Ones upon time in Hollywood Flashcards
noun : LARGE AMOUNT [C, U] : a large or generous amount of something
cömertlik, gönlü genişlik
REWARD [C] : an amount of money paid as a reward
ödül olarak ödenen para, ödül
The —— helps supply the school’s vegetarian lunch program, Food for Thought.

- bounty

verb :to injure part of your body by twisting it, but not so badly that it breaks
burkmak, incitmek
I slipped on the ice and —–ed my ankle.
noun [C] burkulma

- sprain

noun: someone who behaves in an active and silly way in order to make people laugh:

komiklik yapan kişi
It’s hard to believe Ella was a —– in school - she’s so polite now.
- cutup

verb : to change something dishonestly in order to get money

üzerinde hile yapmak/oynamak; değiştirmek, ayarlamak
She was fired for —–ing her travel expenses.
- fiddle

verb : to laugh at someone or say unkind things to them, either because you are joking or because you want to upset them
takılmak, eğlenmek, kızdırmak
They were —–ing Dara about her new haircut.
Don’t get upset, I’m only —-ing.

- tease

noun : BONES : the long structure of bones down the centre of your back, which supports yourbody
bel kemiği, omurga
BOOK : the narrow part of a book cover where the pages are joined together and which you can see when it is on a shelf
(kitap) sırt

- spine

noun : NO PROGRESS formal : something that makes it difficult or impossible for someone or something to move or make progress
engel, mânia, sekte, zorluk
Cramped classrooms are an ——– to learning.
SPEECH/HEARING : a problem that makes speaking, hearing, or moving difficult
zorluk, güçlük, engel, sorun
a speech ——–

- impediment

adjective : moving or working more slowly than usual

uyuşuk, miskin, yorgun, ağır kanlı, bezgin
a —– economy
I felt really —– after lunch.
- sluggish