the MusculoSkeletal Dx Flashcards
A deformity at the base of the big toe. The big toe will deviate laterally. This usually has gradual onset. Pain can be at the area of the bunion along with redness and swelling. Wearing high heels, tight fitting shoes, and genetics can all be risk factors. X ray may be done to visualize the Joint.
An inflamamtion of the bursar, area fluid filled” pillows “ that decrease friction in some synovial joints. Bursitis is most often caused by joint over use or direct physical trauma to a bursa sca. Sxm: painful joints, visibly swollen/red on inspection. Common in choulder elbow and hip joint. Tx: NSAIDs, needle aspiration to remove fluid, corticosteroid injections.
The excessive formation of bone. (In a way this is the opposite of osteopenia). In hyperostosis, the osteorclasts slow down and stop working. This causes bone resorption to stop. The osteoblasts continue laying down new bone matrix, while the osteoclasts are unable to clear old bone matrix out of the tissue. In children this can lead to abnormal growth and development of bones.
Round back, hunch back, the thoracic curvative is greatly exaggerated. This can be a result of osteoporosis where the vertebral bodies of the spine develop compression fractures. The compression of the vertebra can cause the curative of the spine to change.
Swayback/ the lordotic curvative of the lumbar spine is exaggerated. This causes the buttocks and the abdomen to protrude abnormally.
A condition caused by an infection with Borrelia Burgdorferi. This bacterium is spread via the deer tick.
Lyme Dx
A connective tissue disorder where excess amounts of carilage is deposited in the epiphysical cartilages. An individual with Marfan’s syndrome usually is very tall and has very slender , long limbs. The changes seen in bone growth are usually not harmful. This Dx can be life threatening bc it also affects the connective tissue in the cardiovascular system, which can cause potentially deadly disorders with the heart and arteries. This is usually caused by a genetic defect on Chrono sons #15.
Marfan’s Syndrome
Abnormal deposition of bone in and around muscles. A muscle trauma can lead to calcification within the muscle tissue. In other very severe cases, the cause is unknown. In these severe cases,m the muscle to the neck back and upper limb are gradually replaced by bone.
My Osiris Ossificans
Collagen fiber and bone formation is decreased in this condition. Osteo blast activity is abdominal and in severe cases the bones are very fragile. Fibroblast activity is also abnormal which can lead to weakened(loose) tendons and ligaments around the jOint. This is an inherited connective tissue.
Osteo-genesis Imperfecta
The bones appear normal(they grow to normal size and proportions) but the bones are weak and flexible due to poor mineralization.
Is a painful and destructive bone infection, generally caused by bacteria. Most common in people over the age of 50. Often develops after surgery or trauma to the bone . Surgery to remove the damaged bone may need to be done, as well as antibiotic therapy(usually through an IV). A bone biopsy is the best test for diagnosis and allows the physician to se which bacteria is involved(so that the physician can hose the appropriate antibiotic for treatment)
Bone spurs/
A loss in bone density and mass leading to porous. Contribute factors are decrease in sex hormones(estrogen) lack in calcium in diet and vitamin D, and insufficient weight bearing work outs.DEXA(X ray, absorptiometry) is the best diagnostic check.
Prescription drugs in the bi-phos-phonate category(fosamax) reduce osteo last activity, mild loss of bone mass and density can be called Osteopenia
Can be caused by hereditary or environmental factors(including possible a viral infection). This condition has areas o increased osteoclastic activity, leading to localized areas of osteoporosis. Meanwhile, in other areas of the skeletal system , osteoblast activity will increase leading to abnormal excessive bone matrix deposit(ex, thickening and enlarging bones in the skull). The combination of both of these abnormal activities leads to a progressively deforming skeleton. Bisphosphonate treatment(Fosamax) may help with this condition.
Paget’s Disease (Osteitis Deformans)—excessive Bone deposit cause deformation of bones. Ex thickening of the Skull.
Abnormal lateral curative of the spine. This lateral deviation can occur in one or more of the moveable vertebra. This is the most common spinal curvature disorder. This can be caused by developmental disorders, infections of the spine or muscular paralysis. In most cases the causes is unknown.
This is the most common neural tube defect and will begin in the 3rd week of embryonic development, this condition occurs as the vertebrae are forming around the neural tube, n theirs condition, the spinal cord grows in an abnormal shape, and the vertebral arches are unable to form around the spinal cord. The vertebra now does not offer protection to the spinal cord and the meninges(outer membrane covering the spinal cord) bulge outwards. Most common in the thoracic, lumbar or sacral regions. Heredity and maternal diet play a role. It is now recommended that a pregnant woman take 400-800 microgram of folic acid a day, in mild cases, the open gap in the vertebra can be contracted surgically. In severe cases the brain or spinal cord may not develp properly and death may occur.
