Lacase de papel Flashcards
noun : a lawyer

a defense ————-
- attorney

noun : the quality of being true, honest, or accurate:

Doubts were cast on the ———— of her alibi.
- veracity


felç etmek, sakat bırakmak; kötürüm bırakmak
- paralyse

verb : BODY : to injure someone so that they cannot use their arms or legs
kolunu bacağını kırmak, sakat/kötürüm bırakmak
[often passive] His son was ———-d by a riding accident.
DAMAGE : to damage something very badly and make it weak or not effective
zarar vermek, çalışamaz/işe yaramaz hale getirmek
[often passive] It was a country ———-d by war.

- cripple

noun : the lawyers who are ————ing someone in a court of law

iddia makamı; avukatlar
The ———- will begin presenting evidence today.
- prosecution

verb : ———— to do sth formal
to try very hard to do something
çok büyük çaba sarfetmek, gayret etmek
I ————-ed to help her, but she wouldn’t let me.

- endeavour

adjective : very strange and unpleasant, especially in a ridiculous or slightly frightening way

biçimsiz, tuhaf, şekilsiz, uygunsuz, saçma
a ———— image
- grotesque

verb : to hate someone or something very much

iğrenmek, tiksinmek, nefret etmek
- detest

verb : to hate someone or something and have no respect for them

aşağılamak, hor görmek, küçümsemek
The two groups ———- each other.
- despise

noun : the crime of doing something that harms your country or government, especially by helping its enemies

vatan ihanet, vatana ihanet suçu
- treason

verb : to make someone seem guilty of a crime or to show that they are guilty

suçlamak, suç isnat etmek, suçlu göstermek
[often reflexive] He refused to answer questions on the grounds that he might —————- himself.
- incriminate

noun : THINGS THAT HAPPEN [C] : what happens to someone, especially when it is something bad
son, akıbet, ölüm
His ——- is now in the hands of the jury.
POWER [U] : a power that some people believe decides what will happen
kader, kısmet, talih, yazgı, alın yazısı
I believe it was ——- that caused us to meet again.

- fate

noun : NOT WORKING [C, U] : a time in the day or in the year when a parliament or law court is not working
meclis tatili, adlî tatil; mola; ara
a parliamentary/congressional ————
The court is in ——— for thirty minutes.
SCHOOL [C, U] US (UK break) : a period of free time between classes at school
teneffüs, ara, mola
At ———— the boys would fight.
WALL [C] : a part of a wall in a room that is further back than the rest of the wall
girinti, niş

- recess

noun [C, U]
the act of giving people new or secret information
ifşaat, açığa vurma, açıklama

- disclosure

noun : SMELL [C] : a pleasant smell
hoş/güzel koku
the sweet ——— of orange blossoms
LIQUID [C, U] : a pleasant-smelling liquid that people put on their skin
parfüm, koku
ANIMAL [C, U] : the smell of an animal or a person that is left somewhere
hayvan/insan kokusu

- scent

verb [T] : to join pieces of metal together by heating them until they almost melt and then pressing them together
kaynak yapmak
- weld
noun [C] : IN A BANK : a special room in a bank where money, jewellery, and other valuable objects are kept
kasa dairesi
IN A CHURCH : a room under a church where people are buried
(kilise) mezar odası

- vault

noun : money that someone has borrowed
borç para, ödünç para, kredi
a bank ——-
He repaid the ——- within two years.
be on ——- : If something is on loan, someone is borrowing it.
ödünç alınmış
Both paintings are on ——- from the city museum.

- loan

adjective [after verb], adverb : not communicating with anyone else because you do not want to or are not allowed to:

kimseyle görüştürülmeyen tutuklu
His secretary says he will be ———— for the rest of the day.
He was held ————— for the first 48 hours after he was arrested.
- incommunicado

verb [I, T] : to push someone or something in a rough way

itmek, itip kakmak
He wouldn’t move, so I ——-d him out of the way.
- shove

verb [T]
to push a sharp object through something or someone
saplamak, batırmak, sokmak, şişlemek

- impale

verb [T] formal
to remove one or all of the organs from the inside of a body

- eviscerate

noun [C] disapproving : a person who is not brave and is too eager to avoid danger, difficulty, or pain:

They branded her a ——— for informing on her colleagues during the interrogation.
- coward

noun [U] : ceremonies in which there are a lot of people in special clothes

görkemli gösteri
- pageantry

noun [C] : a place where metal or glass is melted and made into objects

- foundry

noun : THREAD [C] : a short line of thread that is sewn through a piece of material
WOUND [C] : one of the small pieces of thread that is used to sew together a cut
ameliyat ipliği, yara dikiş ipliği
She needed 50 ————s in her head.

