The Great War And Its Impacts 1914-39- Ireland Flashcards
Easter rising key causes
Anger with war- thought over by christnmas, high deaths at hands of british
Anti war groups mcneill
Hr delayed and for some distant memory
Election of carson as leader of ulster unions and to asquith coalition ministry 1915
End of easter rising
Britain out of proportion war like actions- shelling general poost office set ablaze, trenches dug
Rebellion condemned by redmond and catholic church
Rebels hunted down and imprisoned 15 executed
Sinn fien increase- voting with their feet dont take seats
Key irish members in easter rising
Tom clarke and sean macderott
Tom clarke and macdermott
Irish republcian brotherhodd
Secret fraternity joined mid 19thc
Planned rebellion
Motivated by frustration and pressure rather than rev optimism
Believed decline in irrish culture and ideas, wanted complete independence
Anti war irish olunteer
Split redmonds volunteers 1914
Opposed idea of unprovijed rebellion felt no realistic proposal for sucess
Patrick pearce
Public face of easter rising
Wrote proclamation
Declare short libed replublic established by revolutions
Romantic- blood sacrifice maytyrdom
Role of general john mazwell
Instrument of brutish policy
Presidened over secret military tribunal- ordering execution of 15 leaders- got blame
Did not deal with british army misdeeds druing easter week- shot civilians
Asquith- guilty on the firtst degree- it was maxwel who wanted the exectution
Consequences of rising on a-i reslations
Increase sinn fein wanting total independance
Anger at maxwell
1918 refuse to take seats
Spark ai war - ira jukk 2 police officers in solohead jan 1919
Lloyd geogre moved to implement hr 1920
Why did easter rising fail
Hostility of people in dublin- betraying soldiers at war
Confined to dblin other towns didnt participate
No outside help- german ships carrying arms intercepted
Rebels outbumbered by soldiers and armed police
Weapons for easter riising
Sir roger casemen irish sypathiser obtained arms from germany for rebellion yet intercepted
Rise sinn fein
We ourselves
Direct result easter risinng
Attempt conscription 1918- all of ireland will rise agianst uyou
73 sf leaders arrested claiming they were plotted with germany
Won 73 seats in 1918 yet refused to take them
Rep for nationalists
Jan 1919
Parliament of ireland
Eineann was formed and declared indepnedance and democratic withdrawal
De valera chosen as president
Outbreak ww1 on ai relations
Rewarded with hr
War went on longer than expected- leading to easter rising
AI war
Ira murdered two police officers triggerinng it
Ira announce ireland and britain at war
Iraw campaign against royal irish constabulatory (irish police force)- 176 murder of policement in 1920 alone
Lg outlaw sin fein and ira- recruit black and tans former sldiers
Violence escalates and martial law reintroduced
Iraw target civilians acused of sheltering polciemen
21 nov bloody sunday- 11 gb civilians shot
British soldier shot into grounds
British surrendered first
Ai treaty negotiations
Lg wanted ireland to become a dominion- full control over domestic polucy but part of empire with omnarch as head of state
De valera deternined that ireland should become fully independent state
Both sides agreed to talks
De velera sent arthur griffiths and michael collins as chief negotiators
Churchill and austern chamberlian held firm on issue of irish allegience to crowm and empire
Events in south- durin ai war
Sinn fein dominated parliament in s with 124/128 seats
War still continued
British public pressured gov to end the war as autrocities mounted
Ira also wanetd a truce due to their high death toll - 752 jilled in first half 1921
Truce called 11th july 1921
Deal of ai treaty
Agreed to free partnership with other states associated within the british commmonwealth
Dublin instructed collus to reject oath of allegaience to crown and make sire Ireland stayed out of commonwelath
Not sign treaty without dail agreement- delegation signed anyway
Collins nknew not go bacj to war
Reactions to ai treaty
Britian was relieved
De valera firmly opposed to the oath of alligiience to crown but the irish cabinet accepted treaty 4-3
Dail agreed 64-57
De valea lost on vote of confidence and suceeded by griffins and new gov
