The Nature of Absolutism, including the role of the Church Flashcards
What defines an Absolute Monarchy?
An Absolute Monarchy is characterized by absolute power held by the king, with no elected representative body.
Who were the most important ministers in an Absolute Monarchy?
The king chose a small group of ministers, with the controller-general being the most important.
Who initiates new legislation in an Absolute Monarchy?
Only the king initiates new legislation.
What is a letter de cachet?
A letter de cachet allows for arbitrary arrests and imprisonment, often seen as a form of despotism.
What is lit de justice?
Lit de justice is a royal session where the king could over-rule departments.
What role did the 13 parlements play?
The 13 parlements, composed of local nobles and higher clergymen, ensured civic duties and could refuse to register laws created by the king.
What was Louis XVI’s independence in law creation?
The king was independent in creating laws but needed the support of parlements to enact them.
What were some characteristics of Louis XVI and his wife?
Louis XVI was indecisive and lacked court experience, while his wife, Marie Antoinette, was Austrian, leading to distrust.
What nickname was given to Marie Antoinette?
Marie Antoinette acquired the nickname Madame Deficit.
What was the affair of the Diamond Necklace?
The affair involved Marie Antoinette trying to buy a 1.6 million livre necklace, which became a scandal but did not change public perceptions.
What did Louis XVI become king?
Louis XVI became King of France in 1774 at the age of 20.
What was the social status of the king?
The King was the highest nobleman in the land, placing him at the head of the social hierarchy.
What was the perceived role of the king?
The king was viewed as the ‘Father’ and protector of his people, relying on their trust.
What was the significance of Louis XVI’s coronation?
The coronation of Louis XVI was believed to mark the dawn of a new age.
What were Louis XVI’s weaknesses?
He was weak-willed, indecisive, and lacked understanding of politics, despite hopes of reforming France.
How did Louis XVI and Marie Antoinette maintain their lifestyle?
They sought pensions, sinecures, contracts, and gratuities due to the high cost of living.
What derogatory term was used for Marie Antoinette?
Marie Antoinette was derogatorily termed the Austrian Bitch due to her influence advancing pro-Austrian cliques.
What was the belief about the king’s power?
It was believed that the king’s power was God-given, granting him a divine right to rule.
What did Bossuet state about the king?
Bossuet stated that the king in his palace is the image of God in his heaven, who sets the whole of nature in motion.
What was the consequence of criticizing the king?
To criticize the king was to criticize God.
How seriously did Louis XVI take his position?
Louis XVI took his position as God’s representative in France very seriously.
What was the Church’s role in society?
The Church had an integral role in society and government.