Lacase de papel Flashcards
noun : a lawyer
a defense ————-
- attorney
noun : the quality of being true, honest, or accurate:
Doubts were cast on the ———— of her alibi.
- veracity
felç etmek, sakat bırakmak; kötürüm bırakmak
- paralyse
verb : BODY : to injure someone so that they cannot use their arms or legs
kolunu bacağını kırmak, sakat/kötürüm bırakmak
[often passive] His son was ———-d by a riding accident.
DAMAGE : to damage something very badly and make it weak or not effective
zarar vermek, çalışamaz/işe yaramaz hale getirmek
[often passive] It was a country ———-d by war.
- cripple
noun : the lawyers who are ————ing someone in a court of law
iddia makamı; avukatlar
The ———- will begin presenting evidence today.
- prosecution
verb : ———— to do sth formal
to try very hard to do something
çok büyük çaba sarfetmek, gayret etmek
I ————-ed to help her, but she wouldn’t let me.
- endeavour
adjective : very strange and unpleasant, especially in a ridiculous or slightly frightening way
biçimsiz, tuhaf, şekilsiz, uygunsuz, saçma
a ———— image
- grotesque
verb : to hate someone or something very much
iğrenmek, tiksinmek, nefret etmek
- detest
verb : to hate someone or something and have no respect for them
aşağılamak, hor görmek, küçümsemek
The two groups ———- each other.
- despise
noun : the crime of doing something that harms your country or government, especially by helping its enemies
vatan ihanet, vatana ihanet suçu
- treason
verb : to make someone seem guilty of a crime or to show that they are guilty
suçlamak, suç isnat etmek, suçlu göstermek
[often reflexive] He refused to answer questions on the grounds that he might —————- himself.
- incriminate
noun : THINGS THAT HAPPEN [C] : what happens to someone, especially when it is something bad
son, akıbet, ölüm
His ——- is now in the hands of the jury.
POWER [U] : a power that some people believe decides what will happen
kader, kısmet, talih, yazgı, alın yazısı
I believe it was ——- that caused us to meet again.
- fate
noun : NOT WORKING [C, U] : a time in the day or in the year when a parliament or law court is not working
meclis tatili, adlî tatil; mola; ara
a parliamentary/congressional ————
The court is in ——— for thirty minutes.
SCHOOL [C, U] US (UK break) : a period of free time between classes at school
teneffüs, ara, mola
At ———— the boys would fight.
WALL [C] : a part of a wall in a room that is further back than the rest of the wall
girinti, niş
- recess
noun [C, U]
the act of giving people new or secret information
ifşaat, açığa vurma, açıklama
- disclosure
noun : SMELL [C] : a pleasant smell
hoş/güzel koku
the sweet ——— of orange blossoms
LIQUID [C, U] : a pleasant-smelling liquid that people put on their skin
parfüm, koku
ANIMAL [C, U] : the smell of an animal or a person that is left somewhere
hayvan/insan kokusu
- scent
verb [T] : to join pieces of metal together by heating them until they almost melt and then pressing them together
kaynak yapmak
- weld
noun [C] : IN A BANK : a special room in a bank where money, jewellery, and other valuable objects are kept
kasa dairesi
IN A CHURCH : a room under a church where people are buried
(kilise) mezar odası
- vault
noun : money that someone has borrowed
borç para, ödünç para, kredi
a bank ——-
He repaid the ——- within two years.
be on ——- : If something is on loan, someone is borrowing it.
ödünç alınmış
Both paintings are on ——- from the city museum.
- loan