Game changer Flashcards
noun : a belief that is not true or correct

yanılgı, yanlış kanı, safsata
*It’s a ———- that problems will disappear if you ignore them.*
- fallacy

noun [no plural]
the highest or best part of something
zirve, doruk, en yüksek derece
*At 35, she is at the ———- of her career.*

- pinnacle

past of feed

‘beslemek’ fiilinin ikinci hali
- fed

adjective : too large or small in comparison to something
orantısız, küçük ya da büyük
*There are a ———————-ly number of girls in the class.*
——————ly : adverb : oransız bir şekilde

- disproportionate

adjective : CONFUSED : A person who is muddled is confused.
şaşırmış, zihni/aklı karışmış
*He became increasingly ———- as he grew older.*
NOT ORGANIZED : Things that are muddled are badly organized.
dağınık, karma karışık, tertipsiz düzensiz, karışık
*He left his clothes in a —–— pile in the corner.*

- muddled

adjective : If something is ————-, you cannot avoid or prevent it.
kaçınılmaz, çaresiz, olması muhakkak, mukadder
*It was ———— that his crime would be discovered.*
the ——- : something that cannot be prevented
yazgı, mukadderat, önlenmesi mümkün olmayan
*Eventually the ———- happened and he had a heart attack.*
————ly : adverb
kaçınılmaz bir biçimde
*—————ly, there was a certain amount of fighting between the groups.*
—————-ility : noun [U]

- inevitable

adjective : existing in large quantities
aşırı, çok fazla
*an ————- supply of food*
—————ly : adverb : bolca

- abundant

adjective : not accurate or exact:
doğru/kesin olmayan
*Maybe your world view is a little ———-.*
not straight:
*Her smile is slightly ————.*

- skewed

noun : BIRDS [plural]
chickens and other birds that people breed for meat and eggs
kümes hayvanları
MEAT [U] : the meat of chickens and other birds eaten as food
kümes hayvanı eti

- poultry