The periodontal pocket Flashcards
What is a microbial niche
A specific habitat which is suitable for a specific microbe to grow in
What is an obligate aerobe
Can only grow in oxygen
What is an obligate anaerobe
Can only grow without oxygen
Facultative anaerobe
Prefer no oxygen but can survive and grow in oxygen
Aerotolerant anaerobe
Respire anaerobically but can grow in the presence of oxygen
What is the bridging species
Fusobacterium nucleatum
What is the first bacteria to stick to the acquired pellicle
This then provides new binding sites for other bacteria - actinomycetes s
What colonises the fusobacterium nucleatum
pH of sub gingival microbial niche
7.4- 7.8
Does sub gingival plaque have saliva or GCF
Features of gingival inflammation
Plaque accumulation, inflammation, high gcf flow, lower redox potential (less O2 available)
Is gram +ve or -ve bacteria present in healthy gingiva
Gram +ve cocci
Is gram +ve or -ve bacteria present in gingivitis
Half gram +ve
What does a pocket depth greater than 3mm show
Apical migration of junctional epithelium- bone loss
Is gram +ve or -ve bacteria present in periodontitis
Approx 75% gram -ve (obligate anaerobes) - fusobacterium nucleate, T. forsythia
What bacteria makes up the red complex
T. denticola
T. forsythia
P. gingivalis
Cells in periodontitis
Immune cells on right for inflammation, plasma cells, fibroblasts, JE is starting to be destroyed