The king Flashcards
noun : the members of a person’s family who are directly related to that person and who lived a long time before him or her:

*She’s very proud of her ancient royal ————-.*
- lineage

adjective : DECISION : A ——- decision or action shows good judgment and is the right thing to do.
*I think we’ve made a ——- choice.*
Karşıt : unwise
be none the ———r : informal : to still not understand something after someone has tried to explain it to you
pek anlamamış, hâlâ kavrayamamış; pek farkında olmayan; pek haberi olmayan
———ly : adverb : akıllıca

- wise

verb [T] : to make two different ideas, beliefs, or situations agree or able to exist together
uzlaştırmak, bağdaştırmak
*It is sometimes difficult to ———— science and religion.*
be ————-d (with sb) : to become friendly with someone after you have argued with them
barışmak, uzlaşmak, bağdaşmak

- reconcile

verb [T] : MAKE LAW :to make something into a law
*[often passive] When was this legislation ———ed?*
PERFORM formal : to perform a story or play
bir hikaye/oyun icra etmek, oynamak, canlandırmak
———-ment : noun [U] : kanunlaştırma

- enact

noun : OPINION [C, U] : an opinion that you have because of the way you feel about something
düşünce, kanı, fikir, görüş
*nationalist/religious ————s*
EMOTION [U] : emotional feelings such as sympathy, love, etc, especially when they are not considered to be suitable for a situation
duyarlılık, hassasiyet, sempati, sevgi
*I find her writing full of —————.*

- sentiment

noun : a sudden and powerful expression of strong feeling, especially one that you cannot control:
ani tekpi
*In a sudden ———- of jealousy he threw her clothes out of the window.*
Eş anlamlılar : convulsion

- paroxysm

noun : a lack of the basic things that are necessary for an acceptable standard of living:

yokluk, yoksulluk, muhtaçlık
*Economic ———- is pushing the poor towards crime.
Several villages suffered serious ————s during their long isolation during the war.*
- privation

verb : to go on someone’s land without their permission
(başkasının arazisine) izinsiz girmek/geçmek
—————-er : noun [C]
başkasının tarlasına/alanına izinsiz girş yapmak

- trespass

verb : to leave a room, building, chair, etc so that someone else can use it

boşaltmak, tahliye etmek
The BCS also said the Trojans must —– their participation in 2006 Rose Bowl.
- vacate

adjective : behaving badly in a way that causes trouble for other people
ters, sağı solu belli olmayan, dik başlı, inatçı
I found it as alluring as a —— woman and determined to tame it.

- wayward

verb : to criticize someone strongly, or say unpleasant things to or about someone:
yermek, söğmek, küfretmek
*The judge was ————d in the newspapers for his opinions on rape.*
Eş anlamlılar :
rail formal
vilify formal

- revile

noun [C, U] : a situation that makes you lose respect or look silly, or the feeling of shame and embarrassment it gives you

hakaret, aşağılama, küçük düşürücü hareket
*[+ of + doing sth] They suffered the ———- of being searched like common criminals.*
- indignity

verb : ASK [+ two objects] : to ask someone if they would like something
teklif etmek, sunmak
*They ———-ed me a job.*
SAY YOU WILL DO [I, T] : to say that you are willing to do something
önermek, teklif etmek
*[+ to do sth] He ———ed to get me a cab.*

- offer

adjective formal : very brave
cesur, yiğit, gözükara
*a ———- effort*
————ly : adverb : cesurca
Men who live ——-ly and die nobly have a strength and a courage from the eternal Father.

- valiant

verb [I] formal : to stop doing or supporting something or change a decision you made previously:

vaz geçmek, desteklemeyi bırakmak
*He has ———-d from both of these commitments.*
- resile

verb [I] : HAPPEN : to happen suddenly or violently
aniden şiddetle olan/vuku bulan
*Violence ———-ed in the city on Friday night.*
PERSON : to suddenly become very excited or angry, or start to shout
patlamak, feveran etmek, birden kendinden geçmek, çılgına dönmek
*The whole stadium ———-ed when he scored the second goal.*
————ion : noun [C, U] : patlama
*a volcanic ————*

- erupt

verb [I] : to stay somewhere for a long time

oyalanmak, uzun süre kalmak, eğlenmek
*The smell from the fire still ————ed hours later.*
- linger

adjective : extremely unpleasant

çok kötü, berbat, pis
*a ——- attack
The bathroom was ———.*
- vile

noun : MARK [C] : a dirty mark on something that is difficult to remove : leke
*a blood/grass ———
a ——— on the carpet*
PAINT [C, U] : a thin, clear paint that you put on wood to make it darker
astar boya
*wood ———*

