Core Study 2- Bocchiaro (S) Flashcards
Authority figures, disobedience and whistle-blowing
What did Bocchiario focus solely on, which Milgram didn’t?
Whistle- blowing and disobedience
What was the aim of Bocchiaro?
*To investigate how many people will comply with an unethical request and how many respond by ‘whistle- blowing’ to a higher authority
*To investigate the accuracy of people’s estimates
*To investigate the role of dispositional factors
What did Bocchiaro’s sample consist of?
Who, gender, sampling technqiue
*undergraduate students from the VU uni of Amsterdam
*149 men and women took part in main experiment
*volunteers (self-selected sampling)
*138 different participants- surveyed about how they’d respond
What was the experimental design of Bocchiaro’s study?
Lab study- no IV= not an experiment
How much was each participant paid?
€7 (euros) or given course credits
How did deception occur in this study?
They were told they’d be taking part in research into sensory deprivation
How was obedience/ disobedience measured in Bocchiaro’s study?
*Each participant was told to write a statement to convince other uni students to take part in the sensory deprivation research
*they were told they had to use at least 2 words from a choice of 4 positive words, and not to mention the negative effects
How was whistle-blowing measured in the study?
Whether the particpant completed an ethics form and mailed it in the mailbox
What dispositional measure was the participant given when they were led back to the first room?
The HEXACO-PI-R personality test
How did the study adhere to informed consent?
The participants gave written consent for data to be used.
How were estimated likely obedience levels attained?
138 different participants asked- “what would you do?”, “what would the average uni student do?”
What was the outcome of the “what would you do?” estimations?
obey: 3.6%
disobey: 31.9%
whistle-blow: 64.5%
These were personal estimations of particpants
Shows that we often overestimate ourselves and think we are morally superior to others
What was the outcome of the “what would the average uni student do?” estimations?
obey: 18.8%
disobey: 43.9%
whistle-blow: 37.3%
What students think their friends/ avg student would do
Shows how we often overestimate ourselves, and think we are superior to others morally
What were the actual outcomes of the study percentage wise?
obey: 76.5%- 114 participants
disobey: 14.1%- 21 participants
whistle-blow: 9.4%- 14 particpants
(149 in total)
How would the outcomes and estimations be presented in the form of a graph?
Use a bar chart- 3 subsections (obey, disobey, whistle-blow) showed within a histogram
3 histograms within 1 bar chart
Give at least 2 of the 5 conclusions.
-Little to no evidence to suggest dispositional factors affect WB or disobedience.
-People= obedient, WB is uncommon
-Tendancy to WB= overestimated, likelihood of obedinece= underestimated
-We see ourselves as special and likely to follow destructive orders
-Scenario based research lacks validity