After Life Flashcards
verb : to talk a lot about something in an excited or angry way

atıp tutmak; bol keseden atmak
He was —-ing and raving about the injustice of the situation.
- rant

verb : to take something away from someone, especially as a punishment

zorla el koymak, zaptetmek
Authorities most typically —— stolen weapons and weapons used in crimes.
- confiscate

adjective : NOT WORKING UK
not working because your employer has told you there is not enough work
işsiz, boş, ihtiyaç fazlası
Eight thousand people have been made ——- in Britain this year.
NOT NEEDED UK : not needed or used any more because there are other similar or more modern things
fazla, gereksiz, gereksinim duyulmayan
——- weapons

- redundant

adjective : SINCERE : If a person or their feelings are genuine, they are sincere and honest.
gerçek, sahi, hakiki
He shows a —– concern for the welfare of his students.
——-ly : adverb : hakikatten

- genuine

noun : a piece of information that is discovered although it was intended to be kept secret
ifşaat, açılama, açığa vurma
He resigned following ——-s about his private life.
be a ——– : to be an extremely pleasant surprise
büyük bir sürpriz/beklenmedik şey olmak
Anna’s boyfriend was a ——–.

- revelation

verb: to make small movements from side to side or to make something else move from side to side
oyna(t)mak, kıpırda(t)mak
He was —–ing his hips to the music.
——- : noun [no plural]

- wiggle

verb : to say or do something to someone that is rude and offensive
hakaret etmek, aşağılamak
How dare you —– me in front of my friends!
——ing : adjective : rude and offensive
aşağılayan, hakaret eden; aşağılayıcı, küçük düşürücü
an ——-ing remark

- insult

noun :a substance used to make bread rise and to make beer and wine

- yeast

noun : a large, round vegetable that consists of a lot of thick leaves

*Cover and repeat, transferring leaves until you reach the center of the ———-.*
- cabbage

noun : a small creature with a long, soft body and a round shell

- snail

verb : to push someone or something in a rough way
itmek, itip kakmak
*He wouldn’t move, so I ———d him out of the way.*
——- sth into/in/under, etc : to put something somewhere in a quick, careless way
rastgele koymak; gelişigüzel koymak; atıvermek
*She ———-d the suitcase under the bed.*
——— : noun [C] : iteleme
*to give someone a ———-*

- shove

a metal container in which food is sold
teneke kutu
*a —— of beans/soup*

- tin

verb : FEEL SAD [I] : to feel or express great sadness, especially when someone dies
acı çekmek, elem duymak, üzüntü yaşamak, yas tutmak
*He is still ———-ing for his wife.*
MAKE SAD [T] formal : to make someone feel very sad
elem vermek, üzmek, kederlendirmek

- grieve

verb : to manage to do something difficult, or to make something happen, by using your intelligence or by tricking people

becermek, bir yolunu bulup halletmek, (argo) allem kallem edip halletmek, tasarlamak, şu ya da bu şekilde yapmak
*[+ to do sth] They ———-d to meet in secret.*
- contrive

verb : SPOIL : to spoil or destroy something
harap etmek, yıkmak, mahvetmek
*[often passive] They were late and the dinner was ——-ed.*

- ruin

phrasal verb : to become happier or more positive or to make someone happier or more positive:

neşelendirmek, neşelenmek
A week at the beach will ——- her —-.*
- buck (sb/sth) up

adverb : used to say what you think is the likely situation

galiba, tahminen, herhalde
*————— he just forgot to send the letter.*
- presumably

adjective : boring, ordinary, and not original:

banal, sıradan, sıkıcı
*He just sat there making ——- remarks all evening.
——— pop songs*
- banal

verb : TEACH [I] to give a formal talk to a group of people, often at a university
konuşma yapmak, konferans vermek
*She travelled widely throughout North America ———-ing on women’s rights.
CRITICIZE [T] : to talk angrily to someone in order to criticize their behaviour
ahlâk dersi vermek, eleştirmek; kızgın ve ciddi konuşmak
*Stop ———-ing me!
His parents used to ———- him on his table manners.*

- lecture

noun : öz
the ——- of sth : the main point or meaning of something without the details
bir şeyin özü ana hattı, temeli, esası

- gist

noun : a hard, white substance from the tusks (= long teeth) of some animals, such as elephants (= large, grey animals)

