Core Study 6- Grant (C) Flashcards
Context Dependent Memory
What was the aim of Grant’s study?
Additional/ contributing aims?
To investigate the effects of context upon memory
To understand impact of matching/ mismatching contexts
To improve understanding for impact on students
What method did Grant use to carry out the investigation?
Lab experiment
What was the design of Grant’s study?
Independent measures design
What were the IV’s of the study?
4 different conditions, 2x2 structure
-Noisy (cafeteria background noise) or silent conditions (learning and recall)
-Matching or mismatching conditions (learning and recall)
What were the DV’s of the study?
SAQ’s (recall) and MCQs (recognition)
What did the sample of the study consist of?
quantity, gender, sampling technique?
40 (then 39) participants
23 males, 17 females
-opportunity sampling- 8 members of psych class- recruited 5 other members each
What were the controls of the procedure?
- All issued same headphones
- All had article on psychoimmunolgy (meaningful info)
- Same SAQ’s and MCQs
What was the strcuture of the procedure?
-Issued same headphones
-Read article
-Had 2 min break
-Given SAQ’s (recall)
-Given MCQ’s (recognition)
Did Grant produce qualitative data or quantitative data?
Just quantitative
What outcome did testing in matching conditions have?
Improvement to performance or no improvement?
Found to improve performance (14.3 mean score vs 12.7 mean score)
What outcome did noisy and silent conditions have?
Difference or no difference to performance?
Quantitative outcome
No overall difference between the two in terms of performance (14.3 vs 14.3)
Give 2 conclusions of the study?
- Context of environment does impact recall/ retieval abilities of memory for meaningful info.
- Noise itself has no impact on memory performance
- Students should try to aim to study in silence since they’ll be tested in silence