Darkest night Flashcards
adjective : extremely annoying or unpleasant
dayanılmaz, çekilmez, tahammül edilmez
—————- arrogance
—————-y : adverb : rahatsızlık veren şekilde

- insufferable

phrasal verb : formal
to fill someone or something with a particular feeling, quality, or idea
belli bir duygu/kalite veya fikirle doldurmak/aşılamak
*His poetry is ———d —— deep religious feeling.*

- imbue sb/sth with sth

noun [C] : ANIMAL : an animal with smooth fur that eats fish and lives near the sea
ayı balığı
ON A CONTAINER : a piece of paper or plastic on a container that you break in order to open it
bir şeyin kullanılmadığını ve açılmadığını gösteren kâğıt veya plastik kapak/sargı/bant vs.
OFFICIAL MARK : an official mark made of wax, paper, or metal that is put on important documents
mühür, damga, kaşe
STOP LIQUID/AIR : an object or substance that stops liquid or air from leaving or entering a container
kapak, tıpa, mantar

- seal

adjective formal
———- to sth
knowing information that is not known by many people
haberdar, haberli, bilgi sahibi

- privy

noun [no plural] mainly UK informal
If someone has a ——, they urinate.
idrar, çiş
*to have a ——-
I need a ——-.*
——- : verb [I] : idrar yapmak

- wee

noun [U] : a serious disease caught during sex, that spreads slowly from the sex organs to all parts of the body

frengi, frengi hastalığı
Well, I just want to say that George W. Bush is the —— president.
- syphilis

adjective : believing things that are not true:

*————— thinking is common in schizophrenia.*
- delusional

noun [U, group] : soldiers who fight on foot

piyade, piyade askeri
- infantry

noun : B2 [C, U] : an occasion when an army enters a country by force in order to take control of it
an ———— of privacy : becoming involved in someone’s private life when they do not want you to
özel yaşama müdahale, özel yaşama girme
This week there was a complete and utter British —— of the American shore.

- invasion

to cause a feeling or emotion in someone
tahrik etmek, harekete geçirmek, gayrete getirmek
*This issue is ———ing a lot of public interest.*
WAKE UP formal : to wake someone up
uyanmak, uyandırmak
*He was ———-d from a deep sleep.*

- rouse

adverb : as a group

birlikte olarak, ortaklaşa, müştereken, elbirliğiyle
*She has a staff of four who ———— earn almost $200,000.*
- collectively

noun [C] : someone who has been forced to leave their country, especially because of a war

sığınmacı, mülteci
*a ———— camp*
- refugee

adjective : CRITICISM : using very strong criticism
sivri dilli, öfkeli, zehir zemberek
*a ————- attack*
HEAT : extremely hot : yakıcı, kavurucu, cehennem sıcağı
*———— sunshine*

- blistering

noun [C] literary : the appearance or expression of someone’s face
birinin yüzünün görünüşü ve ifadesi; yüz, çehre, sima
verb: desteklemek, uygun bulmak

- countenance

verb [T] formal : to be or do better than someone or something else

üstün olmak, geçmek, baskın çıkmak, bastırmak, aşmak
*The book’s success ————ed everyone’s expectations.*
- surpass

adjective formal : extremely bad
berbat, yürekler acısı, perişan, acınacak
*a ————— performance*

- lamentable

noun [U] : a situation in which a leader or government has too much power and uses that power in a cruel and unfair way
zorbalık, zulüm, eziyet
————ical : adjective
using or involving ————
acımasız, zulmeden, zalim, gaddar, zorba

- tyranny

noun [C] : a very unpleasant experience

belâ, musibet, büyük eziyet/sıkıntı
*a terrible ————*
*They feared he would not survive the ———-.
She went through the ———- of being interviewed by a panel of ten people.*
- ordeal

adjective formal : very serious
feci, çok ciddi, elem dolu, çok üzücü, ağır
*———— injuries*
—————ly : adverb : ciddi bir şekilde

- grievous

adjective : CONFIDENT : happy and confident
neşeli, keyfli, morali yüksek
*in a ———— mood*
BUSINESS : successful or making a profit
başarılı, kâr getiren, kârlı
*a ———— economy*
FLOATING : floating or able to float
yüzen, yüzebilen, su yüzeyinde kalabilen
—————cy : noun [U] : mutluluk

- buoyant

verb [I, T] formal : to arrange a meeting, or to meet for a meeting

topla(n)mak, bir araya gelmek, toplantı yapmak
*The committee ————s three times a year.*
- convene

verb : BABY [I, T] : to become pregnant
gebe/hamile kalmak
IMAGINE [I, T] : to be able to imagine something
tasavvur etmek, tasarlamak, hayal edebilmek
*I cannot ————- of anything more horrible.*
IDEA [T] : to think of an idea or plan
tasarlamak, planlamak, düşünüp yaratmak
*The original idea for the novel was ————-d in Rome.*

- conceive

verb : WITH HAND [I] : to raise your hand and move it from side to side in order to attract someone’s attention or to say goodbye
el sallamak
*——— goodbye to Grandma.
She ———d at him.*
——— sb in/on/through, etc : to show which way you want someone to go by moving your hand in that direction
el sallayarak işaret etmek/yönlendirmek/sevketmek
*The police ———d him on.*

