Into the night Flashcards
verb : to keep someone somewhere and not allow them to leave, especially in order to ask them about a crime

göz altına almak, alıkoymak; tutmak
Three men were ————ed by police for questioning.
- detain
verb : ADMIT
to admit that you have done something wrong or something that you feel guilty about
itiraf etmek
[+ to + doing sth] The man has ———ed to stealing the painting.
Rawlinson finally ———ed to the murder.
to tell a priest or God about all the wrong things that you have done
günah çıkarmak

- confess
verb : to take something into or out of a place in an illegal or secret way

kaçakçılık yapmak; kaçak olarak sokmak/çıkarmak
He was arrested for ———-ing cocaine into Britain.
- smuggle
noun : a tool used to heat metal or remove paint from a surface by producing an extremely hot flame

metal kesmek için kullanılan alevli makina
- blowtorch
verb : If something ——-s liquid or gas, or liquid or gas spews from something, it flows out in large amounts.
fışkır(t)mak, püskür(t)mek
The factory ——-s out clouds of black smoke.
verb : kusmak

- spew
to complain in an annoying way
sızlanmak, yakınmak, dertlenmek; dır dır etmek, mızmızlanmak
She’s always ——-ing about something.
CRY : to make a long, high, sad sound
The dog ——-ed and scratched at the door.

- whine
noun : someone who hides on a ship or aircraft so that they can travel without paying

kaçak yolcu
- stowaway
noun : ———- of normality/order, etc
a small amount of a quality, but not as much as you would like
görünüm, hava
Our lives have now returned to some ——— of normality.

- semblance
verb : to say that you are sorry for doing something bad

pişman olmak, pişmanlık duymak, nedamet duymak
- repent
phrasal verb : to look at someone or something in a way that shows you think they are very attractive

hayran hayran bakmak
- drool over sb/sth
verb : to destroy something completely

enkaza çevirmek, mahvetmek, perişan etmek
The explosion ———ed several cars and damaged nearby buildings.
- wreck
verb : LEAVE : to leave someone or something somewhere, sometimes not returning to get them
birşeyi, birini geri dönmemek koşuluyla bırakmak, terketmek
They were forced to ———- the car.
STOP DOING : to stop doing something before it is finished, or to stop following a plan, idea, etc
bir fikri, planı izlemeyi bırakmak ya da birşeyi bitirmeden vazgeçmek
The match was ————-ed because of rain.
———-ed : adjective : terkedilmiş
———-ment : noun : terk

- abandon
noun : a strong wall built across a river to stop the water and make a lake
verb : to build a dam across a river
baraj inşa etmek

- dam
phrasal verb : V2 for light up : If your face or your eyes light up, you suddenly look happy or excited.

(yüz, göz vb.) aydınlanmak, parlamak, parıldamak
His eyes ——- — (V2) when you mentioned her name.
- light up
plural of wife

eşler, karılar, zevceler
- wives
verb : to suggest or show something, without saying it directly

ima etmek, demek istemek, anlamına gelmek; dolaylı anlatmak, … ın/in işareti olmak
[+ (that)] Are you ——-ing that I’m fat?
an —–ied criticism
- imply
noun : a short journey in order to buy or do something for someone

basit/sıradan/ayak işi, getir götür işi
I’ve got to run a few ————s this morning before we go.
- errand
verb : WATER : to go down or make something go down below the surface of water and not come back up
The Titanic ——-V2 after hitting an iceberg.
SOFT SUBSTANCE : to go down, or make something go down, into something soft
batmak, batırmak
My feet keep ———ing into the sand.
MOVE DOWN : to move down slowly
yavaş yavaş batmak
The sun ——— below the horizon
noun : mutfak lavabosu

- sink
noun : something that you say or do that shows you do not respect God or a religion
kutsal şeylere saldırı, küfür
———-ous : adjective : expressing ————
kutsalı saymayan, hürmetsiz, dini inançlara saygı duymayan

- blasphemy
noun : a brand name for a type of a thick, black substance that is sticky when hot and is used to cover roads
kaba asfalt
the ———- : the area at an airport where aircraft land and take off
uçuş pisti; asfalt pist

- Tarmac
noun : a person or thing that is perfect or has an extremely large amount of a particular good characteristic:
kusursuzluk/erdem örneği
In the novel, Constanza is a ———- of virtue.

