The Beginning of Salvation History with Creation found in Genesis Flashcards
This deck is designed to assist you in understanding a very brief overview of the books entailed in the Old Testament, from Genesis to Malachi.
What does Creatio Ex Nihilo mean?
It’s a Latin phrase for “Creation out of nothing”;
God said “Let there be light,” and there was light;
This shows how powerful God is, for He managed to create the world with His mere commands
What does Creatio Deus Faber mean?
It means that creation was made by hand/sculpted;
God created/used his hands to create man out of clay and women out of man’s rib;
It shows that God is not distant and that He is present with us
What happens in Genesis 3?
Sin enters the world;
The Proto-Evangelium, the first mention of man’s ultimate triumph over sin through a Saviour;
Is mentioned in Genesis 3:15;
The first sin is recorded but the first mention of a plan for Salvation is mentioned (promising a Saviour)
What happened from Genesis 4-11?
Spread and escalation of good and evil, with God intervening through the prophets
What happened from Genesis 12-50?
Is preparation for God’s final intervention (i.e., becoming flesh and dying on the Cross);
Formation of the ancient nation of Israel as a prerequisite
What happened from Exodus to Malachi?
The formation and history (both good and bad) of Israel as a nation set apart for the One True God;
God’s promise of restoration
What happened from Exodus to Malachi?
The formation and history of Israel as a nation set apart for the One True God
What is creation?
What is new creation?
What language are Creatio Ex Nihilo and Creatio Deus Faber?
What has led us to believe that the writers of Genesis 1 and 2 are different individuals?
Genesis 1 and 2 have different portrayals of God. These portrayals are not contradictory, but they present different truths regarding the person of God (Him as a powerful Creator and Him as an acquainted being who is not distant from us, humans)
How does Genesis 1 portray God?
-God created things by commanding them into existence
-He spoke and it came from nothing
-Emphasizes the power of God
Additional note: Do not use the term creator god to refer to God since the term is usually used in polytheistic religions
How does Genesis 1 portray God?
-God created things by commanding them into existence
-He spoke and it came from nothing
-Emphasizes the power of God
Additional note: Do not use the term creator god to refer to God since the term is usually used in polytheistic religions
How does Genesis 2 portray God?
- God is powerful but very much involved (not distant)
- Used His hands to “fabricate” man (refer to Faber)
- The man figure was useless until God gave Adam His own breath (could be a reference to our dependency on God)
What happens in Genesis 4?
Records the first murder (which was done out of envy)
Name all of Adam and Eve’s children.
Cain, Abel (murdered by Cain out of jealousy), Seth
What happens in the Book of Joshua?
Repossession of Canaan;
The descendants of Jacob become the Israelites
What tribe was the most important of the 12 tribes of Israel? Why?
Tribe of Judah;
This is where the King of Israel would come from;
It’s capital of Jerusalem (refer to Judah, the southern kingdom)
What were the kings under which the whole of Israel (all 12 tribes) were united?
King Saul;
King David;
King Solomon
What would happen if the King is Israel followed the commands of God?
The nation would become economically prosperous (think of King David’s rule);
Think of how beneficial the Ten Commandments were;
Commandment #5 (do not kill): No killing or sacrificing of people (especially the youth) meant more workers
Commandment #8 (do not steal): The government can’t steal from you (taxes and crops)
How was David as a ruler?
He was the most faithful to God;
Still had flaws (had a soldier killed because he liked his wife)
How was Solomon as a ruler?
Started out as a good king;
Built the Temple of Jerusalem;
But ended up building pagan tramples and encouraging pagan worship (like Baal);
Had many wives that were pagan;
Used Israelite workers to build pagan temples
Because of Solomon and Rehoboam’s rule, what happened?
Israel fell apart, which made the nation vulnerable to annexation
Because of Solomon and Rehoboam’s rule, what happened?
Israel fell apart, which made the nation vulnerable to annexation
What was the effects of the Babylonian rule and exile?
Israel was never fully together/united again
Who was Solomon?
The third king of Israel; had many wives who worshipped pagan gods;
He constructed pagan temples and worshiped pagan gods; because of this, he influenced the people;
He defiled the first, sixth, and ninth commandment (worshiping other gods, commiting adultery, and coveting thy neighbor’s wife)
Who was Saul?
Was the first king of Israel; united the 12 tribes
What are the Jewish places of worship?
Temple; offering sacrifices to God (only one wall [the Wailing Wall] remains in the current Jerusalem Temple)
Synagogue; where teachings are preached
Who was Cyrus the Great?
Allowed the citizens of Judah to return to the Promised Land;
Helped them reconstruct the Temple
What happened in AD 70?
Temple was destroyed (during the Roman Period);
The Romans exiled the Jewish people (they were spread throughout the Roman Empire)
Is the country of Israel much smaller today than it was before?
Why didn’t God want Israel to worship pagan gods?
Because He wanted to lead them down the right path;
Every command He gave was beneficial to the Kingdom;
(When they were conquered because of their worship in pagan gods, they came back to God)
Who was Jeroboam?
The first king of the northern kingdom;
He created another temple, the construction of which God did not approve of;
He built the temple in Samaria (home of the Samaritans) on Mount Gerizim;
He also built temples for other gods
Why didn’t the people accept Jeroboam’s son to be the heir to the Northern Kingdom of Israel?
Because Jeroboam was not the true king
Who were King Ahab and Queen Jezebel?
Worshipers of Baal;
They forbid the worship of God, “the God of Abraham”
Who were King Ahab and Queen Jezebel?
Worshipers of Baal;
They forbid the worship of God, “the God of Abraham”;
They sent dogs into the mountains to kill prophets (?)
Who was the Prophet Elijah?
He realized that if he didn’t speak up about God, the northern kingdom would be lost to worship of pagan gods;
He went straight to Ahab and challenged him;
He told him to go to a mountain and bring prophets of Baal;
They were each to bring an animal to sacrifice to God;
450 priests and prophets of Baal were brought;
They were singing and playing their instruments, but there was no sign that Baal heard their prayers
Who was the Prophet Elijah? (Part Two)
The worshipers of Baal started singing even louder and eventually began cutting themselves as a sacrifice;
Elijah went up to sacrifice his animal to God (with wetness added), and he prayed a short prayer;
Thunder came down from the sky;
This led to the conversion of the Israelites
Who was Daniel?
Was a descendant of an exiled Jewish family during the Babylonian exile;
Followed religious dietary restrictions;
He and his three friends remained faithful to God
Who were Daniel’s three friends?
Who was King Nebuchadnezzar?
A Babylonian king;
Constructed a huge bronze image of himself and required people passing by to worship him;
Daniel’s three friends wouldn’t worship his image so they were punished
Who was King Nebuchadnezzar? (Part Two)
Daniel’s three friends were put in a large furnace to burn;
But, when the guards looked inside, they saw four people instead of three and the three exited the furnace with no damage;
After interviewing the three, the guards realized that the fourth person was an angel