Research Methods- planning & conducting research Flashcards
Aims+hypothesis, sampling techniques, variables, design observations, design self-reports
What is an aim?
Gives an idea of what researcher hopes to achieve
Every aim has to begin with “To investigate…”
What is a hypothesis?
Simply stating what will happen, like a prediction
Has to be a “testable statement”
Every statement has to include the word ‘significant(ly)’
Can either be ‘null’ or ‘alternative’
What is a null hypothesis?
Hypothesis with no difference (null= no)
Statement has to include “There is no significant difference”
What is a directional/ one-tailed hypothesis?
Alternative hypothesis that predicts the direction of results (bigger, more, less, faster, slower etc)
What is a non-directional/ two-tailed hypothesis?
Alternative hypothesis that predicts there will be a difference, but does not predict the direction
How is a 3 mark hypothesis exam question formulated?
1 mark- type of hypothesis
2 marks- state IV (what is being manipulated/ changed)
3 marks- state DV (what is being measured)
What is a target population and sample?
Target population- the group in which you’re researching
Sample- list of people in that target population who are acting as participants
What is random sampling?
Everyone within the target population has an equal chance of being selected (e.g. pull names out of a hat)
strengths/ weaknesses of random sampling?
strength: sample should represent target pop and eliminate bias
weakness: difficult to achieve (time, effort, money)
What is opportunity sampling?
Researcher used people from the target population who are available at the time (based off convenience)
strength/ weakness of opportunity sampling?
strength: quick and easy way of selection
weakness: may provide an unrepresentative sample
What is self- selected sampling?
Participants of target population are asked if they would like to be involved with research
strength/ weakness of self-selected sampling?
strength: ethically good- people volunteer
weakness: risk of unrepresentative sample- similar people with similar characteristics (e.g. confidence) are selected
What is snowball sampling?
Researcher asks (x) number of people to take part. Those people then recruit (x) more people to take part each, and so on
strength/ weakness of snowball sampling?
strength: easy to collect large samples quickly/ cost effectively
weakness: risk of unrepresentative sample- similar people may be selected
What is the independent measures experimental design?
Different participants take part in each condition of experiment (every participant is different every time)
strengths/ weaknesses of independent measures experimental design?
strength: no problem with order effects (participants can’t ‘get better’ at task as they only take part in 1 condition
weakness: could be individual differences between participants which could effect results
solution- use matched pairs instead (very similar people)
What is the repeated measures experimental design?
Same participant takes part in both conditions of experiment
strengths/ weaknesses of repeated measures experimental design?
strength: no individual differences between participants
weakness: potential for order effects (they may ‘become better’ at the task)
solution- counterbalance (p1 does condition 1 first and condition 2 second, p2 does vice versa)
What is the matched pairs experimental design?
Using different but similar participants in each condition (match by 1 characteristic e.g. age)
strengths/ weaknesses of matched pairs experimental design?
strength: no order effects, individual characteristics are minimised
weakness: participant variables can’t always be matched perfectly
solution- use previously used matched pairs/ use identical twins
What is the independent variable?
The variable that the researcher manipulates/ changed, creating conditions/ groups
It affects the dependent variable (e.g. listening to music vs not listening to music while trying to focus)
What is the dependent variable?
The variable that is measured
It is effected by changes in the independent variable (e.g. a list of 50)- this would also make a statement testable/ operational
Why should a researcher have control over extraneous variables?
Variables that must be controlled, otherwise they’ll confound the results and affect the DV
3 types: participant, situational, experimenter bias= people involved, environment, views of experimenter