- stitch

verb : to try to get hold of something with your hand, usually when you cannot see it

el yordamıyla aramak, yoklamak
I ———d in my bag for my keys.
- grope

verb : BECOME INVOLVED : to become involved in a situation in order to try to stop a fight, argument, problem, etc
araya girmek, müdahale etmek, karışmak
Government officials refused to ———— in the recent disputes.
[+ to do sth] The forces ————-d to stop the attack.
INTERRUPT : to interrupt someone who is talking
sözünü kesmek, lafa karışmak
“Mr Lawrence,” the judge ————-d, “please be silent.”

- intervene

adjective formal
extremely stupid:
an ———- comment

- asinine

noun [C] : PERFORMER : a performer who wears brightly coloured clothes and has a painted face and makes people laugh
SILLY PERSON : a silly person
soytarı, aptal

- clown

verb : to change important information, especially in documents, in order to deceive people

önemli belgelerde tahrifat yapmak, değiştirmek
That said, you most certainly should not ———- your income to get a mortgage.
- falsify

adjective : next to and joined to something

yanıbaşında olan ve bir şeye bağlı olan
an ————- room
- adjoining

noun : a Christian ceremony where people pray for someone who has died, or a piece of music written for this ceremony

Hıristiyan dininde cenaze merasiminde yapılan dua/müzik; cenaze marşı
Dying soon after he finished it, he had also thus written his own ————.
- requiem

noun [group] : a group of people who sing together

a school/church ———-
- choir

adjective : often offensive
(especially of a man) gay:
We were criminalized just for being ———.

- queer

verb : TIE : to tie something together with string, rope, etc
bağlamak, balya yapmak, demet haline getirip bağlamak
His hands were ———- behind his back.
KEEP PROMISE : to force someone to keep a promise
birini sözünü tutmaya zorlamak, zorunlu kılmak
His contract ———s him to working a six-day week.
UNITE : to unite people
bir araya getirmek, birleştirmek
Culture and language ——— people together.

- bind

verb [T] : ——- sb to do sth : to try to persuade someone to do something
ikna etmek, ısrar etmek, zorlamak, sıkıştırmak, üstelemek
His parents ——-d him to go to university.
formal : to strongly advise an action
ısrarla tavsiye etmek
Financial experts are ——-ing caution.

- urge

adjective : FAR AWAY : far away in space or time
uzak, mesafeli
the ——— sound of traffic
We hope to see you in the not too ——- future.
NOT FRIENDLY [never before noun] : not friendly
soğuk, uzak, mesafeli
She seemed cold and ———.

- distant

noun [group] : BIRD/SHEEP : a group of birds or sheep
kuş sürüsü
a ——- of geese
PEOPLE : a group of people led by one person
birisi tarafından önderlik edilen bir grup insan; insan topluluğu
a ——- of children/visitors

- flock

adjective, adverb
not wearing any shoes or socks
çıplak ayak, çıplak ayakla
They ran ———— along the wet beach.

- barefoot

verb : If two things or groups coexist, they exist at the same time or together, although they may be very different.
farklılıklara rağmen birlikte yaşamak, bir arada olmak, birlikte bir yaşam kültürü oluşturmak
Can science and religion ———-?
————-ence : noun [U]
beraber varolma

- coexist

adjective : willing to think about and accept new ideas

kabule hazır/istekli
She’s generally very ———— to ideas and suggestions.
- receptive

verb : to take someone away illegally
zorla kaçırmak
He was ———-ed by a terrorist group.
———-ion - noun [C, U]
tahttan vazgeçme

- abduct

noun [C] : MOVEMENT : a movement you make with your hand, arm, or head to express what you are thinking or feeling
el, kol ve baş hareketi, jestler
He made a rude ———- at the crowd.
ACTION : something you do to show people how you feel about a person or situation
gösterilen davranış, yapılan jest
It would be a nice ———- to invite her to dinner.

- gesture

noun [C] : the short, thick finger on the side of your hand that can touch the top of all your other fingers

baş parmak
- thumb

noun : a crime in which valuable things are taken illegally and often violently from a place or person:

a $2 million jewellery ——-
- heist

verb : BREAK [I, T] : to break into very small pieces, or to make something break into very small pieces
param parça etmek/olmak, tuzla buz etmek/olmak
Someone threw a stone at the car, ———-ing the windscreen.
DESTROY [T] : to destroy something good, such as your confidence, hopes, or belief in something
(güven, ümit, inanç) yıkmak, parçalamak, yok etmek, mahvetmek
The accident completely ————-ed her confidence.

- shatter