Operation argo Flashcards
verb : to do something bad to someone because they have done something bad to you
misilleme yapmak, yapılan bir kötülüğe kötülükle cevap vermek
*They have threatened to ————— against any troops that attack.*
—————ion : noun [U] : misilleme
*They bombed the hotel in ————-ion for the arrests.*
—————ory : adjective : misilleme olarak yapılan
*————-ory measures*

- retaliate

verb : to argue strongly about something in order to achieve social or political changes
sosyal veya siyasi değişiklikleri kazanmak için yaygara koparmak, tartışma çıkarmak, ajite etmek
*They continued to ——— for changes to the legal system.*
————or : noun : tahrik eden

- agitate

noun : JOB [C] formal : your job
iş güç, meslek, sanat, uğraşı
*You have to give your name, age, and ———— on the application form.*
CONTROL [usually singular] : a situation in which an army moves into a place and takes control of it
zaptetme, işgal, ele geçirme
*a military —————*
HOBBY [C] formal : something that you do in your free time
uğraşı, hobi, meşgale, uğraş

- occupation

verb :NECESSARY PART : If a situation or activity involves something, that thing is a necessary part of it.
gerektirmek, icap ettirmek
*The trips often ————- a lot of walking.
AFFECT/INCLUDE : to affect or include someone or something in an activity
etkisi altına almak, sarmak
*an event ————ing hundreds of people*
TAKE PART : to make someone be part of an activity or process
karışmak, bulaşmak, yer almak, bulaştırmak
*I prefer teaching methods that actively ———— students in learning.*

- involve

noun : a set of equipment or tools used for a particular purpose

*The diver wore breathing ————-.*
- apparatus

verb : to cause someone severe pain, often in order to make them tell you something
işkence etmek, eziyet etmek,
————r : noun [C] : işkence eden

- torture

verb : to regularly carry passengers or goods from one place to another in a vehicle

yolcu taşımak
- ferry

noun : someone who dies for their beliefs
*a Catholic ———-*
————dom :noun [U] : a situation in which someone dies for their beliefs

- martyr

verb : to formally approve of something

resmî izin vermek, onaylamak
*He refused to ———— the publication of his private letters.*
- sanction

noun [plural] : SKILLS : skills and experience that show you are suitable for a particular job or activity
nitelik, ehliyet, beceri ve yetenekler
*academic —————-*
PAPERS : documents that prove who you are
kimlik belgesi, referans, ehliyet

- credentials

noun [C] : MAN old-fashioned : a man
adam, herif, insan, ahbap, dost, arkadaş
*a big ——— with broad shoulders*
COLLEGE : someone whose job is to teach or study a particular subject at some colleges or universities
üniversitede belli bir konuda çalışan veya öğreten hoca veya öğrenci
*She’s a research ——— at St Peter’s college.*
MEMBER : a member of an official organization for a particular subject or job

- fellow

noun : a very unpleasant experience

belâ, musibet, büyük eziyet/sıkıntı
They feared he would not survive the ———-.
She went through the ———- of being interviewed by a panel of ten people.*
- ordeal

verb : to remove someone from power by using force
devirmek, düşürmek; zorla devirmek/alaşağı etmek
*They were accused of plotting to ———— the government.*
————- : noun [no plural]
devirme (kişi, hükümet)

- overthrow

adjective : not caring if you hurt or upset other people when you try to get what you want
merhametsiz, acımasız, zalim
*————— ambition
a ————- dictator*
—————ly : adverb : acımasızca
————-ness : noun [U] : acımasızlık

- ruthless