Spina Bifida
A narrowing of the vertebral spinal canal(which housed the spinal cord) or of the intervertebral foramina(the area where the spinal nerves exit the spinal cord)
Spinal Stenosis
A knee injury in which the anterior crucial ligament(ACL) medial collateral ligament(MCL) and medial meniscus are torn. Susally caused by a low to the outside of the knee . Diagnose thru MRI
Unhappy Triad
This condition ususally has sudden onset(often after a viral infection), disabling fatigue, muscle weakness and pain, sleep disturbances, fever and enlargement of cervical lymph nodes. Almost twice as many women are diagnosed with CFS than Men.
Chronic Fatigue syndrome
Muscle pain and stiffness that occurs the day after physical exertion. Any pain or soreness immediately after exercise is not DOMS, it is probably discomfort due to biochemical events from muscle fatigue. DOMS will begin several hours after exercise and can last for 3-4 days. DOMS is not fully understood, but there are three proposed mechanism which cause it. The first theory is that there are micro tears in the muscle as a result of the exertion. The second theory is that it is due to muscle spams after exercise. The third is that there are tears in the connective tissue around the muscle. Evidence supports each of these theories and DOMS may very well be a combination of them.
Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness(DOMS)
An inherited Dx, or may be the result of a spontaneous genetic mutation. Sx begin in childhood usually btw the ages 3-7, and usually in males. Grower’s Sign is an early signal of muscular dystrophies(Grower’s Sign is when the child must use their arms to push themselves up form sitting to standing, usually by placing hands on their knee and pushing up). Incidence is roughly 30 per 100,000 male births. In these children , the muscles only cytoskeleton of the muscle cell to the sarcolemma(Cell membrane). This lack of dystrophin causes progressive muscular weakness and the children are usually wheelchair bounded by the ages of 8-12 . Most available for fetal diagnosis at week 8 of gestation.
Duchenne’s Muscular Dystrophy.
A connective tissue disorder that causes pain, tenderness “ tender Spots” and Stiffness in the muscles, tendons, and surroundings soft tissues. It may be caused or aggravated by stress, trauma, dampness/cold or a lack of sleep, and it affects far more women than men. Diagnosis required tednderness in 11 of 18 predetermined spots, and widespread musculoskeletal pain for more than 3 months. Often times irritable bowel syndrome , depression and sleep disorders occur alongside this Dx.
Pain and inflammation of the muscles that attach on the medial epicondyle of the humerus., these muscles are used in flexion and abduction of the wrist. Testing with resisted wrist flexion and/or abduction will cause pain at the medial epicondyle of the humerus.
Medial Epicondylitis(Golfer’s Elbow)
An autoimmune Dx in which there is a progressive destruction of Ach receptors at the neuromuscular junction. This will cause droopy eyelids(Ptosis) , difficulty swallowing and talking and generalized muscle weakness. After affecting the face and head muscles the dx spreads to the upper extremity and chest. In 5-10% of victims, respiratory muscles will become paralyzed and death occurs. Roughly 70 % of people with myasthenia gravis have a probl;em with their thymus gland, which programs the immune system incorrectly, thus the Autoimmune Dx. More common in women than men-average are of onset for woman is 20-30 years old whereas for men it is ususlaly over the age of 60.
Myasthenia Gravis
Abnormal deposition of bone in and around muscles. A muscle trauma a lead to calcification within the muscle tissue. In other very severe cases the cause is unknown. In these severe cases, the muscle of the neck, back and upper limb are gradually replaced by bone.
Myositis Ossificans.
Another inhereitedmuscular dystrophy Dx. This type of muscular dystrophy occurs more commonly after puberty. Incidence of 13.5 per 100,000. Gradual loss of muscle strength occur cardiovascular, digestive, and respiratory complications will develop.
Myotonic Dystrophy
Caused by the polio virus.
When muscel tissue is injured, the muscle fibers break down. The fibers release their contents(proteins, enzymes etc) into the bloodstream. These materials must be removed form the bloodstream by the kidney. If the kidney is overwhelmed with the muscel breakdown by products, renal failure can occur.
A chronic rotation and lateral flexion of the neck, usually due to an injury to the sternocleidomastoid muscle.
Most commonly a result of a motor vehicle accident but can also occur in falls or during sporting activities. This injury can damage the uncles and ligaments which support the cervical spine. Neck pain, stiffness, HD, and vision troubles are most common sx. Common tx, can vary from rest, ice, NSAID’s, prescription painkiller and muscle relaxants, acupuncture chiropractic massage therapy and or physical therapy.