Operation Finale Flashcards
verb :to say that someone has done something bad
He was falsely ——-d of murder.
[+ of + doing sth] She ——d Andrew of lying to her.
——-r : noun [C]
- accuse
noun : someone who you know but do not know well
tanıdık, bildik, aşina
He’s just a business ——–.
- acquaintance
verb :to make someone feel healthier, and more energetic again:
His beliefs, both political and religious, seem to ——– him.
- reinvigorate
verb : BIRD
If a bird ——s or ——s itself, it makes its feathers clean and tidy.
gaga ile tüylerini düzeltip temizlemek
PERSON : to try to look attractive
özenle giyinip kuşanmak; süslenmek; çekici görünmeye çalışmak
The actors —–ed themselves in the dressing room.
- preen
adjective : —— people are willing to do what other people want them to.
uysal, yumuşak başlı, itaatkâr
- compliant
noun : a feeling of unhappiness and disappointment
mutsuzluk, şaşkınlık, korku, endişe
To our ——-, it started raining.
- dismay
to make someone believe that something is true
ikna etmek, inandırmak
He tried to —– me that I needed a new car.
She ——-d the jury of her innocence.
PERSUADE : to persuade someone to do something
razı etmek, ikna etmek
It took some doing to —— him to come.
- convince
verb :to say or prove that something is not true or correct
yalanlamak, çürütmek
Attempts to ——- his theory
She angrily ——d their claims.
- refute
noun [C]
baştan savma durumu
verb : —— about/over/with sth
to argue about something that is not important
incir çekirdeğini doldurmayan/önemsiz konu üzerinde tartışmak/münkaşa etmek
They spend far too much time ——ling over details.
- quibble
noun : a situation in which two very similar things happen at the same timebut there is no reason for it
tesadüf, rastlantı
an amazing/strange ——-
It was pure ——- that we both married dentists.
——–tal : adjective : happening by ——–
tesadüfi, rastlantı eseri olarak
The similarities are ——-tal.
———tally : adverb
tesadüfi bir şekilde
- coincidence
noun : something that you do because it is your duty or because you feelyou have to
yükümlülük, mecburiyet, görev, boyun borcu, zorunluluk
He was under no ——- to answer any questions.
Parents have an ——- to make sure their childrenreceive a proper education.
- obligation
noun : a drug used to sedate a person or an animal
sakinleştirici, ağrı kesici, müsekkin
- sedative
noun : secret plans by group of people to do something bad or illegal
komplo, gizli plan
a ——– to overthrow the government
- conspiracy
verb : move or balance unsteadily; sway back and forth.
bocalamak, sendelemek, sallanmak
She —–ed after him in her high-heeled sandals
- teeter
verb : to destroy something completely
yerle bir etmek, tarumar etmek, tamamen yok etmek
The town was ——d by bombs.
- obliterate
verb: calm (someone) or make them sleep by administering a —–tive drug.
yatıştırmak, yatıştırıcı vermek, sakinleştirici ilaç vermek
She was heavily ——d
noun: calm, dignified, and unhurried.
oturaklı, sakin, ağırbaşlı
In the old days, business was carried on at a rather more —— pace
- sedate
adjective : A —— country or state is completely independent.
müstakil, bağımsız
A ——–, democratic republic
——–ty : noun : the power of a country to control its own government
hükümranlık, egemenlik, hâkimiyet
The Emperor became the first Japanese ——- to visit Britain
- sovereign
adjective : —— people do things suddenly, without planning or thinkingcarefully, but because they want to.
atak, fevrî, içinden geldiği gibi davranan, coşkun, patavatsız
They had married as young ——- teenagers
——–ly : adverb
içten gelen bir şekilde
- impulsive
noun : LAW : a legal process to decide if someone is guilty of a crime
yargılama, duruşma, mahkeme
The two men are now on —– for attempted murder.
TEST : a test of something new to find out if it is safe, works correctly, etc
deneme, tecrübe
The drug is currently undergoing clinical —-s.
—– and error : a way of learning the best way to do something by trying different methods
deneme/sınama yanılma
There aren’t any instructions with it - it’s just a matter of —– and error.
- trial
verb : If vegetable or animal substances —, they decay, and if something rots them, it makes them decay.
çürümek, kokmak, çürütmek
Sugar —-s your teeth.
the smell of —-ting fish
- rot
wreak havoc : to cause a lot of damage or harm
çok fazla zarar ve ziyana sebebiyet vermek
Floods have ——ed havoc in central Europe.
- wreak
verb : If a person or animal —-s something, they try to get hold of it or damage it with their nails or —-s.
pençelemek, pençe atmak, tırmalamak
He —-ed at the rope, trying to free himself.
—- sth back : phrasal : to try to get back something that you had before
önceden sahip olunan bir şeyi geri almaya çalışmak
The party is desperately trying to —– back support.
- claw
verb : MOVE AWAY : to move away from the place where you should be, without intending to
farkında olmadan uzaklaşmak; kaybolmak
I suddenly realized that I had —-ed far from the village.
CHANGE THOUGHTS : to start thinking or talking about a different subject from the one you should be giving attention to
konudan sapmak/uzaklaşmak; zihni başka tarafa kaymak
We seem to have —–ed from the original subject.
- stray
noun : something that is inconsistent or the quality of being ——–
tutarsızlık, uyumsuzluk, aykırılık
The report was full of errors and ——-ies.
- inconsistency