Outlander Flashcards
noun : a formal promise : söz, yemin
*They refused to take an oath of (= to promise) loyalty to the king.
under —- : If someone is under —–, they have promised to tell the truth in a law court.
yemin etmiş, ant içmiş
*He denied under —– that he was involved in the crime.*

- oath

verb : can’t —– sb/sth : to strongly dislike someone or something

aşırı derecede nefret etmek, hoşlanmamak
*I can’t —– rudeness.*
- abide

noun : a building where horses are kept

at ahırı
- stable

verb : to make a serious promise or decision

söz vermek, yemin etmek, ant içmek
*[+ (that)] She —ed that she would never leave the children again.*
- vow

verb : to promise seriously to do something or give something

söz vermek, vaat etmek, and içmek, yemin etmek
*Foreign donors have —–d $550 million.*
- pledge