White and —— dresses lend a fresh sweetness that can play up fun accessories.
- ivory

adjective : NOT CLEAR : not clear or certain
belirsiz, bulanık, flu
He was a bit ——— about directions.*
NOT THINKING : showing that someone is not thinking clearly or does not understand
kafası dağınık, dalgın
*a ———- expression*
———-ly : adverb : net olmayan bir şekilde
*I ———-ly remember (= slightly remember) meeting her.*
———-ness : noun [U] belirsizlik

- vague

noun [U] : a pale brown colour

bej renk
- beige

verb [T] : to attack and rob someone in a public place
saldırıp soymak; parasını gaspetmek
*[often passive] He was ——ged as he walked across the park.*
——-ger : noun [C] : someone who ——s people
insanlara saldırıp soyan kimse, saldırgan

- mug

verb : If a bell or clock chimes, it rings.
vurmak, çalmak (saat)
noun [C] : çan sesi

- chime
verb : to drink in a noisy way

höpürdeterek içmek; höpürdetmek, şapırdatmak
He ———ed his tea.
- slurp
adjective : very silly

saçma, aptalca, gülünç, komik
I’ve never heard anything so ————-
- ridiculous
noun : the tube in your body that takes food from your stomach to be passed out as waste

bağırsaklar, iç organlar
- gut
noun [C] : a group of people who live together, usually in areas far away from cities, and who share the same culture and language and still have a traditional way of life
kabile, aşiret, boy, klân
Native American ———s
——-al : adjective
relating to a ————
kabile ile ilgili; kabileye ait
a ——-al dance

- tribe
adjective : dirty and untidy

pis, pasaklı, pejmurde, bakımsız
———- jeans
I don’t like to look ———-.
- scruffy
noun : (mainly US apartment)
a set of rooms to live in, with all the rooms on one level of a building
daire, apartman dairesi
a large block of ——-s

- flat
noun : a type of betting (= risking money on a competition) in which the winner receives all the money

bütün parasını bahse koyma; tüm parasına iddiaya girme
- sweepstake
to make a noise by suddenly breathing in because you are shocked or surprised
kesik kesik/derin derin hırlayarak nefes almak; soluğu/nefesi kesilmek
She ———ed in horror as the car spun out of control.
to breathe loudly and with difficulty trying to get more air
güçlükle ve hırıltıyla nefes almak; nefes darlığı çekmek
He clutched his heart, ——-ing for breath.
noun [C]
heyecandan nefesi kesilme
a ——- of surprise

- gasp
noun : the feeling of not being certain about something, or not trusting someone or something

şüphe, kuşku
I have some ———s about his ability to do the job.
- doubt
noun : a man who opens the door, serves dinner, etc in a large house as a job

- butler
adverb : used when you are agreeing that something is true although you do not want to
kabul etmek gerekir ki …
———— I was partly to blame but it wasn’t all my fault.

- admittedly
past tense of wake

uyanmak’ fiilinin 2. hâli
- woke
noun : METAL [U] : a soft, red-brown metal, used in electrical equipment and to make coins, etc (symbol Cu)
——— wire
MONEY [C] UK : a brown coin with a low value
bozuk para, madeni para
POLICE [C] UK informal : a police officer

- copper
verb : to clean something by rubbing it hard with a brush

ovmak/ovalamak, fırçalayarak/ovalayarak temizlemek/çıkarmak
to ——— the floor
- scrub
noun : a silly or annoying person:
The stupid ———‘s given me the wrong ticket!
used to express anger:
Oh ———-, it’s raining!

- Bugger
adjective : CLEAR : unpleasantly clear and obvious
çıplak, sade, yalın, belirgin, apaçık
His death is a ——— warning to other people about the dangers of drugs.
——- difference/contrast : a total difference
tamamen farklı/tezat
Jerry is very lazy, in ——— contrast to his sister who works very hard.
PLAIN : with a very plain and simple appearance and not very attractive
açık, yalın, çıplak, süssüz, sade
a ———, snowy landscape
———ly : adverb
yalın bir şekilde

- stark
verb : to kill someone by causing electricity to flow through their body
elektrik çarpmak, elektriğe çarpılmak
[often passive] He was ———- while playing on a railway line.
————-ion : noun [U]
elektrik çarpması

- electrocute
adjective : arguing and complaining a lot:

huysuz, geçimsiz
He’s getting a bit ————- in his old age.
- cantankerous
noun : poems in general, or the writing of poetry

I enjoy all kinds of ———, especially love poetry.
- poetry
noun : a time when all the people involved in a play, dance, etc practise in order to prepare for a performance

