The hip Flashcards
Week 3
What type of joint is the hip?
Ball and socket, synovial
The innominate bone consists of:
- Illium
- Ischium
- Pubis
When standing, how much weight is on each leg?
2/3rds of body weight
What does the head of the femur fit into?
The acetabulum
What does the transverse acetabular ligament form?
Foramen which allows blood supply to the femur
3 key ligaments that stabilise the hip joint:
- Iliofemoral
- Pubofemoral
- Ischiofemoral
Which ligament is the strongest?
Iliofemoral (anterior)
Which ligament in the weakest?
Ischofemoral (posterior - posterior dislocation of the hip)
What is usually disrupted in a femur fracture?
Shenton’s line
Arterial supply to the hip joint is via:
medial and lateral circumflex femoral arteries branches of the femoris profunda
Damage it which artery more commonly leads to avascular necrosis of the head of femur?
Medial circumflex artery
Which artery gives off a branch to the head of the femur in infants?
The obturator artery
A lesion to the superior gluteal nerve leads to:
Trendelenburg gait
Hip abductors:
Gluteus medius
Gluteus minimus
Tensor fascia latae
6 lateral rotators:
Piriformis Obturator internus Obturator externus Superior gemelli Inferior gemelli Quadratus femoris
Hip flexion is caused by (L2-L3):
Rectus femoris
Hip extension is caused by (L3-L4):
Gluteus maximus, hamstrings, short gluteal muscles
Hip adduction is caused by :
Adductor longus, brevis, magnus
Hip abduction is caused by (L4-L5):
Gluteus medius
Gluteus minimus
Tensor fasica latae
Nerves in the sacral plexus:
superior gluteal
inferior gluteal
sciatic (from fibial and tibial parts)
Where does sciatic nerve split again back into fibial and tibial parts?
Popliteal fossa
Sacral plexus nerve roots:
2 anastomosis that supple femur head:
Trochanteric anastomosis:
Superior gluteal
Medial and lateral circumflex
Cruciate anastomosis:
Inferior gluteal
Medial and lateral cicumflex
First perforating branch of femoris profundus
What artery does the lateral and medial circumflex artery come from?
Femoris profundis (deep femoral)