16 Lessons From 600 Episodes - Douglas Murray, Andrew Schulz & Alex Hormozi | Modern Wisdom Podcast Flashcards

  1. It is not Coordination, It’s cowardice - Andrew schultz

A lot of people follow the path of least resistance. but the bottom line is that people will forgo principles and rationality if it means keeping their job.

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  1. Original Thinkers Are Rare

The rise of social media as the primary form of social interaction changed the way that we judge people we once used to judge people mostly based on their deeds but in the age of social media we judge people mostly based on their words and opinions because that’s really all that we see of them since we’re defined by our opinions there is pressure to have an opinion on everything problem is people generally don’t have the time or the will to research everything they are expected to have an opinion on so they copy the opinions of others and this results in very few precious original

Gurwinder’s Theory of Bespoke Bullshit:
Many don’t have an opinion until they’re asked for it, at which point they cobble together a viewpoint from whim & half-remembered hearsay, before deciding that this 2-minute-old makeshift opinion will be their new hill to die on.

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  1. The problem of presence
  1. Blaze Pascal
    we never keep to the present we
    anticipate the future as if we found it too slow in coming or we’re trying to hurry it up or we recall the past as if
    to stay it’s too rapid fight we are so unwise that we wander about in times that do not belong to us and do not think of the only one that does So Vain that we dream of times that are not and blindly flee the only one that is the fact is that the present usually hurts we thrust it out of sight because it distresses us and if we find it enjoyable we are sorry to see it slip away we tried to give it the support of the future and think of how we are going to arrange things over which we have no control for a time we can never be sure of reaching Let each of us examine his thoughts he will find them wholly concerned with the past or the future we almost never think of the present and if we do think of it it is only to see what light it throws on our plans for the future the present is never our end the past and the future are our means the future alone our end thus we never actually
    live but hope to live and since we are always planning how to be happy it is inevitable that we should never be so
  2. Jake Humprey (sports podcaster)

he was still applying a lot of stress to himself and he was sort of putting more and more pressure on himself this is his quote “he said these are the golden years you can’t wait until you’ve got no stress or worry in your life before you decide to be happy because guess what you will always have stress and worry and anxiety
and problems and issues to deal with so you have to decide now that happiness is”

  1. Sam harris

another Sam Harris thing where he says what did you think that one day you’re just going to wake up and cease having problems like completing a video game and getting to a map or a level where there’s nothing there that’s never going to happen your problems will change but having problems is going nowhere and whatever negativity is consuming your thoughts probably won’t


Alex halmosi which is it’s all going to end
very soon so make sure that you enjoy it at your funeral your friends and family will argue over who gets what people will want to eat food will want food to eat the topic will shift away from your life to their lives they’ll drive away thinking about their looming to-do list some people won’t be able to make it because something came up and we worry about a low performing post on social media or what someone thinks of us are a bad
customer review or whether we’re going to finish our to-do list in time we die like we go to sleep with things unsaid and unfinished the only judge who has complete context on our lives dies with us a reminder of the heavyweight we place on the things that matter little

  1. your Neurosis is not helping your performance your ability to be idealistic is always going to outstrip reality’s ability to deliver that to you so

believe is that the results that you get in life are going to come anyway your fears and neuroses are doing little other than making your journey toward this more miserable in this way life is less like a car drive with you as an active participant and more like a train journey while you’re heading toward the same destination kind of no matter what you do –> this does not mean you cannot influence the path ofc your habits etc make it a proper train going the right speed

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  1. Your life should be ld by design, not by default

there’s a quote from Seneca where he says the best thing is to want what is Right which is also called the honesta and to not Stray From the Path okay so quote blindly following your desires makes you a slave to your impulses slave to the assumptions of those around you the advertisements you’re exposed to and the confused chemical signals of your body if we don’t pause and ask ourselves what we want to want we will spend our lives focused on unhealthy aims defined for us by others and the worst part of ourselves we will pass these bad assumptions about life onto our children and loved ones we will reinforce these boring desperate defaults in everyone we encounter to achieve Freedom we must be able to think for ourselves if we don’t cut to the core and program our wants then our best case scenario is to be a rich successful or famous slave if we never peer into our programming then we may end up being the cleverest rat in the room but that’s hardly worth celebrating.