- rehearsal
exclamation : used to change a statement into a question

‘Değil mi?’, ‘Öyle mi?’
It’s wrong, ———?
- innit
verb : TRY HARD [I, T]
to try hard to do something, usually to see or hear something
büyük çaba harcamak, zorlamak, çok fazla güç sarfetmek
[+ to do sth] I had to ——— to hear the music.
INJURE : to injure part of your body by using it too much
incitmek, zorlamak, burkmak
I think I’ve ———-ed a muscle.
CAUSE PROBLEMS : to cause problems for a situation or relationship
sorunlara neden olmak, ilişkiyi kötüye götürmek, zora sokmak
The incident has ———-ed relations between the two countries.
MONEY [T] : to cause too much of something to be used, especially money
çok fazla masraf etmek/açmak; harcamaları artırmak
The war is ———-ing the defence budget.
SEPARATE : to separate solids from a liquid by pouring the mixture into a container with small holes in it
elemek, süzgeçten geçirmek
———— the sauce to remove the seeds and skins.

- strain
verb : CAUSE PAIN [T]
If an insect, plant, etc ——-s you, it causes pain by putting poison into your skin.
sokmak, ısırmak
He was ———(v2) by a wasp.
FEEL PAIN : If your eyes, skin, etc ——-, or if something makes them sting, you feel a sudden, burning pain.
yanmak, acımak, sızlamak, yakmak, acıtmak, sızlatmak
That shampoo really made my eyes ———.

- sting
noun : a short, traditional story, usually involving animals, which is intended to show people how to behave

hayvan masalı, alegorik hikaye, fabl
Aesop’s ———s
- fable
verb : PHYSICS specialized
to fall towards the inside with force:
içte patlama
The vacuum inside the tube caused it to ——- when the external air pressure was increased.
to fail suddenly and completely and be unable to operate:
Their economy is in danger of ———ing.

- implode
noun : waste water and waste from toilets

pis su, lağım suyu, kanalizasyon suyu
a ———- treatment plant
- sewage
pronoun UK not standard
There’s ———- wrong with this machine.

- summat
phrasal verb : to make something continue for more time than is necessary

gereksiz yere uzatmak
He died a few hours after midnight, never being one to ——- things —- too long
- drag sth out
noun : plural half
one of two equal parts of something; 1/2
Cut the lemons into ——.

- halves
adjective : LEGAL : allowed by law
meşru, yasal, yasaya uygun
Sales of illegal CDs now exceed those of —– recordings.
Opposite : il——–
CAN BE UNDERSTOOD : A ——- complaint or fear can be understood or believed.
yerinde, mantıklı, akla uygun, kabul edilebilir
People have expressed ——- fears about the spread of the disease.
——–ly adverb : kanuna uygun olarak

- legitimate
noun : an animal with brown fur, a long, flat tail, and sharp teeth, which builds dams (= walls made of pieces of wood) across rivers

The interactive webs of birds, insects, fish and —— are returning to health.
- beaver
adjective : secret, especially in an official situation
These documents are strictly ——-.
——–ly adverb : gizli bir şekilde
——–ity noun : gizlilik

- confidential
to make a sudden movement backwards because you are afraid or in pain
irkilmek, çekinmek, ürkmek
She didn’t —— when the nurse cleaned the wound.
AVOID DOING : to avoid doing something that is unpleasant
uzak durmak, kaçmak, sakınmak
Nick never ——es from difficult decisions.

- flinch
adjective : very bad

berbat, kötü, tatsız tuzsuz, keyifsiz
—– food/service
I felt —— when I woke up this morning.
- lousy
noun : MEASUREMENT (written abbreviation pt)
a unit for measuring liquid, equal to 0.568 litres in the UK and 0.473 litres in the US
(Birleşik Krallık) 0.473 (ABD) 0.568 litereye eşit sıvı ölçüm birimi
BEER UK informal : a —– of beer
büyük bira

- pint
the last in a series of unpleasant events that finally makes you stop accepting a bad situation

bardağı taşıran son damla, sabrın tükenme noktası
Last week he came home drunk at five in the morning, and that was the —- —–.
- the final/last straw
noun : a small newspaper with a lot of pictures and short, simple newsstories

sadece basit ve sıradan hikâyeleri çokça resimlerle basan magazin gazetesi
He didn’t know until a writer from a —– newspaper interviewed him, he said.
- tabloid
noun : a large amount of money given as a single payment

toplu para, bir kalemde ödenen para, tek kalemde yapılan ödeme
She received a tax-free — —- on leaving the company.
- lump sum
verb : JOIN [I, T]
If two things —-, they stick together, or if you —- them, you make them stick together.
yapışmak, birbirine bağlanmak, bağlamak
This glue —–s wood and metal in seconds.
RELATIONSHIP : to develop a strong relationship with someone
biriyle güçlü bir ilişki geliştirmek, oluşturmak
Physical contact helps a mother —– with her baby.