- wave

phrasal verb : to damage something or cause problems by doing something stupid:

salakça birşey yaparak mahvetmek,
*Mike’s ————ed —— the video again.*
- bugger sth up

adjective : very much loved

sevilen, sevgili, aziz
*in memory of our ———- son*
- beloved

phrasal verb : NOT HAPPEN : to decide that a planned event or activity will not happen because it is not possible, useful, or wanted now
iptal etmek, gerekli görmeyip yapmamak, vazgeçmek
*The game has been ——-ed —— because of the weather.*
STOP : to decide to stop an activity
vazgeçmek, iptal etmek
*Police have ——-ed off the search.*

- call sth off

noun : a sudden feeling of shock and fear

korku, endişe, ani ürperti/şok
*That dog gave me a terrible ———.
She screamed in ——— when she saw him.*
- fright

noun [S] informal : a very short time:

kısa zaman
*I’ll be with you in a ———.
I’ve just got to fetch some books from upstairs - I won’t be a ——- (= I’ll be very quick).*
- jiffy

noun : LEAVE JOB [C, U] :the act of telling your employer that you are leaving your job
istifa, çekilme, görevden ayrılma
*a letter of ————
I handed in my ———- yesterday.*
ACCEPT [U] : the feeling that you have to accept something that you do not like because you cannot easily change it
boyun eğme, tevekkül, teslimiyet

- resignation

verb : If a king or queen ————s, they choose to stop being king or queen.
tahtı terketmek, görevden vazgeçmek
———— responsibility formal : to decide not to be responsible for something any more
bir şeyin sorumluluğunu daha fazla üslenmemek
—————ion : noun [C, U]
vazgeçme, terk

- abdicate

a —— of : a long list of unpleasant things, especially things that are repeated:

*The manufacturers are reported to have received a ——— of complaints from dissatisfied customers.*
- litany

noun (US line) : a line of people, usually standing or in cars, waiting for something:

*Are you in the ——- for tickets?
There was a long ——— of traffic stretching down the road.
If you want tickets you’ll have to join the ———.*
- queue

noun [plural] : intelligence and the ability to think quickly
zekâ ve yetenek
keep/have your —— about you : to be ready to think quickly in a situation and react to things that you are not expecting
uyanık olmak, tetikte bulunmak, aklı başında olmak, telaşa kapılmamak, kendine hâkim olmak
*You have to keep your ——- about you when you’re cycling.*

- wits

noun [U] : behaviour which shows someone is too interested in their own appearance and thinks they are very attractive

kendini beğenmişlik, kibir, gurur
* There has to be a certain amount of ——— involved in maintaining the physique.*
- vanity

noun [U] : the ability to deal with dangerous or difficult situations without being frightened

cesaret, yüreklilik, korkusuzluk
*[+ to do sth] She didn’t have the ———- to tell him the truth.*
- courage

noun : be on the ——- of sth
to be in a situation where something bad is going to happen very soon
hemen hemen, ramak kala, neredeyse, üzere
*The two countries are on the ——- of war.*

- brink

adjective : using sarcasm
alaycı, alay eden, iğneleyici
*a ———— comment/remark
Are you being ———?*
————-ally : adverb : alaycı bir şekilde

- sarcastic

adjective : trying to have too much control over other people

zorba, buyurgan, hükmünü zorla uygulayan; baskıcı
*an ————- mother*
- overbearing

verb [I] : to become worse
bozulmak, kötülemek, kötüye gitmek, kötüleşmek
*Her condition ————— rapidly.*
————ion : noun [U]

- deteriorate

noun [no plural] : PERSONALITY : the way in which a person talks and behaves with other people
tavır, hâl, konuşma şekli, tutum, davranış
*an aggressive/friendly ———*
WAY : the way something happens or something is done
biçim, şekil, usül, tarz
*They dealt with the problem in a very efficient ——-.
He dealt with this case in a completely professional and ethical ———-.*

- manner

noun [no plural]
a special skill, or the ability to use or do something easily
hüner, marifet, yetenek, beceri, ustalık
*a ———- for remembering faces
She has the ———- of making people feel comfortable.*

- knack

noun [C] : someone who behaves in a very violent and cruel way
hayvan, canavar, zalim kimse
———ish : adjective
like a brute
hayvan gibi, hayvanlaşmış, çok kaba

- brute

verb [T] : COMMUNICATE : to communicate information, feelings, or images to someone
nakletmek, aktarmak, açığa çıkarmak, ifade etmek
*She always ———s a sense of enthusiasm for her work.*
TRANSPORT : to transport something or someone to a particular place
taşımak, götürmek

- convey

adverb formal : in a way that causes great harm:

*Having an accident without insurance can be ——- expensive.
———- high taxes*
- ruinously

verb : COUNTRY [I, T] : to enter a country by force in order to take control of it
istila etmek
*Portugal was ———d by the French in 1807.*
PLACE [T] : to enter a place in large numbers
akın etmek, istila etmek, doluşmak, üşüşmek, kaplamak
*Every summer the town is ———-d by tourists.*

- invade

adjective : READY [never before noun]
ready to do something
harekete geçmeye hazır, eyleme hazır beklemede, kalkmış ayakta; darbeye/eylem/harekete hazır
*[+ to do sth] They have three hundred ships, all ——- to attack.*
POSITION [never before noun] : in a particular position or situation, ready to move or change
…a/e hazır; üstünde; beklemede; harekete hazır
*a helicopter ———- above the crowd*
CALM : calm and confident
temkinli, ağırbaşlı, dengeli, ölçülü
*a ———- performance*

- poised