The Social Area- Paper 2 Flashcards
evaluations, key themes
What are the 3 key assumptions of the social area?
Memorise 2 for exam
Make sure ‘behvaiour’ is mentioned in exam question
-Our behaviour is influenced by other people in our surrounding environment (e.g. authority figures)
-Our behaviours are influenced by social situation rather than individual characteristics
-The environment can determine our behaviours- we have little freewill to change it
What key theme did Milgram (1963) and Bocchiaro (2012) focus on?
Responses to people in authority
What factor of the key theme did Milgram focus on?
Obedience- how people obeyed to an authority figure (administrating electric shocks)
What factor of the key theme did Bocchiaro focus on?
Disobedience and whistle-blowing: whether people disobeyed or whistle-blew in response to an unethical procedure (write a statement and mail an ethics form)
What key theme did Piliavin (1969) and Levine (2001) focus on?
Response to people in need/ helping behaviours
What factor of the key theme did Piliavin focus on?
Emergency situations- people’s response to somebody collapsing in a Subway Station
What factor of the key theme did Levine focus on?
Non- emergency situations- people’s responses to somebody needing assistance in crossing a road (dropped pen, hurt leg, blind)
What do the letters GREEDUM stand for?
Applies to any evaluation/ discuss questions
G- generalisability (apply to whole pop)
R- reliability
E- ethics
E- ecological validity
D- data/ demand characteristics
U- usefulness (how can it be used to inform in every day life)
M- method
How does Milgram link the his key theme?
Focused on obedience in the presence of authoritive figures:
-used ‘electrical shocking’ to show effects of destructive obedience towards authority
-concluded majority will obey to authority despite nature of task
Authority figures
How does Bocchiaro link to his key theme?
Focused on disobedience and whistle-blowing towards authority figures:
-used statement writing and forms expressing unethical nature to examine levels of disobedience and WB against AF
-concluded majority will obey even in unethical situations
How are Milgram and Bocchiaro similar?
-used volunteer sampling
-both collected quantitative and qualitative data
-lab experiment
-both did not avoid deception
-artifical environment
-task wasn’t realistic
How are Milgram and Bocchiaro different?
-B used uni students, M did not
-M androcentric sample, B mixed genders
Helping situations
How does Piliavin link to his key theme?
Focused on emergency situations in the NY Subway
-used drunk vs ill models to examine people’s reactions to emergency situations and tendancy to help
-concluded more people help the ill than drunk, same-sex/ same-race help is iminent
Helping Situations
How does Levine link to his key theme?
Focused on tendancy of help towards starngers in non-emergency situations:
-used 3 different conditions to examine tedancy of help whilst walking on a crossing
-concluded that countries who value simpatia are more likely to help
How are Piliavin and Levine similar?
-both used men and women in sample
-used opportunity sampling
-both had controls in experiment
-both unethical
-both field situations
-task realistic/ could happen
How are Piliavin and Levine different?
-P ethnocentric, L not