- bond
phrasal verb : CRITICIZE
to make someone feel stupid or unimportant by criticizing them
küçük düşürmek, aşağılamak, alenen tenkit etmek
I’m tired of him —-ting me —- all the time.
WRITE : to write someone’s name on a list or document, usually in order to arrange for them to do something
ismini listeye kaydetmek/yazmak
I’ve — you —- for the trip to Rome next week.

- put sb down
verb : to take back someone’s house, car, furniture, etc because they cannot finish paying for them
ipotekli ev/araba/mobilyayı geri almak; borcu ödenmediği için el koymak
However, the Bank of Western Australia is threatening to —– that property.
——ion noun : the process of —–ing something, or the thing that is ——-ed
yeniden elde etme, geri alma; yeniden elde edilen/geri alınan

- repossess
verb : to complain in an annoying way
sızlanıp/yakınıp/dertlenip durmak
Oh, stop —–ing!
—— noun : şikayet
He was just having a —–.

- whinge
noun : a deep, metal pan, usually with a long handle and a lid, that is used to cook food in

saplı tencere
- saucepan
noun : a quality, good or bad, in someone’s character

kişisel özellik; karakter niteliği, kişilik hasletleri
a family —-
That’s a common —– in many of Krzyzewski’s players and one Marrone cherishes.
- trait
adjective : small, usually used by Scottish speakers

küçücük, azıcık, ufacık, minnacık
a —— girl
- wee
adjective : WRONG/BAD
making you feel that something is wrong or that something bad or illegal is happening
kuşkulu, şüpheli, şüphe duyulan
———— behaviour/circumstances
I called airport security after noticing a ——- package.
NOT TRUST : not trusting someone
şüphe uyandıran, kuşkulandıran, güven vermeyen
Many of them remain ———- of journalists.

- suspicious
adjective : formal
soft or weak rather than firm:
The penis is usually in a ———- state.
disapproving : weak and not effective:
The programme included a lacklustre and ——— performance of Berg’s violin concerto.

- flaccid
noun : someone who collects large amounts of something and keeps it for themselves, often in a secret place:
Senior officials blame ———-s for the food shortage.
someone who suffers from a mental condition that makes them want to keep a large number of things that are not needed or have no value:
He was one of those ———s who can’t throw anything away.
I soon realized the woman was a compulsive ———-.

- hoarder
noun : SMALL PIECE [C]
a small piece or amount of something
parça, kırıntı
He wrote his phone number on a ——- of paper.
I’ve read every ——- of information I can find on the subject.
OLD [U] : old cars and machines that are not now needed but have parts which can be used to make other things
hurdalık, hurdalar, demir yığını
——— metal
The car was so badly damaged we could only sell it as ——-.
FIGHT [C] informal : a fight or an argument, usually one that is not very serious
hırgür, ağız dalaşı, münakaşa, kavga, dövüş
He was always getting into ——-s at school.

- scrap
verb : EMOTION
to allow yourself to feel too much sadness in a way that stops people respecting you
kendini …a/e kaptırmak; sürekli dövünerek insanları kendinden uzaklaştırmak
There’s no use ———ing in self-pity.
LIE AROUND : to lie or move around in soil or water, especially for pleasure
yatıp yuvarlanmak

- wallow
phrasal verb : to do gentle exercises to stretch the muscles in order to prepare the body for more active physical exercise:

açma germe hareketi yapmak
The substitutes are beginning to —- – on the sidelines.
- limber up
adjective : EXPENSIVE
expensive and used or owned by rich people
şık, lüks, pahalı ve gösterişli
a —- hotel/restaurant
from a high social class
yüksek tabakadan; toplumun üst katmanından; kodaman takımından
a —- voice

- posh
to complain or speak in a way that shows you are unhappy
homurdanmak; yakınmak, sızlanmak, şikayet etmek; feryat figan etmek
She’s always —-ing about something.
SOUND : to make a low sound, especially because you are in pain
He lay on the floor —-ing.
moan noun [C] sızlanma

