ENT DX Flashcards
Drooping of upper eye lid-could be result of myasthenia gravis, Horner’s syndrome, eye muscle weakness, damage to oculomotor nerve(C Nerve 3)
Constriction of the pupil
Dial action for the pupil
Increased space between upper eyelid and iris of the eye. Due to retraction of eyelids or exophthalmoses, both are a result of hyperthyroidism
Enlarged palpebral Fissure
Lazy Eye. Decreased vision in one eye bc the brain is favoring the other. Most common vision impairment in childhood
Rapid uncontrollable movements of the eye. Can be up and down or from side to side
Narrowing of internal eye blood vessels, seen with ophthalmoscope - indicates hypertension.
Arteriolar narrowing
Constriction of the pupil
Dial action for the pupil
Lazy eye, decreased vision in one eye bc the brain is favoring the other, most common vision impairment in childhood
Enlarged palpebral Fissure
Cross eye
Rapid uncontrollable movements of the eye. Can be up and down or side to side
Narrowing of internal eye blood vessels, seen with ophthalmoscope -indicates hypertension
Arteriolar narowwing
Eye focuses visual image in front of the retina inside of the eye. Images close up clearly, closer images are fuzzy.
Double Vision
Drainage from the ear. Can be bloody, purulent or clear and may occur alone or with other symptoms
Examiner will strike running fork, and places i on top of the patients head in the midline position. In a sensorineural type of hearing loss, sound will travel and be heard more strongly in the goo dear. In a conductive type of hearingloss, the sound will travel towards the poor ear.
Weber test
Examiner will strike running fork, and place it on the mastoid process behind the ear. The examiner will ask the patient to report when they can no longer hear the sound sand once that time in seconds. This is the bone conducted tone.the examiner will note the length of time the patient can hear the running fork in this position. This is the air conducted tone.
Rinne test