attempts to establish constitutional monarchy Flashcards
religious reforms
- Pluralism was abolished
- The payment of annates were abolished
- The tithe, church tax and the right of the clergy to decide its own taxation in the don gratuit were abolished
- From Feb 17090 the NA began to sell off monastic wealth and property and from June it sold church land and possession for government revenue
- The Civil Constitution of the Clergy(12th July 1790)- clergymen would become paid officials, a new salary structure, bishops and priests were elected, made church subservient to the State
- In Dec 1790, Louis accepted the CCC
what was the CCC, Nov 1790
- 27th November 1790 all clergy had to say an oath to be faithful to the state
- determining whether clerics were loyal to the revolution
- 7/160 bishops swore and only 55% of parish priests swore
- the pope suspended those who took the oath and in retaliation France occupied Avignon and annexed it to France and declared in November 1791 all nonjuring or refractory priests were forbidden from using religious buildings
what was the impacts of the CCC
- Large members of the Clergy fled, and conservative peasantry in strongly Catholic areas N, W, NE and S of the Massif-Central were alarmed, destroyed national unity and led to counter-revolution- fear of eternal damnation and the Assembly was trying to change their faith
- those living in central Paris, and on the border with Austria and the Italian states were most in favour
- destroyed national unity and led to counter-revolution and civil war
what is the economic reform
- Dec 1789– NA started issuing assignats (government bonds)- soon used as cash for ordinary bigness transactions and debt repayments- excessive printing caused inflation
- Sep 1789-one-off patriotic contribution of 25% of income paid over 2 yrs
- Economic restructuring programme- a land tax, a poll or property tax and a limited tax of commercial activity
- Corporate bodies were abolished in 1791
what is the impact
- The emergence of new land-owning bourgeoisie helped agriculture
- Poor peasants and townsfolk lost out to a new class of capitalists, rather than 2nd estate nobility benefitted
what is political
- August 1789 DoM eventually was the preamble for the 1791 constitution
- 07/08 1789- a system of representative democracy, elected governing body acted as legislation, king and royal ministers as the executive, judiciary independent
- Sep 1789- Louis to have suspensory veto, the King retained right to select and appoint ministers to form a cabinet, not allowed to sit in NA
- October 1789-he was to be called King of the French power was emanated by the people
- Elections are held every year
- Dec 1789- voting distinction- active citizens, over the age of 25 and paid direct taxes equal to 3-day labour- passive citizens- received civil rights, not a vote
- Assembly had the power to make laws, collect taxes, issues of war and peace.