- moan
adjective :RIGHT AND WRONG[always before noun]
relating to beliefs about what is right or wrong
ahlâk değerleriyle ilgili
—– standards/values
a —- issue
GOOD CHARACTER : behaving in a way that most people think is correct and honest
ahlâkî, manevî, vicdanî
He’s a very —– person.
Opposite : im——
——ly adverb : ahlaki olarak
——ly wrong

- moral
noun: WASTE UK (US trash can)
a container that is used to put waste in
çöp kovası/kutusu/bidonu
a rubbish/wastepaper —
I threw it in the —-.
STORING : a container for storing things
teneke kutu
a storage —-

- bin
phrasal verb : to successfully deal with something, such as a problem or difficult situation

halletmek, düzenlemek, düzeltmek, çözüme ulaştırmak, başetmek, başarıyla sonuçlandırmak
Have you —–ed —- your schedule yet?
- sort sth out
verb : to breathe in nicotine (= the drug found in tobacco) or another drugas vapour rather than as smoke, especially using an e-cigarette:

e-sigara içmek
Rather than start —-ing, you should give up smoking altogether.
- vape
verb : to control something by limiting it

sınırlayarak kontrol altına almak, kısıtlamak, zorlamak, sınırlamak, baskı uygulamak
regulations that ——- industry
[often passive] I’m —–ed by decisions made in the past.
- constrain
noun : someone whose job is to carry other people’s bags in hotels, stations, etc

taşıyıcı, hamal
- porter
adjective : COLD
unpleasantly cold
rahatsız eden soğuk, serin, oldukça soğuk
a —– evening
UNFRIENDLY : unfriendly
samimiyetsiz, dostça olmayan
He gave me a —– look.

- chilly
noun : WARM CLOTHING UK (UK/US sweater)
a warm piece of clothing that covers the top of your body and is pulled on over your head
kazak, süveter
DRESS US (mainly UK pinafore)
a loose dress with no sleeves that is worn over other clothes such as a shirt
geniş elbise

- jumper
verb : (also —– up) : to spoil something by doing it badly

baştan savma yapmak, üstünkörü yapmak, bir şeyi berbat etmek, yüzüne gözüne bulaştırmak
a —-ed robbery
- botch

verb: spelling of paralyse

felç etmek, sakat bırakmak; kötürüm bırakmak
A broken vertebra in his back threatened to cut his spinal cord and —— him.
- paralyze
noun : SKIN
a small line on your face that you get when you grow old
kırışıklık, buruşukluk
CLOTH : a small fold in a piece of cloth
kabarma, buruşma, kırışma
verb : buruşmak, kırışmak
a —–d face

- wrinkle
noun : a feeling of pain over an area of your body that continues for a longtime
There’s a dull —- in my right shoulder.
See also stomach —-

- ache
noun : something that you do or say to show that you respect and admire someone, especially in a formal situation
övgü, takdir, güzel söz
The concert was organized as a —- to the singer who died last year.
The President paid —- to (= expressed his admiration for) the bravesoldiers who had defended the country.
be a —– to sb/sth : to show how good someone or something is
eseri olmak; olumlu sonuç/iyi eser olmak
It’s a —— to Mark’s hard work that the project is finished.

- tribute
past tense of choose
seçmek’ fiilinin 2. hali

- chose
phrasal verb : to suddenly hit someone
vurmak, saldırmak
He —ed —- and caught her on the side of the face.
CRITICIZE : to criticize someone angrily
azarlamak, çatmak, şiddetle eleştirmek
He —ed — at the government for refusing to take action.

- lash out
verb : to keep criticizing or giving advice to someone in an annoying way

başının etini yemek, dır dır etmek, sürekli eleştirmek
They keep —ging me about going to university.
- nag
noun : the air when it is not very clear because of something such as heator smoke, making it difficult to see well

pus, hafif sis
The wind also blew the smoke into the Tri-Cities, creating a —- over the area.
- haze
verb : to put your arms around someone to show them that you love them
sarılmak, kucaklamak, bağrına basmak
Her mother —–d her until she stopped crying.
noun [C] sarılma

- cuddle
noun : continuous complaining, especially about something that does not seem important:

I don’t want to hear any more —–.
Maybe our kids should be a bit tougher and stop the —–.
- whinging
verb: If something wobbles or you make something wobble, it moves from side to side, often because it is not on a flat surface.
sallanmak, yalpalamak, dingildemek
The ladder started to —–.
Stop —–ing the table.
—–ly adjective : likely to —–
sallanan, yalpalayan, sallantılı
a —–ly chair

- wobble