ENT DX Flashcards
Drooping of upper eye lid-could be result of myasthenia gravis, Horner’s syndrome, eye muscle weakness, damage to oculomotor nerve(C Nerve 3)
Constriction of the pupil
Dial action for the pupil
Increased space between upper eyelid and iris of the eye. Due to retraction of eyelids or exophthalmoses, both are a result of hyperthyroidism
Enlarged palpebral Fissure
Lazy Eye. Decreased vision in one eye bc the brain is favoring the other. Most common vision impairment in childhood
Rapid uncontrollable movements of the eye. Can be up and down or from side to side
Narrowing of internal eye blood vessels, seen with ophthalmoscope - indicates hypertension.
Arteriolar narrowing
Constriction of the pupil
Dial action for the pupil
Lazy eye, decreased vision in one eye bc the brain is favoring the other, most common vision impairment in childhood
Enlarged palpebral Fissure
Cross eye
Rapid uncontrollable movements of the eye. Can be up and down or side to side
Narrowing of internal eye blood vessels, seen with ophthalmoscope -indicates hypertension
Arteriolar narowwing
Eye focuses visual image in front of the retina inside of the eye. Images close up clearly, closer images are fuzzy.
Double Vision
Drainage from the ear. Can be bloody, purulent or clear and may occur alone or with other symptoms
Examiner will strike running fork, and places i on top of the patients head in the midline position. In a sensorineural type of hearing loss, sound will travel and be heard more strongly in the goo dear. In a conductive type of hearingloss, the sound will travel towards the poor ear.
Weber test
Examiner will strike running fork, and place it on the mastoid process behind the ear. The examiner will ask the patient to report when they can no longer hear the sound sand once that time in seconds. This is the bone conducted tone.the examiner will note the length of time the patient can hear the running fork in this position. This is the air conducted tone.
Rinne test
Using otoscope the examiner will view the tympanic membrane. Light will reflect off of the tympanic membrane.
- In the right ear, a band of light should reflect off of the tympanic membrane between the 4:00 and 6:00 position.
- in the left ear, a band of light should reflect off of the tympanic membrane between the 6:00 and 8:00 position.
- if the light reflex is positioned anywhere else, it can indicate that the eardrum could be bulged, retracted or inflamed.
Tympanic light reflex
Fissuring and scales on the lips and the angles of the mouth.
Nose bleed
Swelling of the tongue. The tongue may also change color(pale or red) and the surface of the tongue may appear smooth.
Difficulty swallowing, could be a result of many things(ex.cranial nerve IX or X damage, esophageal cancer)
Patient wears headphones and listen to tones in different frequencies and volumes. This test assesses the ability to hear and distinguish sounds at specific pitches and volumes.
What examine is this?
The examiner listens with a stethoscope for abnormal blood vessel sounds in the carotid artery
Use to help diagnose glaucoma. The toon meter produces a “puff of air” on the eye.the tonometer then measures eye pressure.
Non-contact tonometry
Used to Leo diagnose glaucoma. Is more specific than non contact tonometry. Anesthetic drops are given to the eye and then the tip of the tonometer touches the eye, reading the pressure.
Applianation tonometry
These are computerized maps whcih show the surface of the cornea or retina. Used to show distortions of the eye(astigmatism,scarring,retinal detachment, macular degeneration). Maybe done before refractive surgery or for fitting of contact lenses.
Corneal and retinal Topography
Evaluates blood circulation in the eye. Just Ike other angiograms. A is injected into the blood stream .
Fluorescein Angiogram
Measurement of the impedance of the middle ear, which helps on determining the cause of hearing loss.
An ophthalmoscope is a hand held instrument with an angled mirror, lenses, and a light sources. The light is shone into the eye and the doctor can observe the internal structures in the eye by looking through the lenses.
Occurs when light passing thru the cornea and lends is not refracted properly. Abnormally shaped cornea or if the lens is curved abnormally and is not symmetrical.
When the lens of the eye loses transparency, becoming cloudy. Can be due to injuries, radiation, drug and or aging. A Len replacement may need to be done if significant loss of vision or blindness results.
Is due to conditions in the outer or middle ear that block or dampen the transmission of sound waves. Wax build up or trapped water in the external canal can be a cause of temporary ( )
Conductive deafness
Pink eye
Due to the aqueous humor being to drain from the anterior chamber of the eye. Result of a blockage of the canal of Schlemm.
Occur when the lens of the eye is too flat. The visual image entering the eye is projected behind the retina. This person is far sighted, can see faraway not close up.
Legal blindness’ visual acuity falls below?
Occurs when the membranous labyrinth of the inner ear is distorted by high fluid pressure. The wall of the membranous labyrinth may rupture and endolymph and preilymph may mix. Receptors in the vestibule and semicircular canals may become overly stimulated, leading to intense spinning or rolling sensations. It may also cause auditory disturbances such as “ring” in the ears. Diuretics and low sodium diets may be prescribes to lower fluid levels in the inner ear.
Meniere’s Disease
Where the lens of the eye is too curved. This causes the visual image entering the eye to fall short of the retina. This person is “near sighted” corrective lenses can be used for treatment. LASIK can be performed to reshape the lens.
This type of hearing loss is due to a problem with the cochle or somewhere along the auditory nerve pathway. Loud sounds can damage the hair cells in the cochlea causing them to be unable to respond to sound stimuli.
Nerve deafness
Infection of the middle ear, often caused by bacteria. Commonly seen in children and infants. Pain, dizziness can be a symptom. Bacteria otitis media can be treated with antibiotics. Viral otitis meadia cannot be treated with antibiotics. Rupture of the tympanic membrane can be a complication.
Otitis media
“Far sightless” in an elderly person.
A rare inherited disease where the body accumulates excessively high levels of copper in the body. Kayser Fliesher rings in the eyes is the most common abnormal sign for This Disease on a physical exam.
Wilson’s disease
is the inability to see in low light(for ex, at night “night blindness” this is the most common Sx of Vit A Deficiency