- stain

adverb : in a way that is impossible to remove by washing or in any other way: silinmez
*Ink had ——— stained his shirt pocket.
in a way that is impossible to forget, or that has a permanent influence or effect:
*The date was stamped ———- on his memory.
Their names are ———— printed in tennis history.*

- indelibly

adjective : having a good supply of comfortable or necessary furniture and attractive decorations:

güzel döşenmiş
*[before noun] The hotel has spacious, _______-_______ public rooms and bedrooms.*
- well appointed

noun [C] : a serious disease that spreads quickly and kills a lot of people
salgın hastalık
* Similar statistical errors ———- other comparable studies, the researchers say*
a ———- of sth : a large number of something unpleasant that causes a lot of damage
felâketler zinciri; bir çok zarara yol açan sıkıntılar/dertler/hastalıklar
*a ———— of rats*

- plague

noun [U] : a very confused and possibly dangerous situation

kargaşa, keşmekeş, yıkım, büyük hasar, tahribat, zarar ziyan
*The snow has caused ——— on Scotland’s roads today.*
- havoc

verb formal : It ————-s that : If it ————s that something has happened, this fact becomes known.
belli etmek, meydana çıkarmak/çıkmak
*It later —————d that he had known about the plan from the beginning.*
to happen : olmak, meydana gelmek, vuku bulmak

- transpire

noun [C] : a serious and sometimes violent argument between two people or groups that continues for a long period
kan davası; bitmek bilmeyen husumet,
——— : verb [I] : kavga
*The families have been ———ing for years.*

- feud

noun : ADVANTAGE [C, U] : an advantage that only one person or group has, usually because of their position or because they are rich

ayrıcalık, imtiyaz
*[+ of + doing sth] I had the ———- of meeting the Queen.*
- privilege

verb [T] : FROM DEAD PERSON : to receive possessions or money from someone who has died
miras olarak almak
*In 1842 he ————ed a small estate near Liverpool.*
QUALITY : to have the same physical or mental characteristics as one of your parents or grandparents
kalıtım yoluyla geçmek, aileden gelmek
*Miranda has ————ed her father’s red hair.*
*The mayor will ——— a city hopelessly in debt.*

- inherit

adjective : as good, strong, or important as always:

eksilmemiş, azalmamış
*A hundred years after his death, his influence remains —————.*
- undiminished

adjective [never before noun]
If a door is ——, it is slightly open.
aralık, az açık
* Turn the oven off and leave the door ——-, or prop it open using a wooden spoon.*

- ajar

noun [U] : POISON
poison that some snakes and insects produce
yılan/böcek zehiri
ANGER/HATE : a feeling of extreme anger or hate
garaz, kin, düşmanlık, öfke, hiddet, hınç
*Much of his ——- was directed at his boss.*
———-ous : adjective : containing or involving ———
kin dolu, garaz taşıyan, zehir saçan

- venom

adjective [after verb] literary
violently divided:
koparmak, yolmak, kormak
*It was a community/nation/family ——- by hatred.*

- riven

verb : to express support for a particular idea or way of doing things
savunmak, desteklemek
*I certainly wouldn’t ———— the use of violence.*
————-cy : noun [U] : the act of advocating something
savunma, destekleme

- advocate

verb [I] : to shake because you are cold or frightened
titremek, ürpermek
*She ———-ed with cold.*
———— : noun [C] : titreme
*He felt a ——- run down his spine (= He felt afraid).*

- shiver

adjective : SPEECH/LETTER : A ——— speech, letter, etc is very long and confused.
tutarsız/kendi içinde çelişkili ve karmaşık konuşma/mektup; daldan dala atlayan konuşma/yazı
BUILDING : A ———- building is big and without a regular shape.
biçimsiz, şekilsiz
The house was a —– affair. It had few windows, and such as there were did not open, were unbreakable and admitted no light.

- rambling

noun [U] : the feeling of wanting to harm or upset someone

kasıt, kötü niyet, kötülük, hainlik, kin, garaz
*There was no ———- in her comments.*
- malice

noun [C] : an evil spirit

cin, kötü ruh
- demon

noun : the money that is demanded for the return of someone who is being kept as a prisoner

*a ———- note/letter*
- ransom