Creation of the Cosmos, Life, and Man Flashcards
This deck is designed to assist you in understanding the creation of the cosmos, life, and man from a theological perspective.
What is the cosmos?
The known universe;
Who was Pope John Paul II?
Was very active in reaching out to the youth;
Discovered his call to priesthood;
Passed away in 2005;
Wrote the “Truth Cannot Contradict Truth” address;
Believed that the truths entailed in science and religion complement each other and have a common source
What did Pope John Paul II write in his letter to Rev. George Coyne, S. J. (the Vatican Observatory Director)?
“Science can purify religion from error and superstition.”
“Religion can purify science from idolatry and false absolutes.”
Someone who believes that humans are created in God’s image and likeness should also believe that…
Every human life has value
What are the three most popular theories regarding the creation of humans?
Special/instantaneous creation;
Developmental creation or theistic evolution;
Atheistic evolution
Who was Georges Lemaitre?
A Belgian priest who created the Big Bang Theory and serves as a proof that science and religion can be reconciled;
Albert Einstein also serves a similar role in this context
When did Pope John Paul II pass?
When did Saint Pope John Paul II send a message to the participants in the Plenarh of the Pontifical Academy of Sciences?
October 22, 1996
In his address, what did Saint Pope John Paul II say regarding science?
“Science can purify religion from error and superstition.”
What did Saint Pope John Paul II mean when he addressed the state of the sciences?
Rationality cannot be taken out of religion or else is becomes a superstition with no evidential backing;
It lacks reliability as a truth
What did Saint Pope John Paul II say regarding religion in his address?
“Religion can purify science from idolatry and false absolutes.”
What did Saint Pope John Paul II mean when he addressed the state of the religion?
With no theology/religion, there are no morals;
Man thinks he is free without any morals or care;
Refer to Dr. Josef Mengele’s experiments on twins;
They were done with no anesthesia and regarded these Jews as non-humans
Was Hitler a baptized Catholic?
Because Sarai believed that she could not conceive a child in her old age, what did she encourage Abram to do?
Have a child with their Egyptian maid named Hagar;
This child named Ishmael became the father of the Arabs, but he was not who God had promised Abram
What was the name of Sarai and Abram’s son?
Isaac (“he laughs” in Hebrew because both Abram and Sarai laughed as the news)
According to the biblical stories of Sodom and Gomorrah, what are signs in God’s eyes?
Incest and homosexuality
According to the biblical stories of Sodom and Gomorrah, what are signs in God’s eyes?
Incest and homosexuality
Why did Abram not want God to destroy Sodom?
Because his nephew, Lot, resided in Sodom
Why did Lot’s wife become a pillar of salt?
Because she looked back at Sodom, meaning that she was not ready to leave her sinful life behind
Was polygamy a widely accepted practice during the Patriarchal Period?
When God re-appears to Abram following his previous visits (this time, Abram is 99), what does God give?
(Name-related and external-related)
God gives Abram kingship (the King of Israel would come from his line) and a new name, Abraham (“Father of a Multitude”);
God also made circumcision the sign of the covenant between God and His people
When God re-appears to Abram following his previous visits (this time, Abram is 99), what does God give?
God gives Sarai a new name, Sarah (“Princess” or “Queen”);
God also promised a son through her to be named Isaac
When does God tell Abraham that Sarah would have a son by spring?
When Abraham goes to greet a group of three strangers (one of whom God and the other three being angels)
Name the two cities that had built a sinful reputation.
Sodom and Gomorrah
What did Abraham do because he didn’t want his nephew, Lot, hurt?
Made a deal with God that if there were 10 righteous people, God wouldn’t destroy the city
What happened when two angels, disguised as men, were sent to “check up” on Sodom?
The people of Sodom, who formed a mob, wanted to rape the guests at Lot’s place
What did Lot offer up in place of the two angels?
His two daughters
What did the angels do to combat the mob?
The angels ended up blinding the mob and pulling Lot back into the house because the mob were so close to breaking down his door
What did the angels instruct Lot to do?
He and his family were eventually dragged away from Sodom
What happened after Lot and his daughters escaped Sodom’s destruction?
They escaped to a cave;
Believing that their father was the only man on earth, the two got him drunk to father their children;
These children became the Moabites and Ammonites, the pagan, religious rivals of the monotheistic Jews
What is the atheistic theory of evolution?
There is no God;
Humans were made randomly
What is the instantaneous theory of evolution?
Assumes there is a God who created instant and later Developmental evolution (still by Him);
Perhaps rapid evolution followed by longer periods of stasis (?)
What is the theory of monogenism?
Humans descended from one man and woman; Geneology is as follows: Adam Abraham Jesus Humanity
What is the purpose of a creation myth?
To explain the purpose of existence and the God/gods
When did the Age of Human Life begin?
6000 years ago or so
Morality is definite. What is morality?
God’s views, not human beings because our perspective can change