The most important lessons that I learned from the podcast over the last five years that you get to choose your desires then you spend a good amount of
time repurposing your skill set in order to be able to help you achieve them and once you’ve got to that stage nothing can stop you like you’re you you know what you want you have the capacity to go and get it it’s game over from there

“we go to far less trouble about
making ourselves happy than about appearing to be so”

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  1. Mastering first impressions

favorite insights I got from this one was when you meet someone for the first time and they ask what you do they don’t actually care about what you what you do what they’re asking for is please give me any remotely interesting information which I can connect with my own life so it’s an opportunity for you to give an engaging and interesting answer which can lead leave a good impression and lead to a fun conversation:

the next one was uh how to add humor into
conversations by purposefully misanswering questions so this has been
the biggest one that I’ve taken away from it and it is like so stupid it’s so ridiculous to think
that I didn’t consider this as an easy way to add humor into conversations but
um maybe like me a lot of people listening take questions very literally we’re
taught in schools to answer the question as we read it in a logical logistical
manner right however Russell Brand got asked on an interview is it right that
you’re addicted to sex and he replied and said I don’t know if it’s right but it’s definitely fun.

final one here a tip for how you can speak
more attractively on a date lead with your values when you’re speaking instead of saying that you have a job at a recruitment company which you can’t wait to leave say why you’re doing that job and what it means to you you’ve got for

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  1. If You Can’t Live Without Caffeine, is Really Helping You?

so if you can’t function without caffeine can you really say that it’s a performance enhancer no it’s like mandatory it’s like air or something it’s it’s not assisting your performance it it’s required to get you from negative back to baseline or neutral and that’s not the way that it should be like when you hear people talk about

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  1. Difference between Male & female Self-improvement

my current belief is that male self-improvement sees the person as mutable and the world is immutable so you need to be able to be the best person possible whilst accepting the rules and environment you’re in this is in contrast with female self-improvement who sees the person as immutable and the world as mutable so women are taught to accept yourself and try to change the support structures and Society you’re in

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  1. Gauging the honestry of creators
  1. First one when was the last time you heard them change their mind if no amount of evidence would change someone’s opinion then they don’t hold a rational opinion they hold an ideological belief like if there is no if they can’t tell you what it would take for them to alter their stance you’re not talking to somebody that is in the world of evidence and rationality in the scientific reason right all of the thinkers that I respect the least see changing their opinions as tantamount to destruction of their sense of self because when your ego and your stances have become fused so tightly that you can no longer separate them you become less and less objective and if someone doesn’t regularly alter their opinions they’re either an unserious thinker or a Godlike deity with omniscience
  2. The second one is do they primarily identify outgroups as a mode of bonding for their in-group do they primarily identify out groups as a mode of bonding for their in-group so this is straight out of the charlatan Playbook which my housemate Zach calendar taught me about leaning into tribal biases is a fast track way to getting people onto your side because humans are naturally super tribal so manifesting any enemy group to Galvanize everyone into battle against will be superbly effective at encouraging affiliation however bonding together over the mutual distaste of an out group is inherently fragile
  3. three
    how often do they admit mistakes genuinely not performatively so openness and vulnerability is a costly signal because it means that the person who you’re following cares more about being
    accurate than seeming perfect they’re prepared to identify their own blind spots in service of being honest.
  4. Four do they want to hear alternative points of view for reasons other than mocking them
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  1. How Audience Capture Has Distorted Media

Optimizing for engagement has distorted mainstream media but it’s just as distorting to independent and alternative media as well if not more so it’s sad to see the best minds of my generation destroyed by algorithms

Creator have started simping for your own audience so the incentive to challenge the audience with differing points of views is no longer there and you can see how a Creator who desires growth at all costs would easily be seduced by this

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  1. Be clear what you want

This is the answer to every productivity problem at least
that’s what I think it’s not far off and it’s John Maxwell who says you cannot overestimate the unimportance of
practically everything and it’s the core tenant of essentialism by Greg McEwen so for the first time in history most of our problems are due to abundance and not scarcity too much stimulation too much convenience too much information

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