Knee And Ankle Tests Flashcards
Excessive Movement during this test indicates medial collateral Ligament(MCL) injury.
Abduction (Valgus) stress test
Excessive movement during this test indicates lateral collateral ligament(LCL) injury
Adduction(vagus) stress test
A “soft” or “Muchy” end feel m or increased movement of the tibia indicates anteriorcruciate ligament(ACL) injury
Lachman’s test(aka Ritchie or Trillat test)
A “soft” or “mushy”. End feel or increased movement of the tibia indicates anterior crucial elements ligament(ACL) injury.
Anterior Drawer test
Pain on distraction may indicate ligament injury. Pain on compression may indicate meniscus injury.
Apley’s compression and distraction.
A palpable,audible, or painful click over the medial or lateral joint line indicates a meniscal tear.
McMurray’s sign(aka McMurray’s click)
If a wave of fluid returns after 2 sec, this test can indicate patellar effusion.
Bulge sign
Feeling fluid moving to the infrapatellar area indicates patella effusion.
Peripatellar swelling test(aka Balloon Sign)
If a dimple or suction sign is present, this indicates an anterior talofibular ligament tear and possibly a calcaneofibular ligament tear.
Drawer test
If the foot does not move, this indicates an Achilles’ tendon tear
Thompson’ test
Tingling and or paresthesia in the foot can indicate neuritis of the deep personnel a nerve or posterior tibial nerve.
Tinel’s percussion sign.
Pain when the forefoot is squeezed can indicate foot neuroma, stress fracture r metatarsalgia.
Morton’s test