damnation : lanet Flashcards
noun : ORGANIZATION : an official organization that gives money, food, or help to people who need it
hayır kurumu, yardım derneği, darülaceze
*The raffle will raise money for ——-.
A percentage of the company’s profits go to —–.*
MONEY/HELP : money, food, or other help that is given to people
yardım, sadaka
*I don’t take ——.*
KINDNESS : kindness towards other people
sevecenlik, hayırseverlik, merhamet, hoşgörü
*an act of ——*

- charity
adjective : continuing forever, or seeming to continue forever
ebedî, ezelî, sonsuz, ölümsüz, hiç bitmeyen
*——- youth*
*Besides —— salvation*
——–ly adverb
sonsuz bir şekilde
*I will be ——ly grateful to you.*

- eternal
preposition : in addition to something or someone

ötesinde, bundan başka, zaten, bununla birlikte
*Do you play any other sports —— football?*
*——- eternal salvation*
- besides
noun : RELIGION : a religious group that has slightly different beliefs from other groups that share the same religion
mezhep, aynı dini paylaşan ancak kısmi inanç farklılığı gösteren grup
*what ——- are you?*
VALUE : the value of a particular coin, piece of paper money, or stamp
para birimi, para, pul

- denomination
noun : a group of people meeting to worship in church

cemaat, topluluk, ibadet için toplanmış insanlar
*The whole ——- eats after our morning service.*
- congregation
noun : a religious speech given by a priest in church

vaaz, dinî konuşma
*to deliver/give a —–*
*lets hear the —–*
- sermon
noun : a female bird, especially a chicken

*take the entire —-*
- hen
verb : If a liquid splatters or you splatter it, it falls onto a surface, often in many small drops.

sıçra(t)mak, dağılmak
*His clothes were ——ed with blood.*
*And —— some blood and feathers when you leave.*
- splatter
noun : one of the soft, light things that grow from and cover a bird’s skin

tüy, kuş tüyü
*And splatter some blood and ——-s when you leave.
- feather
noun : the feeling that you know something without being able to explain why

sezgi, önsezi, içe doğma
*Her approach to childcare is based on ——-.*
*call it a banker’s ——*
- intuition
verb : CAUSE BELIEF : to make someone believe that something is true
ikna etmek, inandırmak
*He tried to —— me that I needed a new car.*
PERSUADE : to persuade someone to do something
razı etmek, ikna etmek
*I ——d her to go to the doctor’s.*

- convince