch
noun formal :
under ———-
If you do something under ———-, you do it because someone is forcing you to.
cebren, baskı altında, zorla
The confession was made under ———-.

- duress
verb : If a legal document or agreement ———s, you can no longer use it.

süresince kullanılmak, süresi dolmak, sona ermek
Your contract ———-d six months ago.
- expire
verb : to remove the colour from something or make it lighter using chemicals

ağartmak, rengini gidermek, temizlemek, leke çıkarmak,
She’s ————-ed her hair.
- bleach
————- garden/city
a garden/city with walls around it
duvarlarla çevrili bahçe/şehir

- walled
noun : MONEY mainly UK : a small container for money, usually used by a woman
para çantası, cüzdan
a leather ———
BAG mainly US (UK/US handbag) : a bag, usually carried by a woman
bayan çantası, el çantası
I always carry aspirin in my ———.

- purse