Government of ireland act terms
Ireland divided into 6 county ni and 26 county s ireland
Both new states would dhave. Aparliament of two chambers eected by pr and a gov accountale to their parlianent
Westminster gov retains control over foreign and defence policy as welll as having ultimate supremacy
June 1922 elections
Large majority supporting colins- pro treaty faction - 78% popular vote
Inflamed tensions as de valera nati treaty group began a campaign of violence resultig in brief civil war
Coklins assassinated aug 1922
Statute of westminster 1931
Dominins no longer subordinate to british- irish can ignore bitain
Still have crowm in control symbolised by govenor general
External relations act
Abolished gov general cronw
Monarch still head of state
Irish constitution
Taioscach as pm
Acknowlegde special position of catholic church in irish law making
Not united ireland
Gfrowing tensions in ulster- catholic and portestant
2 gov exists
Why did the british gov not do more to prevent the sucess of irish nationalists
Preparing for ww2 hitler was a bigger concern- 1936 remilitarised rhineliand
India wanted independence- dont want to lose british empire
Great depression, unemp
Abdication crisis
Civil war
Folowing ai treaty
Ended ini apr 1923- anti treaty roecs surrender
Cosgrave new irish preisdent
1926- could declare nat emergency- public safety act
Why did sinn fein split
Fianna fail 1926
De evelera felt that betrayed by treaty of collins and griffiths
Aim to secure political independece of united ireland as republic
1927 dvelera relected to dail
Fianna fail in power and de vekera pn
The irish nat were largely successful in years 1914-39
No limited
Choose from - easter rising
Ai war
De valera
Irish nat largely sucessful inetrwar- easter rising- y
Sucess nat lt
Hr distant memory
Irish lives lost on westenr front
More extreme irish nat wanted dcause back on politcial agenda
Weapons bought from ger - strong beleif irish poeple irse up oin support rebels and crush british rule
15 matyrs made
Turned public sentiment against britsih- won over 70 seats 1918 ge
Irish nat not sucess interwar easter rising
Weapons- caseman- intercepted
Many irish appaled at uprpisng and did not join
Reposne of british seen as unecessay- gpo shelled
Innocent civilians killed
Leaders rebellion killed kilmainham gaol- one had to be executed in a chair as injuries so severe
Ai war- sucess irish nat
Triggered sinn fein declare indepndece in 1919
Balck and tans truneed public opinion against
Concessions given in treaty- after turce called july 1921
Dublin and belfast own parliaments in 1920 as attempt by british to end war
Ulster partitioned
Hr step in right direction
78% pop happy with treaty
Ai war- not sucess irish nat
Ulster division meant not uniited irealdn
Ireland dominion status and more control internal affairs but british gov reserved right to interfere
22% not happy with treaty hard liners and fiercer- treaty insisted on oasth of alligeince to crown
Collins was assiinated by anti treaty rebels indictae strength of feeling regarding the treaty
De velera- irish nat sucess
Felt imperitave honour memories of 15 matyrs from 1917 and thus nothing less than a united and independent irealdn would suffice
De velera set up new party- fianna fail in 1927
1927 set up ai
De velera utilised british focus on econ depression rise of nazis and fall of empire
1931 statute of westminster gave dominions equal status meaning ireland no longer a subeordinate to britsain
1936 external relations act- abolished monarchy involvement in irshi internal affairs and post irish govenor general removed
Ww2- britain returned 3 treaty ports in hope of negotiations- not
De velera not nat sucess
Ireland remained nder crown and part of british empire
Ulster- irish nat not sucesdfyl
As not united ireland
Ulster pleased to have own palirment in 1920 as felt it gave them greaty protection against ytrheat ira
1912 uvf formed
Fearful of union with ireland with catholic dominated palirmanet in dblin undermine own interests and supremacy of protestantism
Felt southern farmers knw little northern industry- damage econ of ulster
Discrim catholics liing in ulster- voting qual favour protestants and gerrymandering became commonplace to keep catholics out of power rin belfast