The Origins of the Catholic Church Flashcards
This deck will assist you in understanding, as the title suggests, the origins of the Roman Catholic Church.
Origins of the Catholic Church. How far back does it go?
Around AD 30-33
Christ’s church is a ____ communion of Christians (individuals) dating from the first century, not theeretical or imaginary.
The name Catholic from the Greek kata holos was used to distinguish the Church that was established by Christ from other groups who started to be formed but did not bear the _____.
Universal nature of Christ’s Church; true teachings of Christ passed on through the Apostles
The papacy. Who came up with it? What passage in the Bible?
Our Lord Jesus by commissioning St.Peter to be the rock (Kepha-Petros) upon which He will build His church. Matthew 16.
Where did St. Peter die?
St.Peter was martyred in Rome.
St.Peter died in the AD 60s.
Hence He commissioned the next pope from Rome.
To whom did the apostles pass on the role/mission given by Christ to them?
To the bishops – the leaders of the different churches that were formed through their teachings.
Infallible means to teach without ___.
What did the Council of Nicea (AD 325) infallibly define?
That Our Lord Jesus is fully human and fully divine.
How should Catholics and Protestants regard each other?
As brothers and sisters in Christ.
Ecumenism is the search for ____ among Christians.
The final purification after death and before entering heaven is called ____.
Pope Benedict XVI refers to purgatory as a fiery encounter with the____.
Love of Christ
What do Catholics mean when they pray to Mary?
To pray is understood in the past to mean “making a request.” Catholics recognize Mary as special for having borne Our Lord Jesus in her womb. When Catholics pray to her, that is to mean they ask for her help. Not worship her as God, since she is not infinite and eternal, nor is she the Creator or any of the things that God is.
What makes Mary, a human being like us, special?
What makes Mary a special human being is the fact that she bore in her womb the Son of God. To make her a fitting vessel for His Son, God also made her special in other ways, as seen in the Immaculate Conception (which states that Mary was conceived without original sin).
Does the Bible prohibit us from asking the dead to pray for us?
No, but it prohibits us from conjuring the dead and getting information from them (called necromancy). Asking the dead to pray for us is not the same, and this is allowed by the Sacred Scriptures/the Church.
Where in the Bible is found an example of saints (holy and faithfully departed individuals) praying to God?
In the Book of Revelation, Chapter 5.