Core study 4- Levine (S) Flashcards
Helping in non-emergency situations
What is altruism?
‘disinterested’ and selfless concern for the well-being of others
Bring advantage to others, even if it brings you disadvantage
How did Levine say every city varies, apart from size?
Every city has it’s own personality (own culture)
How does economics and wealth affect helpfulness?
correlation? selfishness?
Weak positive correlation between wealth and helpfulness
The more well off a country is= more selfish they are
What is a collectivist society?
more concerned with the welfare of others- gives a group priority over each individual
they are more helpful- ‘put others first’
What is an individualistic society?
less concerned with the welfare of others- priority is given to the individuals
they are less helpful- put themselves first or hesitate to help
What is simpatia?
similar to a collectivist society
oriented societies- cultural value of concern in latin societies- there is great respect given to those who are likely to be more vulnerable (elders, children etc)
they are more helpful
What was the main aim of Levine’s study?
To investigate the tendancy of people in the largest city of each of the 23 countries to help a stranger in a non-emergency situation
What type of experiment was Levine’s study and what experimental design was used?
lab, field, quasi? independent, repeated measures, matched pairs?
(cross-cultural) quasi experiment carried out in a field (natural environment)- used an independent measures design
Why was the study a field situation?
Which element gives this away?
The fact Levine used 23 largest cities around the world
Why should the study be considered a quasi experiment?
The independent variable (people in each city/ where they lived) was naturally occurring
What was the dependent variable of the study?
The helping rate of the 23 individual cities
participants were noted as helping if they intervened in any way at all
What was the sample of the study?
What method of sampling was used?
Total of 1,198 participants from 23 largest cities in the world (1200) - they were selected from being the second person to cross a certain line on a pavement
The study uses opportunity sampling
What 3 non-emergency situations did the study measure heping behaviour through?
-whether the victim dropped a pen
-whether victim had a hurt/ injured leg
-whether victim was blind and trying to cross the street
What did the statistics correlating the 3 measures of help reflect?
-population size (individualism)
-economic well-being (collectivism)
-cultural values (simpatia)
-pace of life for each of 23 locations
What groups of people were excluded from taking part in the dropped pen and hurt leg situations?
•Children younger than 17 years old
•People who were physically disabled/ very old/ carrying packages (those who might not be fully capable of assisting)
Describe the experimenters- age, gender
•all men- controlled experimenter gender effects
•college age- dressed neatly and casually
How were experimenter effects minimised/ score’s standardised?
•experimenters received on-site field training and a detailed instruction sheet on how to act their role
•practised together
How were helping behaviours defined in the dropped pen situation?
Participants were considered as helping if they had:
•called back to experimenter that they’d dropped the pen
•picked the pen up and brought it back to experimenter
How were helping behaviours defined in the hurt leg situation?
•experimenters wore a large, clear and visible leg brace and walked with a limp
•experimenters ‘accidentally’ dropped a pile of magazines
•help was defined as offering to help/ beginning to help without offering
How were helping behaviours defined in the blind person situation?
•experimenters wore dark glasses and carried white canes- they held out their cane just before light turned green and waited until someone offered help
•considered helping if informed experimenter that light was on green (at a minimum)
Which city/ country had the highest help rate?
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil- 93%
Which city/ country had the lowest help rate?
Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia- 40%
What was the result of helping rate across the 3 measures?
How consistent?
Fairly consistent over the three
What was the relationship/ correlation between economic prosperity and helping?
-0.43 (correlation coefficient- it’s negatively correlated)
Was helping related to population size or collectivism?
What was the correlation between walking speed and helping behaviour?
0.26- weak positive correlation, however it is close to having no correlation
Was simpatia found to be a contributing factor in helping?
Countries that valued simpatia were significantly more helpful (82.87) than countries who did not value it (62.87)
How is help across cultures related to a country’s economic productivity?
In terms of correlation
Inversely related (negatively correlated)
How was collectivism and individualism concluded in this study?
It is unrelated to helping behaviours