The stages of labour and birth Flashcards
Changes to cardiovascular system during pregnancy
-circulating blood volume will increase by 30-40%
-HR increases by 20bpm
-cardiac output increases
-BP lowers due to increase progesterone
-heart shifts upwards due to enlarged uterus
Changes to respiratory system
-uterus presses on diaphragm
-reduced capacity to take deep breaths
-may be slightly tachypnoea
-ligaments that join ribs to sternum relax to increase tidal volume
Anatomy changes
-increased spine curvature (lordosis)
-reduced bladder and rectal capacity
-uterus can grow 5-6x
-joints in pelvis widen (sacroiliac, pubic symphysis)
-height of the bump
-gradually increases during pregnancy
-until around 40 wks where the bump will drop as the babies head engages with pelvis
Stages of labour
-cervix opens fully over several hours
-comprises latent phase, early labour, active labour and transition
-from full dilation to birth of baby
-from birth of baby to delivery of placenta
Pre labour
Cervix shape, baby location
-cervix long and closed but starts ripen/ soften
-head sitting in pelvis
-baby facing side
Latent phase
Contractions, cervix, how long, what to do
-contractions irregular, short and painful
-cervix shortens and starts open
-woman is fine and can stay at home
-can last 20 hours
-‘show’- mucus and blood, sign of cervix softening
-cervix dilate from 0-3cm
Early labour
contractions, cervix, changes to woman
-contractions more regular, longer, more intense
-cervix thins and continues to open
-baby starting to push down through pelvis
-woman fine at home
Active labour
contractions, cervix, baby
-contractions strong, 3-5 mins, intense
-cervix open 3-6cm
-baby descending
-woman likely to want to be in place where she wants to give birth
Transition stage
-contractions every 3-5 mins very intense
-woman needs lots of encouragement as often feels she can’t cope
-rectal pressure at peak of contractions
-membrane bulging if not already broken
-if not 1st baby, birth imminent
Full dilation
-contractions every 60-90secs
-urge to push with peak of contraction
-blood stained ‘show’
-may open bowels, reassure her its normal
-head moulding and starting to rotate
Assessment of woman in labour
-observe and listen to woman
-history- parity (no. times given birth), gravidy (no. times pregnant), gestation, complications
-count contraction rate
-set of obs
-any loss per vaginum eg. ‘show’ etc.
Communication with other professionals
-call midwife
-discuss with staff at booked place of birth
-if any complications, they will advise transfer
-if birth imminent, remain on scene, midwife will be called
-request second ambulance
-get informed consent for everything
Preparation for birth
-warm room, towels and blankets
-allow woman choose comfortable position
-cover areas with sheets/ towels/ inco pad
-prepare neonatal resus area
-open delivery pack
-put on gloves when birth imminent
-prepare medications we might need
Medications we need to prepare
-all for post partum haemorrhage