- paragon
noun : MEDICAL : a severe medical condition in which bacteria enter the blood after an operation or accident

kan zehirlenmesi
- sepsis
noun : a woman who looks after people on an aircraft, boat, or train

hostes, kadın kamarot
an air ————
- stewardess
phrasal verb : to say that you know from experience that something is true or good, or that someone has a good character

güvence vermek, garanti etmek, doğrulamak, kefil olmak, teyit etmek
- vouch for sb/sth
verb : to damage or show no respect towards something holy or very much respected:

hakaret etmek, kutsallığını bozmak
The mosque/shrine was ————d by vandals.
It’s a crime to ———- the country’s flag.
- desecrate
noun : ROCK [U]
a type of soft, white rock
WRITING [C, U] : a small stick of chalk that is used for writing and drawing
a piece of ——-

- chalk
noun : an orange, lemon, or similar fruit

turunçgiller, narenciye
- citrus fruit
noun : an occasion when a dead body is put into the ground

defin, gömme, toprağa verme
- burial
verb : —— sth to/together/around, etc
to fasten something with string, rope, etc
The dog was ——d to a tree.
MAKE A KNOT : to make a knot in a piece of string, rope, etc
düğümlemek, bağlamak
She —-d the scarf.
Karşıt : un——
COMPETITION/GAME : to have the same score as someone else at the end of a competition or game
aynı sayıda/sonuçta/skorda beraber olmak; berabere olmak
Sweden ——d with France in the winter sports competition.

- tie
noun : someone who performs religious duties and ceremonies

- priest
verb : to make someone suffer by doing something unpleasant to them

vermek, yüklemek, uğratmak
I would never have ——-ed such suffering on you.
- inflict
adjective : CONFUSED
speaking or thinking in a confused way, often because of a fever or drugs
(ateş ve ilaçlardan dolayı) sayıklayan, hezeyan gösteren
HAPPY : extremely happy
sevinçten çılgına dönmüş, mutluluktan uçan
——— fans

- delirious
noun : the time when a woman or female animal produces an egg

yumurtlama, ovülasyon
- ovulation
noun : for the ——- of sth : for this reason or purpose
uğruna; …için; …sun diye
For the ——- of convenience, they combined the two departments.
for the sake of sb : in order to help or please someone
uğruna, hatırına; mutlu olsun diye
He begged her to stay for the —— of the children.
for God’s/goodness/heaven’s, etc ——- : something you say when you are angry about something
Allah aşkına!’, ‘Allah’ını seversen!’
For heaven’s ——-, stop moaning!

- sake
adjective : mentally ill:

I sometimes think that your mother is a little ———.
- unhinged
verb : BODY : to injure someone so that they cannot use their arms or legs
kolunu bacağını kırmak, sakat/kötürüm bırakmak
[often passive] His son was ———d by a riding accident.
DAMAGE : to damage something very badly and make it weak or not effective
zarar vermek, çalışamaz/işe yaramaz hale getirmek
[often passive] It was a country ———d by war.

- cripple
verb : to burn an injury to stop bleeding and prevent infection

dağlamak, yakmak
- cauterize
phrasal verb : to close or repair something by sewing the edges together

dikerek tamir etmek/kapatmak; dikip birleştirmek
- sew sth up
verb : to hear what someone is saying when they are not talking to you

kulak kabartmak, istemeden kulak misafiri olmak, duymak/işitmek
[+ doing sth] I ———— (V2) him telling her he was leaving.