The Only Skill That Matters Flashcards
What is crucial before you start learning something?
First create a plan and create a “helicopter view”, instead of starting without one
Why is memory so important for spead reading/ effective learning?
It is crucial that the information that comes in, is also remembered. Think of it like a bucket with a stream of water filling it, when the stream multiplies by 10, the bucket should also change to a swimmingpool.
What part of the brain ensures we memorize information?
The hippicampi is the part of the brain the determines if we store information for the short memomery to the long memory.
What is the “secret” for a memory like the memory champs?
The memory champs do not have above average brain capacity, rather they create markers and visualize the information. Markers are most effective when:
- As detailed as possible
- Absurd or crazy
- Existing knowlegde/experiences are used
- Logical relations are used to link the markers
What is the mnemoric nuclear option?
The use of a memory palace is an effectice and efficient way to store information. As it complies with the criteria for a good storage of the memory:
- More likely to create bizarre markers
- Helps to chunk the memories
3: hebb’s law: use existing info/experience
4: forced to create detail
5: the brain is very good in remebering places/navigating
Why is spaced repetition so important?
It does not matter how good you study, spaced repetition is always needed to be able to memorize information
what does the SQ3R method stand for ?
It breaks the process of reading down into a handful of distinct steps
- Survey: quickly skim the text
- Question: ask yourself questions to motivate yourself
- Read
- Recall: attempt to remember what we’ve read and create and improve detailed mnemonics
- Review: analyze and connect from multiple perspective. Spaced repetition to increase menorization
How to spead-read?
- Eliminate subvocalization: in other words, get rid of the voice in your head when reading. This is only partly possible; focus on a small portion of the words
- Larger fixations: create only 1-2 fixations per setence instead of 6-8
- Optimizated fixations: dont create fixations for the first and last words rather focus on the second to last etc.
What is understanding ?
Understanding is not a simple definition or a distinct situation, rather it is a process illustrated by the blooms taxonomy pyramid:
(Top to bottom)Create - evaluate - analyze - apply - understand - remeber
Why is teaching an important step for learning?
According to the model of Feynman is teaching crucial for learning, based on the following 4 steps:
- Pick a topic and start writing everything you want to know
- Pretend to teach to a classroom
- Go back to the books when you get stuck
- Simplify and use analogies